I like the set up you have here with the theme of Angels. One you may wan to consider getting for it would be Reya Dawnbringer. She brings back a creature every upkeep. I also noticed that you have a few lower cost creatures as well. To keep with the theme, you could add Angelic Wall, a 0/4 Flying defender for 1W.
i agree. why did you even post it?
This seems like a discard deck that has no way of dealing damage except for the corrupt and consume spirit. No creatures to defend against your opponents. I just dont see how this deck is going to last 2 turns out there with the exception of the ivory tower.
very interesting layout you have here. I would actually have to play against it to get a good grasp of which to rate it on. but good deck all around.
Yeah, get rid of the Faerie. it'll do you no good once you run out of goblins. Replace them with Boggart Torchrunner. that way if you sack it for your voracious dragon, you deal damage for the dragon's effect, and the goblin's too. but I do like your assortment of other spells. very interesting
One thing you would want to get rid of is the Dimir House Guard because its not a zombie. Plus there isnt enough creatures with mana cost of 4 to use its transmute ability. And get rid of Nezumi. The only way that he would work well in play is if you get him to flip. until then, he is in danger of the Noxious Ghoul. Add a few more Undead Warchiefs, and throw in a couple Soulless Ones.
dude, dont come my way with this deck. I'd have no chance of winning against it.
this does seem like a very good deck. I'd love to play against you sometime with it
not bad. too bad we couldnt meet to put it to the test
Never seen a deck that lets your opponent to lose life or an alternative punishment.
dude, this is a wickedly powerful deck. I do not want to face it, I'm that scared of if. You should take this into a tournament. There just doesnt seem to be a way around it once start getting those rats out. The only thing that could make this deck any better is trample.
This is a well built deck, Id have to say. Not too much you'd have to do to make it stronger. Just make sure that when Niv-Mizzet is out, that you can attack and not worry about defenders. Cuz if you just tap it to draw a card, you only deal 1 damage. So if it's the only flier out, attack your opponent with him to deal 4 damage instead. Otherwise, yeah, I would actually want to play against you to see how it rolls
this is ok, since all your creatures cost only W. But Glorious Anthem doesnt work when Humility is out. Because even though the Anthem would give them +1/+1 after their own attack and defense, Humility would automatically bring it back down to be a 1/1. So dump the Humility for something else, like Angelic Benediction which gives your attacking creature +1/+1 so long as it attacks alone. Also, I would add Akrasan Squire or Aven Squire.
I like this deck that you put together It's absolutely fabulous. I never thought a duo tribal deck would work this well. just Throw in a Swamp, and you're ready to go.
I wouldnt say that this is a bad deck, but I also cant say its a good deck either.
I too have to give it a big thumbs up. Only one suggesstion. Put in Rakdos, the Defiler.
This is ok, but the first thing I reckomend is adding a few more land. But get rid of the doomed necromancer and replace it with the Lord of the Undead. It too allows you to bring zombies back, but you dont have to sack it. Plus it gives your other zombies +1/+1. Also get rid of the rotlung reanimator. because you wont have too many clerics to lose. Here's a link to my Zombies so you can compare between that and yours. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=15754
But if you add the cards in your sideboard into your deck, you will have a better chance of winning.
All I have to say is no. you only have 4 creatures to deal with and damage spell. and the amount of land in there makes up for the effects of your giant, but theres no way that it'll guarantee a win if your opponent blocks with a whimpy creature. You will just end up killing your library, and a deck with a strategy of killing libraries would beat you easily.
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