Replace Hideous End with Grasp of Darkness or something. Hexmages and the Leyline could probably be sideboarded to make room for another Gatekeeper and a few Pulsetrackers maybe
is the twist the Baneslayers? cause they're not "weenie" lol
I think you could surprise someone with this deck if you added a couple more phyresis, a couple more tainted strikes and grafted exoskeletons.. but if you don't have more, take em out and add more vamps.
If you can, get a hold of Mana Leaks and replace Cancel. Assassinate isn't a good card. Get 2 more Distortion Strikes instead. If you're going to run infect, run infect. Get rid of Ob Nixilis.. he's great but isn't meant for this deck. I personally love Flesh-Eater Imp and glad he's in here.. doom blade their flyer and sac away :P
My thoughts as well.. People tend to enjoy Go for the Throat more, but I think Doom Blade is a better main board option.
I think you'd profit more from Chandra Ablaze than Nalaar.. could test it. I ran both in my burn when I had it.
Anymore suggestions for maybe a sideboard?
Oh.. I will. I love those dual lands :P
Haha, yeah I find it to be the basis of most of my decks :P especially with a creature that has affinity to forrests.
Okay, this seems really slow. I would cut back on the expensive guys a bit and add a few smaller guys. Vampires are supposed to be quick. Vampire Lacerator, Pulse Tracker I would put in.. Kalitas is good, but not as good as his cmc suggests, take him out. This isn't vampire control, so normally I wouldn't suggest Anowon, but this is slower than most so, I'd say he's alright. Keep it at 60 cards
One word: Lands.
I like this.. I might run 4x Doom Blade main board and just side in Go for the Throats for when you need em. Doom Blading Wurmcoil with Glissa is fun :P
Drop the noninfect guys i.e. Wurmcoil and Vampire Nighthawk. if you're gonna go infect, go infect. The chances of you getting a blightsteel off are so miniscule that you might as well not run him. Add a few more Phyrexian Crusaders and Ichor rats if you can find a place for them. You can drop to 20 lands in a monocolored deck and drop the tainted strikes and phyresis. Sinkhole is the only nonstandard card in this deck so you might as well replace it and run something else. Virulent Swipe, Vampire's Bite, Go for the Throat, Vendetta are all good choices to be put in. Hope this helped a bit.
Run either Doom Blade or Go for the Throat over Terror. Could even run Vendetta
With all of the pump you have and whatnot though, you're not going to need Skithiryx. You're better off replacing him with Phyrexian Crusader. Hell, take out 2 Tainted Strikes and put in 4 of him. He's amazing with pump spells.
Turn Aside is good but I would sideboard Dispel against Control matchups or just straight up replace it with Mana Leak but against removal it's good.
You need removal of some sort
Lol so much power 9..
Nighthawk :O
The only problem with something like Piper is it changes the way the creature comes to the field.. you're not casting it, therefore you don't get the benefits from casting an eldrazi. However, if you can get your hands on them, 2 more eldrazi temples and a play set of primeval titans speeds this up and gives you an alternate win con. You can knock out the Ancient Stirrings and a Cultivate and throw in Explores, too. They help more than you'd realize without playing them.
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