Try using silvergill adept. It is really amazing draw power. Also mutavaults are getting reprinted in m2014 you might want to get 4 because they can win games by themselves. I would suggest spreading seas instead of merrow commerce to shut down opponet's lands and keep card advantage comming. You may want to try out cursecatcher for extra creature protection against nukes.
Fish are time tested and a consitantly great deck. Mutavault is getting reprinted in m2014. 4 of them is amazing with fishies. You have plenty of ways to force your opponent's lands to be island. Instead I would suggest spell pierce as a cheap counterspell that can eliminate most nukes or removal effects. You might want to remove cold eye selkie and sigg river cutthoat for 4 silvergill adept. Instead of convincing mirage you should use aquatect's will. It gives you the fishy advantage of draw power. Merrow rejerry is a staple for this deck and it combos incredibly well with the lords on turn 4. Also if you want to you can use aether vial as a way to get merfolk into play and gain a massive tempo/control advantage.
Deck is pretty solid. For legacy darksteel citadel is a staple because it can't be blown up with wasteland or perc deed. Arcbound ravager's price is going down because of the reprint so I would say that 4 of them can be a nice upgrade seeing how it is a kill condition and a way to dodge opponets spells/abilities. Since you have a decent mana curve steel overseer and master of etheriums may be good options. Also try using stoneforge mystic in place of steelshapers gift so that you can search an equipment and cheat it into play if your opponet is playing counterspells. Also great combo with Batterskull.
It is an ok try at affinity. Taking out frogger for vault skirge ain't worth it. In legacy players try for speed. Frogger is one of the fastest creatures in the format. It is a neccesity in legacy. You really shouldn't use it in here if your also shooting for enforcers too. Jury is still out on tezzeret right now. It may be good but 4 drops in legacy are usually suicide dead draws. Play at your own risk. Ancient tomb and glimervoid are going to screw you over in competition. Your mox opals and springleaf drums substitute your mana base so you are going to find them dead drops. Your better off running blinkmoth nexus to combo with pest, plating, or ravager. It is a wasted investment. Also you sideboard uses engineered plague. It is not needed as affinity more often than not will outclock any tribal decks such as fish or goblin. Your greatest threats are ad nauseam, high tide, charbelcher, and dredge. You need to drop the plague for mindbreak traps for the extra protection from your worst matchup. You also really need phyrexian revoker and or pithing needle in your sideboard to shut up helm of the void builds. REMEMBER YOUR DECK WINS GAMES, SIDEBOARDS ARE WHAT WINS YOU TOURNAMENTS Peace
Your choice of Jace is horrible for legacy. It is far too slow for the build. I would just go with the 4th coralhelm as it is the tarmy of the build. And I would also consider changing your sideboard to fit the build better. Your deck has a good counterspell suite so it doesn't need the extra counter measures against combo. You should really worry about using blue elemental blasts for goblins or burn as they are the primary threat to fish. You should also toss in a few submerge to fend off the threat of survival of the fittest which is horribly broken in the format. Oh yeah I would run a forth force of will and put a jitte in the sideboard as it doesn't always balence well in legacy. Counters are everything!
You may want to run Sound the Calls if you want them out faster. It is a novel idea though so props to ya.
I would agree and toss in a few steady progress, contagion clasp, and mana leaks for good measure. Not bad though.
Good catch dude. Thank you owe ya one.
The blight dragon is fast if you deck harrows six out early. It is a tech option.
Silvergill adept and lord of atlantis anyone. Combo it with spreading seas and you may have something
This build may work but belcher is based on not letting your opponet live by turn 2. This build would fall flat on account of the risk of force of will. I would try out running Empty the Warrens alongside burning wish. Try out lotus petals for the extra mana boost. Rite of flame, seething song, manamorphose, and lion's eye diamonds would really screw this deck up.
That is a bad idea. This deck is about an adventuring gear super pump effect plus the drawing. Hands don't work that well in this build. The idea is to get the ten damage before i make a turn 4 landdrop. Running them is only a waste of time for the kill condition.
Instead of Negate run mana leak. In place of dispel and wrexel use spell pierce. Counterspells are everything especially in Merfolk. Merfolk are best suited for legacy format anyway.
It is actually better when you add in harrow and use it to pump up adventuring gear. If you do that you can get at least 4+ poison counters in one hit. If you play a fetch land it may work even after with plus 7 boost. I am thinking of adding more duress or kozeilik inquisitions to prevent counterspells or burn but it is looking better for a budget build.
Yes it would. When damage is dealt the static ability is active. When you do damage either by effect or by combat damage the poison counters or minus counters go out as if it were regular damage.
Dude you really need cursecatcher and silvergill adepts. Lord of Atlantis is very good in the deck along side with the obscenely good in legacy coralhelm commander.
This build can also work with red too. Spawning breath can be used along side with the goblin tolken enchantment for even more speed. You may want to consider running everflowing chalice for the mana acceleration so you can stop a potential combo ending counterspell.
Definately original. Seems to need some dredgers though so you you get the vengvines in the grave early on.
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