One problem.... there are not tutors in standard!
I casual standard deck! I didn't think they existed? +1
Not going to work for competitive standard. I built a fun version of it for extended format that does play out better. I posted it on my page labled under proto-storm.
Nah Dragonstorm sucks. You'd have to risk running Kokousho or a hellkite playset and that is just a bad idea in general. Plus you can't use dragonstorm in competitive extended. You cant use lotus petal, dark ritual, or cabal ritual. It is just a bad idea.
Oh yeah Necropotence is also illegal in legacy format as well
Your aware mind twist is banned right? You can substitute it by running mind shatter. Same effect but costs and extra black
Your right it would screw over the Blue-white builds. Your dead if you fight Jund though. This is why so many people stopped playing standard in this rotation
Dark Depths in a suspend build is just asking to get killed. Try either suspend or depths seperately as togather they hinder each other
This deck isn't going to work in time. You need to wait to get hive mind out. If your opponet plays cards like Dark depths or any kind of counterspell your done. You need to use mana boosters like rite of flame, seething song, or manamorphose for that speed you lack
This deck doesn't have a chance in competitive builds. If you wanted to revamp it a little add 4 archive traps for a free 13 mill+ storm booster. Instead of Opt use 4 Ponder and 4 brainstorm. You'll need a few copies of Daze just to be sure your opponet doesn't win with a combo build or use it to fry a stiffle. You may also want to toss in hedron crabs because they are a mass miller and a good 1 drop. Repeal is pretty good so i'd stay with them. I wouldn't bother with future sight. Your dead if you run it so best not tempt fate. I would say if you wanted to up your mana curve you should add in a few lotus blooms or chrome moxs for the extra storm speed.
My bad. Accidentaly put in negates in place of polymorphs my bad!
go with 4 nocturnus and a few urge to feed and your golden
If you want to bust balls with this deck try out martyr of sands+divnity of prides. You can also run the 6 drop 40 life alt kill card from zendikar.
Try going 4 guildmage, 4 watchwolf, and 4 kitchen finx for the extra help. This deck does need some new cards though to make it work. Also try captured sunlight. Cascade is immune to counterspells!
if you wanted to actually run these in a deck try out defense of the heart or polymorph. In legacy format you can pull these guns out wholesale lol.
This deck needs mind funerals, archive trap and some blue black spells to play as anti creature for the mill conditional kill. Try running blue, black, and white. You can use wall of denial, path to exile, mind funeral, day of judgement, and angel song to improve your odds of the mill kill. Also you can use arcane sanctum as a cheap multi purpose land so your mana base could support all 3 colors.
I would throw in a few rancors for the extra damage factor. Also try out harmonize it is way better than souls magesty in this build. You should also consider the option of running a few fetch lands like misty rainforest or verdent catacombs to improve the chances of the top card of your deck being a treefolk or a shamin. Harrow might be good here if used with some practice.
Your build idea is a blue/green control an pummel build. It is sound but needs some fine tuning. Your mana base suggests you need misty rainforests if you can cough up the 40 bucks for a playset. On that note garruk's might be really helpful to speed up your deck with an extra kill condition. You may also want to run a few lorescale coatyl for the extra hitter in case you need it. Ponder is also a good option for a bad hand or mulligan.
if your running this kind of deck with a lot of enchantments try evershriek from eventide. If you go with 4 edge of the divinity you'll get more bang for your buck. If you can manage to discard it and an edge you can get a turn 3 4/4+ flier witha bonus to any additional effects your enchantments can tack on. You also want to use nip gwillon. You can pump it with edge of the divinity to make it a 4/4 lifelink on turn 2. You should also consider running pillory of the sleepless for the extra win condition. Blind hunter and ghost council of orzhova may be other good additions.
Don't play Kalitas you,ll brick on it with your decks mana base. Run 4 nocturnus, bloodghast, and nighhawks. You'll need tendrils of corruption and sign in blood for creature and hand control. You may also want to not un bloodchiefs ascension, and sanguine blood and run doom blade or duress to take on the threat of the jund dominated format. But the concept behind your build is very sound
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