I've been playing this deck for a month now at FNM. After going 4-1 for 3 weeks straight, I finally went 5-0 last week and hope to repeat that tonight. Many players just scoop when they are down to 1 land and realize they have no way to stop your Acidic Slime from flickering every turn.
Consider adding Primal Huntbeast, becuase it has Hexproof it is a good card to attach auras to.
The best deck idea me and my friends came up with for a deck built around Borborygmos was to make it a reanimater deck. You'll end up pitching several lands to the grave before reaching your reanimate target. then play Creeping Renissance to return all lands from your grave to your hand a basically discard a ton all at once for an instant kill. Just an idea for that one card specifically, but it is a different deck entirely.
I assume you're playing Gesit of Sain Traft just as another win condition, given how pwoerful he an be especially when you're keeping the enemy board clear. I would make the deck more stremlined myself - dropping geist to mainboard maybe 1 blind obedience and 3 detention spheres. You may want to consider splashing black, even if just for Nephalia Drownyard as another mill effect. If your opponent casts Slaughter Games or Pithing Needle on Jace, your only mill will be shut down.
I would go with 4 Fling and more haste creatures, or at least Lightning Mauler to give creatures haste. That way, you can bring any creature back with seance and they can be effective. Also - Silverblade Palladin + Sparktrooper is awesomness.
Drop Green Sun's Zenith if you want it to be type 2 standard.
Sweepers create the beats tokens. Dead thragtusk which traded with creatures create the beast tokens. I wouldn't use counterspells against board wipes, seeing as the most played one, supreme verdict, can't be countered. Playing against a control deck is not this decks specialty, and you should side into a different win condition to deal with control.
Gyre Sage is a fairly strong Mana Elf worth considering. Increasing Savagery works wonders with both Gyre sage and Master Biomancer as well.
Not a bad idea, but the way I play this, my opponent won't know I am playing Biovisionary until I can cast and win within a turn. Game 2 on the other hand sucks, ecause they will slaughter games or nevermore Biovisionary, and then we are in serious trouble. Thats why I would rather just board into something else, like Armada Wurm or Wolfir Silverheart, and focus on cloning some power cards and just crushing.
I'm thinking Sideboard should be transitive, so that game 2 you have a different strategy, but I'm not sure the best thing to transform into
Gazpoole, all is not lost for Boros! Remeber we can win in combat against RDW, and now we can side into Blind Obedience to stop haste and also give us a clear path to attack!
I would keep it at 23. Even if you get a little bit more mana than you want, it will simply let you cast both a burn spell and creature, or a Lightning Mauler and another creature to bond it with in one turn. Against other Aggro decks you will of course side into more burn spells. This is more or less what a top tier RDW deck looks like, and I agree Boros Reckoner is basically the 3 drop RDW was waiting for.
you'll want at least 20 land
I was like, "Man that is expensive for a goblin deck, whats with the price?" Then I see your lands lol
Silverblade Palladin or Boros Reckoner are both much better than Skyknight Legionaire. Personally, I would even play Frontline Medic over it.
I wouldn't have all those growing ranks mainboard. If your sideboard startegy is tokens, thats fine, but mainboard you only have 1 card that can even make a token.
The Ideal game goes like this: Turn 1, Arbor Elf: Turn 2, Elvish Archdruid:Turn 3, Gyre Sage and Increasing Savagery: Turn 4, Flashback Increasing Savagery, cast draw spell/elf or hold onto fog, Turn 5: Mind Grind for anywhere between 18-24.
I intially had this straight U/G, but Mind Grind is too powerful an effect. This deck can easily cast it for 8-10, which will nearly empty their library, considering they've played a few lands already.
Consider Green instead of White as the secondary color. Green gives you access to mana ramp so you can destroy lands earlier, and also has Bramblecrush and Acidic Slime for more land destruction effects.
Goblin Chieften, Goblin Guide, Goblin Wardriver are some of the most powerful Goblin cards.
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