also, you should add 4 dragon speaker shaman. not only are they cheap, they lower the casting cost of your dragons
yes, i agree also, add some smaller creatures for early defenses, and also as a way to bring out your dragons faster is to add Elvish Piper.
dude, wtf?
i havent seen Twilight, but i know i dont want to see it
i do see a point from Hark, but you cant have your deck be ready for anything. each deck as a weakness. and thats what makes them unique.
you should add Banefire
i do like the fact that your are useing dragons only from Alara, but with no little creatures to defend yourself from your opponent other than using Dragon fodder, your gonna lose quickly, unless you get lucky. plus, with no little creatures other than the use of Dragon Fodder, the Devour feature just became pointless
tis be a good deck, but again, Memory Lapse is outta place for a Mill deck. I suggest replacing them with either 4 Counterspells, or 2 Cathardic Adepts, 1 Nemesis of Reason, and 1 Szadek, Lord of Secrets.
nice deck. please rate my Orzhov deck
i agree with erjohn12. I like the idea of making a Planeswalker deck, but you have no defenses at all except your little spells. and once you do get your Planeswalkers out, theyre in even more danger than you are. The least I would do is add some walls, just for protection, Especially Wall of Denial and Wall of Shadows. Denial is a 0/8 flier with Shroud and Shadows doesnt take combat damage.
you may want to consider adding more Plains and less of the Urza's land. also, more equipment would help too. please check out my Glimmervoid deck. its essentially the same, just more non-cat creatures.
oh, as for cards that'll bring artifacts out, check the MIrroding block. that was all about artifacts. also the Esper cards from the Alara block.
nice scarecrow deck. I think we would have to fear the Reaper though
well, it looks more like a milling zombie deck with thanks to the Lich-Lord. And Jace is in there to assist the milling. some instants you may want to consider is Induce Paranoia and Traumatise. also, a creature to help with would be Cathardic Adept. its not a zombie, but is a wizard for U and taps to put the top card of a library into a graveyard. please comment on my Zombie deck and my Dimir Guild
I dont see why you have the Husk in there, it doesnt really fit the theme for a Goblin Deck. I would replace it with 4 Boggart Shenanigans. Especially since you're running Wort and the Commander in there. For a sideboard, I'd add Goblin Replica. That way if you're running against an artifact deck, youd be able to switch it out to kill those artifacts. and bring em back with Wort. Others you might want to consider would be Goblin Matron and/or Boggart Harbinger. they let you search your library for a goblin card. please comment on my goblin deck!
No problem
i agree with I3dzppln, especially with decks with 3+ colors. but good deck layout. please rate my goblins
Nice deck. Looks like it would do very great. But where's the Undead Warchief and Lord of the Undead? anyways, please rate and comment on my Zombie Deck.
im glad that you admit its an expensive deck, but one thing you could do to help with that is by adding more land 18 isnt enough for a 2 color deck. otherwise its good. I just question for the choice of the cards in your sideboard.
i agree that you should get rid of the 0 of's but thealextheory doesnt have to be rude about it.
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