Ok, I see the treshold and the vampires, but how do you work with that and the Brownscale and Life from the Loam? Those are the only cards with Dredge, so Im a bit confused.
thanks, Im just missing a few Gelectrodes. and maybe a few Wall of Stone.
Oh, please comment on my zombies: http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=15754
zombie decks are fun. But yeah, throw in a couple Zombie Masters and 3-4 Lord of the Undead
I have to agree. Why do you have 1 Black creature in there and only Swamps? Do you plan to bring them out with Dread Return?
I see domain. But what I dont see is a real strategy. I looks like you're depending upon domain to win. and all but Cromat and your artifact creatures are mana cost redusing creatures. strategies like that are useless and need to rethought.
oh, yeah that would be nice if you needed a card that goes well with haveing a big graveyard, the Avatar of Woe would be really useful to you and the Mortal Combat
and spitting earth
I would add Banefire
other than controlling your opponent's turn, I dont see a good blocker until you get the Mindslave/Bringer combo I would add some smaller creatures to defend until you get either the Bringer or the Elf. since youre running 5 colors, one you could afford to get is Wall of Stone. its a 0/8 for 1RR. Ive used it for a different deck for a good defense til i got bigger creatures out. It saved me from a Sliver deck once.
I dont see why you call it a Dragon Storm deck when you only have 7 dragons. but its a nice deck otherwise.
Add some land. Get rid of Tomorrow, too. It counter acts Niv-Mizzet's ability to damage your opponents for drawing. I dont know the point behind the Dream Thrush for this deck Some defenders would be useful too. One good one that ive found useful when I went against a Sliver deck was Wall of Stone. A 0/8 defender for 1RR. It helped save my butt when I ran out of shocks and incinerates. And for more instant damage creatures, add Steamcore Weirds. a 1/3 for 3U and when you spend R for it, it deals 2 damage. and Peal from Reality will let you return one of your creatures and one of your opponent's, return Steamcore Weird so you can do that one more time. And, add some counterspells, too. Just so you can get some control over your opponent, too. also, add a couple Gelectrodes so you can just tap and deal damage, then when you whip out an instant or sorcery, untap to deal damage again. Also, add Invoke the Firemind, that way, if you have Niv-Mizzet out, you'll deal damage, whether you draw cards or choose to damage. One last thing, add Isochron Scepter. Imprint Shock or Incinerate or Counterspell to it, and you got infinite instants. Please check out my Izzet Guild and compare and comment on it. Its very similar to this one. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=16279
yeah, there really isnt much of a theme or strategy to it, unless you count the Morph ability
no problem. Boggart Shenanigans has helped me out alot with my goblins. put it in combination with the Murderous Redcap, you deal the damage for him dieing, then brings it back to deal more damage. hmmm, maybe i should get the redcap in my deck. Thanks for the tip!
take out Boneknitter and replace it with Zombie Master. it may cost B more, but then all your zombies get Regeneration for just B and Swampwalk. Then throw in Zombie Trailblazer to tap a Zombie to turn a land into a swamp for the Swampwalk to work. otherwise, nice zombie deck. please comment on mine. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=15754
OK, just a suggesttion
I forgot mention to check out my zombie deck http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=15754
Take a look at my zombies, too! http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=15754
This is a nice Zombie deck. good amount of land, Lord of the Undead, Zombie Master, Undead Warchief, and Soulless One. But I would take out the Cover of Darkness. With Zombie Master and Urbog, Fear wont be necicary because you cant block Swampwalk with anything. So I would replace them with 2 Death Baron and 2 Corpse Harvester. As for your sideboard, Add Phage, and 2 to 4 Korlash
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