Might as well play Black Lotus + Channel + Fireball
It was hard to fit Rhox in here, especially becuase he is a 4 drop which does nothing. Trostani is much better for this deck, and I feel like I only have room for one or the other.
I wanted to fit 2 in the deck, but couldn't make room. Almost always when I cast Thragtusk or Acidic Slime I am tapping out for it, so my next turn is when I will play the closet or angel to flicker in allmost every scenario either way.
Considering dropping 2 Elvish Visionary and 1 Armada Wurm for 3 Bramble Crush. I may just use that as a SB tactic for midrange and control decks.
Lingering Souls should certainly have a place in this deck. Where you sould make cuts for it is up to you, but I would suggest 2 Entreat the angels, 1 bloodline keeper, and 1 tragic slip. It's just a very valuable spell due to its flahback, and is powerful as both a defensive and offesive spell. Really good at creating a barrier of tokens to protect planeswalkers.
Try Elite Inquisitor over Thraben Vlaiant - it is strictly better.
I play standard mostly. I play in a competitive FNM that has a 50$ 1st place prize pay out every week, and I am hoping this deck will help me win it. It isn't well situated against Izzet Staticaster + Night Shade Peddler decks, so I will have to adjust my sideboard to be prepared for that matchup. Feels strong against everything else. Hexblade won't be able to keep enchantments on the field and the lifegain aspect will easily outpace the creatures without ethereal armor.
I would drop mask of Avacyn and put in Midnight Haunting or Lingering Souls.
This is a good start. I think your deck is going to be very fast, so I doubt you'll always need the fog effects. I would suggest dropping druids deliverance and a rootborn defenses for Mayor of Avabruck - instantly pumps all your other humans, and can win games on his own if he flips. I would also say add 2 more Silverblade Palladins, that double strike and trample is amazing.
Decided to go with 3 Oblivion Ring over 3 Centaur Healer. I know the centaur has a lot more synergy, but being able to remove a powerful card from the game seems more important in this deck than what the centaur is giving me.
Not a bad idea at all (maybe the wurm part). I would suggest 4 Farseek to help ensure that you can destroy a land on turn 3 instead of turn 4. And an aggro deck will have you dead before land destruction hurts them at all. Huntmaster of the Fells helps to keep you alive, but if thats too expensive try burn spells. If you drop Worldspine Wurm, Rain of Thorns, and Survey the wreckage, you can add Farseek, Huntmaster of the fells, and Thragtusk. Also consider Conjuror's Closet: Closet + Acidic Slime = destroy a land every turn.
Goblin Guide should replace Raging Goblin, or Loyal Legionist can replace Raging Goblin once Gatecrash is released.
This could easily be made standard type 2 instead of modern.
Why is the deck type 2 standard except for underworld dreams? Maybe a typo?
Arbor Elf would be a nice addition. a little bit of ramp will help you pace, and it works with Hellrider as well
Consider Silverblade Palladin - It can bond with the angel token when it enters for good effect.
I would try Sublime Arcangel over Increasing Savagery.
Consider faith's shield for your sideboard, as well as Rootborn Defenses (indesturitbility means supreme verdict does nothing to your creatures). Replace Pacifism with Bonds of Faith, as sometimes just pumping your creature is better than the removal aspect.With the many dual lands available, and Cavern of Souls, I think you would be better off splashing a second color. Green offers you Mayor of Avabruck, Selesnya Charm and Rancor (trample + double strike + creature pumps = quick death.)Red offers Lightning Mauler (Soul bond with Odric for a devestating turn 4 attack) Zealous Conscripts, and a variety of burn spells for versatility.
I would drop the 3 rancor entirely, this would bring your deck to an even 60 which is statistically preferable. Then, drop the 4 gravecrawler and add 2 more captains and 2 more lands. Given your mana curve, 22 lands will aloow you to consistently draw enough lands to play a land each turn at least for the first 3 turns, which you want to be playing a 3 drop on turn 3 with this deck, or if nothing else a 2 drop and a kill spell.
Gravecrawler is your only zombie, so his ability to be cast out of the grave is not very useful in this deck. drop him and focus on your vampires. remove rancor as well, its not good enough to spread out your manabase for just that card.
101-120 of 148 items