this deck concept is solid but it lacks a few things vital to this build. One you need plumeveil for control and defensive pursposes: they are great because they are 4/4 and have flash ie. they can't be countered or stacked on. This deck should also condier the use of ardent plea for the cascade which can really shift field control. Baneslayer angel is expensive now but I think its price will drop. Jace and Elspethmake it more dangerous as for planeswalker support.
lotus petal and cabal ritual may be better than bloom if you are playing legacy. Otherwise nice combo
see my own version of a bolt deck and tell me what you think. It has a better mana base in theory.
I wouldn't run liliana in a zombie deck. Try out re-animate and darkblast instead for some graveborne effects. Try with 4 death barron instead of 2 it really pushes the enemies in. Also run a Cabal coffers it can save you if you need mana fast. Decree of pain may be a better choice instead of doom blade as it gives you the potential for a massive unstackable field wipe if cycled.
This deck may actually be playable when mirroden rotates out of extended. It only needs some llanowar reborn, and snakeform for a combo with coatls.
If I played more kukushos say 4 and stormed em out and they all popped would they all trigger in the grave and stack? If so then would they make a better choice of dragon than Hellkite as they will do 5 damage to everyone in that case and will pretty much win in multiplayer?
Deck needs some fine tuning. Try running bloodbraid elf, broodmate dragon, murderous redcap, and another sprouting thrinax. You need to have faster plays so run more cards with haste like boggart ram gang to make it flow better. Oh yeah bitimounous blast is one of the top cards in the format and I strongly reccommend it instead of dragon fodder.
Yeah I would rely more of of M2010 than the lorwin block but otherwise it is a sound concept if you are preping for Nissa Revane .
It is a good concept as elves in standard play relatively well. I would reccommend on going 4 llanowar elves, 4 elvish archdruid, 4 nettle sentinels, and elf conclave. Don't bother with archer support cards go with running one particular tribe. It will give you the best bang for the buck.
Comparatively to my own build It is good for a 2 color form of the build but if you runm veil of secrecy it should be played with combo cards like reach through the mists or horobis wisper. And whispersilk cloak is great for this build.
You should take more advantage of lackey. It is one of the fastest cards for this build and can be used in tandem with siege gang or chieftan. Also take advantage of the newer goblins in Zendikar. There is a land that comes into play tapped that adds red when tapped and pumps a target creature 2/0 for a turn and a new version of lackey that has double strike!!! If you want to check out my version of the build.
Concept is good but this deck is inconsistant: it needs more merrow reejery, lord of atlantis, silvergill adept, cursesnatcher, aquitects will, and vivid creek won't help you with running cards outside of blue. Actually merfolk decks that don't run blue more or not get pawned out by other decks. Merfolk "usually" need to be mono blue. Check out my own build for this deck. I can promise you that it works.
Don't run coat of arms in elf decks there is a far more up to date alternative that will crush your opponents for possible turn 3 kills. Coat of Arms is a terrible buy for 5 mana. Run Umbral Mantle from shadowmoor. This card when it hits priest of Titania allows you if you control 3 elves including titania for an infinite mana loop plus infinite power/toughness for each of your creatures. It is dirty as hell but I promise you it will work. By the way run Llanowar Mentor as it generates tokens that gives this deck more consistency.
If you really want to screw around with rats try out thrumming stone from coldsnap. Play dark Rituals , cabal rituals or mana effects such as lotus petal or lotus bloom to pull it out and later cast rats you will have an army of them out in no time (ripple casts out a whole deck of the suckers and triggers continuously. (This combo is actually very effective.)
Agreed, I think that rather cards like sign in blood and profane command as a more stable alternative. Thanks.
Try using spiritual visit and desperate ritual? If you run more arcane spells you can intensify the effect and possibly run your deck as a spirt / arcane deck. Spiritual visit should probably be used in this build and with some other arcane spells to work along side the spirit support. Visit is actually an underestimated card by players as it an cause hell with uncontrolled swarms of extra weenie tokens that get pumped by gohei. You should probably run 4 of the gohei. BTW baku alter is a great addition to this deck check it out in the database. Some creatures from this block flip and gain ridiculous effects from these combos. Look at cards with splice onto arcane to reap all the rewards of a spirit deck.
You really need to NOT run enchantments. They put a huge strain on this decks function (Beat the enemy in "fast". Take advantage of the effects of equipment artifacts as they don't die if the creature is removed there is one from "morningtide" that benefits solider decks exclusively. I recommend that you take advantage of a fourth honor of the pure and if you want try out figure of destiny which its price will drop after Zendikar. Also check out the cards in M2010 they really benifit this build.
This deck runs cards that let you draw and have cheap mana effects. It plays on a good premise that you can simply beat your opponent down using Lord of Atlantis, however, it lacks cards that can counter. Merfolk decks play on low mana so cards like stonybrook are not really needed. You should be playing about 22 lands and try running mutavault as it helps this build big time and will be cheaper this next block rotation. I believe that you should not run cards like sea scryer, whirlpool warrior, whirlpool rider, and stonybrook. Instead try out curse-snatcher for countering, wake thrasher for beat down, and Sygg River cut throat for a more consistent play style. Next distant melody is a high costing "brick" . Take it out and run cards like counterspell, daze, force of will, or cryptic command. Aquitect's will does actually help this build so I will advise you to stick with them.
It is just a filler for personal choice: read the description.
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