Remember Mogg Fanatic sucks under the M10 universal rulings changes:Damage doesn't stack anymore. and that I have yet to take into account of the Zendikar Goblins which if anyone checked the preview sites would know that they mean business.
The deck concept is solid but this variant will be suicide in competitive play. First you will need 4 goblin lackey. These let you free cast a larger one very quickly. (Siege gang commander on turn 2) Run a few bigger ones like siege gang commander and hitegetsu the heartless. Try out murderous redcap in this build; the extra burn helps. Cut down on spells such as unnecessary instants and sorcery. DON'T RUN OVER 60 CARDS IT IS A DANGEROUS IN-GAME RISK!!! Lightning bolt was reprinted recently and I think that you should run 4. Keep the goblin war strike they rock. If you want to aid them in combat I recommend boggart ram gang. I recommend dropping out puncture bolt, shock, burst of speed, immolation, power of fire, crimson whips, and flame-bursts. I will publish my own goblin build on my page in a few days. Check it out if you want to see how a competitive one works.
This build is actually quite playable in extended if not legacy. The deck packs lots of assault power but it lacks the counterspell effects. Try looking in the Ravnica block as some cards such as plaxcaster frog and other nasty critters would really give this type of deck the boost it needs. Also try out ponder or brainstorm. Draw effects like these really give you that extra control. Try not to run Aura cards like favor. Cards such as umezawa's jitte or sword of fire and ice can really do some serious damage.
Disciple is now banned and atog can be easily replaced. Thoughtcast can be replaced with mishra's bauble for max killin power
This build is strong but this model is lacking serious artifact support. Scourglass is rarely used in affinity decks and ethersworn cannonist is a slow card for typical affinity. It is unlikely tezzeret will help you any in this build as it is very slow to pull out and is a dead draw in extened. Try out some Umezawa's jitte or horned helm as equip cards make this deck type much more effective by providing a cheap win condition. This deck will play too slow for an affinity build. It lacks the free damage from ornithopter or glaze fiend. This build needs cheaper cards like mishra's bauble or welding jar to pose any type of serious threat.
Needs Rhonx war monks for the lifelink beatdown ability. You should probably run more Rafiq of many. Its price should go down with the release of Zendikar. Try out shorecraher mimic from eventide as this card combos with it for a possible turn 3 kill
Great build just beware of becon apparition or necrogenesis. Only correction that I can see is take out 2 grixis panorama and swap in 2 extra terramorphs and your all set
Dirt cheap, dirt easy, dirt great. Weenie builds like this works fairly well just beware of sweepers. Try out Akrasan Squire to get out larger attackers. Edge of the Divinity and Nip Gwillon combo really well in this type of build. Try this out as it will definitely help you kick more butt.
This is a classic flash built; fast and cheap: No wonder why its illegal.
First of all overgrown tomb, and incinerate are not standard legal. If you want to run a type 2 cascade build try running cards like boggard ram gang, kitchen finx, and murderous redcap. Effects that trigger as they come into play are the best type of effects because you get more bang and control for their base converted mana cost. Don't bother with cards like hellspark elemental. Try persist effects as they are harder to stop with cards like volcanic fallout. Definately try out enlisted worm and to back it up fertile ground or rampant growth. Wooly throcter is horrid because it is so easily rid of via terminates or bit blasts. Use sprouting thrynax as it has more versatility. Don't run Jund or Naya charm as they tend to become dead weights topdecking in a cascade build. Try running simple spells like lightning bolt or terminate. Use maelstrom pulse if you can't afford it run terminates. Another good option for this deck is snakeform. It helps defensive and offensively plus a free draw.
First of all tinker is banned in all formats. Try using arcbound ravager and chromatic star as they let you draw cards at an obscenely fast rate. Platinum angel is a dead weight draw card as it is usually a horrid top deck in a serious game. Master of Etherium would be a better beat down than overseer. Try using myr enforcers for extra speed in this particular build. Don't use basic lands in any competitive artifact deck. I advise that you to run Cranial Plating to combo with Arcbound crusher for a game ending attack.
Your mana base is stable for pulling off a DTN combo. Your deck lacks fast support cards such as lotus bloom and possibly priest of titania. It is unlikely you will win by DTN so try to have a backup plan. I recommend overrun to work with the little elves. And if you want to go more into the elf side try out noble hierarch and llanowar elves for fast mana effects.
another option is to add in elvish visionary to get that extra elf draw power that Alara was so kind to give us. I would also try taking out bramblewook paragon to increase its effectiveness. :Only plays well in giantbaiting aggro decks
Dude beautiful build. Try adding the equip artifact umbral mantle. It works with priest of titania or archdruid and can be used to create an infinite mana glitch/loop. It could make its toughness and power infinity/infinity and in planechase games win on turn 3 via infinite dice rolls. And if you ran an elf called wellwisher you could potentialy use the infinity loop to gain infinite life. See one of my own deck builds for an example of this ridiculous combo. Overrun is a sweet addition I may even mod it into my planechase build.
You are playing pyromancer's swath for all of the risk you will rarely reap rewards. Storm is out of extended come October 2nd so the deck will be illegal. If you want to play dragonstorm in legacy than it is much more deadly. Here are a few of my suggestions. 4 Lotus Bloom 4 Dark Rituals 4 Manamorphose 2 or 3 Cabal Ritual 1 Kokusho the evening star Ditch cards like: Undying Flames, Mass Hysteria, Knollspine Dragon, Grapeshot, and Bolts. Go with mana pumpers to go for an OTK and play as fast as possible with the dragons. This will make it a much more leathal build.
Actually this deck can be run in type 2 replace all outdated cards with the cheap elves from the Lorwin expansion. This deck can use Elvish Archdruid to get an infinity combo. So you may not be safe. hahahahahahahahah...HA!
This deck is missing some really vital cards. Even with all the banned cards i.e. moxes, time walk, recall, and lotuses it won't win you any real games. Ravager builds usually need a card called cranial plating. See one of my deck recipies labeled as Glaze Affinity it plays under the same mechanic.
One could add optionally in place of elsewhere flask lightning greaves if you prefer to piss the other players off even more.
Note: dropping at least 4 artifacts from your hand including land drop will usually mean a turn 3 kill.
Strongly recommend more land variance. Try using vivid lands or slicers . Sliver decks usually die off from being mana screwed. One other suggestion but try using 4* homing slivers they usually give the deck the search boost it needs to survive against other builds.
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