
70 Decks, 180 Comments, 44 Reputation

Personally I would drop the 4 Downpour for 2 Supreme Verdict and 2 Entreat the Angels. Obviously More Snapcaster Mages would be ideal. And Drop Thoughtscour for counterspells (either syncopate or dissipate dependeing on your prefernce.)

Posted 22 January 2013 at 18:26 as a comment on Esper Control


I would move Olivia to the sideboard and use 2 Hellrider instead, much more aggressive.

Posted 22 January 2013 at 14:13 as a comment on Standard B/R Fast Aggro


Yes, I really would like to fit in 2 Cloudshift, but I can't find the room. The 4 Oblivion Rings have proven incredibly important in almost every match as my only main creature removal. I will always perfer to have Conjurers Closet or Restoration Angel over Cloudshift. Elvish Visionary is an important card because it fills the curve well and helps to ensure I draw the cards I need. I don't want to drop any more of the mana ramp cards, I feel like this is the sweet spot for mana acceleration. I could potentially drop 1 Trostani and maybe 1 Visionary or Angel of Serenity, So I might toy around with that and see how I like it.

Posted 22 January 2013 at 14:11 in reply to #317456 on Flicker Mid-Range (Standard)


I would add Farseek as well to help ensure you get a Ramp card in the first 2 turns.

Posted 18 January 2013 at 22:14 as a comment on mono green standard speed undy


I would make the vexing devils snapcaster mage and the arsonist goblin electromancer

Posted 18 January 2013 at 19:15 as a comment on New look at Izzet


No problem, happy to help a new player getting started. I thought i'd give some basic tips on deck construction as well, but the more you play the better you'll get at it. The important thing in the begginning is to play the cards you like, get the basics and fundamentals of the game down. If you don't have some of the cards I've posted here, adding in more removal cards wont hurt (pacifism, arrest). I think the most expensive card in the deck is Odric. Take a look at my other "Budget" decks for some ideas on strong but inexpensive decks.

Posted 18 January 2013 at 15:42 in reply to #317191 on Odric Tokens 'Budget'


Posted 18 January 2013 at 15:13 as a comment on Odric's Army


The most important thing I noticed about the deck - 16 lands is not enough for this. I would suggest at least 22, but really 24 should be good. I am going to make a Token Odric deck right now and post it so you can get some ideas on what your deck should be aiming for. I'll add the link in a few moments,

Posted 18 January 2013 at 15:03 as a comment on Odric's Army


I would drop 4 cloudshift (your only good target is Azorius Arrester) for 4 Silverblade palladin, and move Supreme Verdict to the sideboard and put in 3 syncopate.

Posted 18 January 2013 at 14:25 as a comment on New look at Azorius


Fencing Ace + Enchantments can be very strnog and fast, but the deck runs into the same issue all Aura decks have. You play a creature, then put 2 enchantments on it, then your opponent casts 1 kill spell, basically costing you 3 cards to the grave for your 1. U/W enchantment decks work because they have creatures with hexproof that can't be touched. T o address this issue in your G/W deck, I would take out Sundering Growth and Centaur Healer (Side Board Cards) and put in 4 faith's shield. Faith's Shield works not only as a protection spell, but can alo allow your creature to swing in unblockable in many scenarios. for the other 2 slots I would put in Champion of the Parish (I would personally run 4 in this deck) it is a powerful turn 1 play, and nearly all of your creatures are humans, and will give you a good creature to enchant immediately if you don't draw Fencing Ace.

Posted 18 January 2013 at 14:23 as a comment on [Standard] G/W Enchants


I would play 4 Goblin Electromancer (dropping the Auger of Bolas) and swap either the guildmage or ash zealot for 4 Guttersnipe.

Posted 18 January 2013 at 14:06 as a comment on chandra's wrath


I was never a huge fan of Vexing Devil, so Loyal Legionist can take his spot come Gatecrash. Aside from that, it's pretty staright forward RDW, not much else to say on it that wouldn't be just personal playstyle choices (I like a few more burn spells, and either 2 Zealous Conscripts or Traitorous Blood Mainboard.)

Posted 17 January 2013 at 22:51 as a comment on RDW (red deck wins) Standard


Fun theme. I currently play a G/W land destruction deck (standard) that revolves around Acidic Slime and Conjurer's Closet to destroy a land every turn.

Posted 17 January 2013 at 21:50 as a comment on Ultimate Green Destruction


I would utilize Delver of Secrets over Invisible stalker. Stalker is only good if you get a pike on him or some other enchantment. I would drop Essence Backlash for Cyclonic Rift. Cyclonic Rift should have a spot in this deck - when your opponent gets a tough creature on the field that you cuoldn't counter, Cyclonic Rift (or even unsummon) can usually buy you a full turn, as they will have likely used all their mana to cast this one spell and now they have to cast it again the next turn. Cylconic Rift has an excellent Overload effect as well.

Here is my U/R Tempo which has won a couple of FNM's for me and always gets me into the top 8 (about 30 -50 players at my shop)
Also, Snapcaster Mage is amazing but very expensive, so I understand if you don't want to drop 100$ for them

Posted 17 January 2013 at 20:40 as a comment on Controlled Burn


Same concept, without Elocutors but with more consistent control and more Jace

Posted 17 January 2013 at 17:52 as a comment on Congress


I like Curse of the Blood Tome over Chronic Flooding for the mill enchantment because it puts them on a clock regardless of their mana sources. 3 sphere of saftey wouldn't hurt, because the abilities stack, so playing a second one more than doubles the mana they need to pay. for really creature heavy decks, consider Pacifism at least for your sideboard: it is a cheap enchantment which ups sphere of safety's count and also deals with an early creature.

Posted 17 January 2013 at 17:50 as a comment on Congress


yes, this is a really good pro deck that has been destroying tournaments. It loses terribly to Hexblade decks though, so you have to pray not to run into them because you have no answers. But any other creature based deck is crushed by nightshade peddler.

Posted 17 January 2013 at 17:42 as a comment on Nightshade Pingers


Geist honored monk is a strong token generator. I would suggest Conjurer's Closet as well. Restoration Angel is another strong Flicker creature. Of course Thragtusk and Huntmaster of the Fells are both good targets for bouncing.

This is my mid-range Selesnya deck based on the same principle, and it gets me in the top 4 every week at FNM (out of 30-50 people)

Posted 17 January 2013 at 17:11 as a comment on Retired: People's Primadox 1.4


This is my current Side Board. Avenging Arrows and Fiend Hunter enter against Nightshade Peddler decks. Selesnya Charm, Fiend Hunter, and Safe passage enter against Selesnya aggro, and B/R Aggro. Plummet is for any decks running Sublime Archangel, Falkenrath Aristocrat, and Thundermaw Hellkite so we can have an instant speed answer to these powerful cards. Chalice of Life is for any Control decks. Control has a bad matchup against land destruction anyways, but even if they can kill our creatures they have to deal with a Chalice as well which is difficult for them.

Posted 17 January 2013 at 16:31 as a comment on Flicker Mid-Range (Standard)


Also, just to illustrate Trostani over Rhox (obviously she can populate):
Rhox on the field - cast Thragtusk = 10 life. Flicker Thragtusk = 10 life.
Trostani on the field - Cast Thragtusk = 8 life. when Thragtusk dies, 3/3 enters, gain 3 life = 11 total. Flicker = 11 total.

Posted 17 January 2013 at 15:07 in reply to #316950 on Flicker Mid-Range (Standard)


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