
70 Decks, 180 Comments, 44 Reputation

Both good cards. I am hoping I don't need the evasive creatures because I can rely on Legion Loyalist, Frontline Medic, and Odric to make all my attacks either trample, indestructible creatures, or unblockable. Still a lot to try out though.

Posted 28 January 2013 at 15:51 in reply to #319407 on Gatecrash Humans


Probably a good idea, I'm still tweaking it.

Posted 28 January 2013 at 15:48 in reply to #319401 on Gatecrash Humans


I would consider Hellraiser Goblin - he gives all creatures haste (much like chieften) but with the drawback of forcing all creatures to swing every turn. But this is Goblins, so we should be doing that anyways.

Posted 28 January 2013 at 14:25 as a comment on Goblins are back!


Bant can be rough if you don't get the right draw against them. To Sidboard against them, you want to drop 2 Cloudshift, 1 Elvish Visionary, and 2 Trostani. Bring in 3 Bramblecrush and 2 Armada Wurm. Against control, you really want to destroy their lands as early as possible, so make sure that is your focus. Armada Wurm is are aggressive card, and replaces Trostani which is defensive. Save your Oblivion Rings for Planeswalkers. Don't overextend your field - 1 Thragtusk and some 1/1 creatures will put enough pressure on the opponent to force them to cast Supreme Verdict. If you play smart, you can cast Restoration Angel at the end of their turn after the sweep the board and then starting your next turn still have a 3/3 and a 3/4 to attack with. If you can't destroy their lands early, they will begin to draw a lot of cards, but if you get into desstroying lands in the latter part of the game, you can still lock them out of being able to play effectively against you. Remember to destroy duals lands, but start with the color mana they may only have one source for, and aim to keep them from having access to all 3 colors. If you still have problems against them, consider siding in Thalia, Gaurdian of Thraben to give you even more of an edge.

Posted 28 January 2013 at 14:14 in reply to #319152 on Selesnya Flicker


This is an infinte mana deck, not a traditional mill.

Posted 25 January 2013 at 16:30 in reply to #318755 on Silence! I MILL you!


I love the concept. I would drop the otherworld atlas for forbidden alchemy, which will help you draw the combo faster. I would also consider dropping a few cards here and there for dissipate - one kill spell or well timed counter ruins your combo and likely loses you the game, so having a counterspell ready will prevent that.

Posted 25 January 2013 at 16:02 as a comment on Silence! I MILL you!


The whole deck is type 2 standard except for path to exile. If you don't care about legality, Swords to Plowshares and Journey to Nowhere are strong exile cards for white.

Posted 24 January 2013 at 22:17 as a comment on Your opponent has been exiled


Geist-honored Monk is a pwerful token generator, might fit in here. Trostani is a wonderful card for this deck as well. Consider Intangible Virtue, since most of your tokens are small creatures.

Posted 24 January 2013 at 21:41 as a comment on Selesnya


I would drop 2 dusmantle prowler, 2 guardians of akrasa, and 2 builders blessing (which was a good idea for this deck) and add in 3 sign in blood and 3 tragic slip. I assume you would add more Sublime Archangel if you had them. The reason you want more removal and card draw is because even though you will be playing creatures constnatly, they won't be sswining. you need to remove whats in your way, and be able to draw more removal for the 1 for 1 trades you'll be making.

Posted 24 January 2013 at 21:07 as a comment on Exalted


Thanks. I played it at FNM last week, 4-1 2nd place. my only loss was a close game 3 against G/W/B Tokens, and I didn't have any sweepers in my board at that point, that's why I made room for the Divine Reckoning. Most of my opponents once locked at 2 (or less) land by Acidic Slime and Conjurers Closet conceded after I played a Thragtusk or Restoration Angel.

Posted 24 January 2013 at 18:27 in reply to #318566 on Selesnya Flicker


I would drop feed the pack and curse of stalked prey for seraing spear/mizzium mortars. prey upon is basically a removal spell, but you're playing red and there are aggro decks faster than this one, so you want to be able to remove the early problem cards they play.

Posted 24 January 2013 at 17:19 as a comment on Where Are the Wolves


seems strong

Posted 24 January 2013 at 14:19 as a comment on BW Spirits


30 land seems like way too much. 25 sounds better.

Posted 24 January 2013 at 14:09 as a comment on White W33N33


Needs some Rancor to grant your creatures trample - a 12/12 is worthless if they have a 1/1 to block it.

Posted 23 January 2013 at 21:08 as a comment on Selesnya Definace


Champion of Lambholt is effectively a wandering wolf effect for the whole team - I would probably run it over Sundering Growth which I would keep in the sideboard. Wolfbitten Captive can be another aggressive 1 drop, forcing your opponent to cast a spell or let it flip (it's fairly god even without flipping).

Posted 23 January 2013 at 21:06 as a comment on No Skill Required: GDW


I like Tricks of the Trade over spectral flight - same damage output but better evasion. Although it costs more, you don't have anything else in your deck over 3 mana, which I would say you could really run 20 lands, especially with curiosity drawing you cards

Posted 23 January 2013 at 15:08 as a comment on Curious Stalkers


Thalia is very good at slowing down the control players sweepers. Rootborn defenses makes your creatures indestructible, so they would survive any sweeper aside from mutilate. Since your creatures are all humans, I would consider Champion of the parish over Nearheath Pilgrim, and bring in the Pilgrim against aggro decks so you can out race them.

Posted 23 January 2013 at 15:06 in reply to #318276 on Curious Stalkers


I would probably remove cloudshift and rely on Trostani and Restoration Angle to make more Wurms. That would open 4 slots for Thragtusk, which is an excellent game saving card, can be flickered for a lot of value, and gives another token option for Trostani to Populate.

Posted 23 January 2013 at 14:53 as a comment on G/W Mid/Top Range


Since you don't care about legality, Traumatize is one of the most powerful mill cards around

Posted 22 January 2013 at 22:51 as a comment on Jace Mill Deck


I'm not certain that the infinte combo actually works. From what I understand, Stuffy Doll with Guilty Conscience enchanting it would work as follows:
Stuffy Doll taps and deals 1 damage to itself (And 1 damage to the chosen player) This triggers Guilty Conscience to deal 1 damage to Stuffy Doll (And Stuffy Doll deals 1 damage to the chosen Player again) And that is all that would happen. Guilty Conscience deals the damage, not Stuffy Doll, so it won't trigger Guilty Consciences' effect again because the creature didn't deal the damage, the enchantment itself did.
Now if you cast Pariah and a Stuffy Doll enchanted with Guilty Conscience with yourself as the chosen player, you can create an infinite loop.

Posted 22 January 2013 at 22:26 as a comment on It's a little stuffy in here..


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