I feel that 4 Vatmothers is a little much.. I would cut down to 2 and cut one Skithiryx, and a Swamp for 4 Vendetta's for a little more removal because, well, that's what black is good for. After that, you'll have 25 lands which is still too much. Cut 2 more swamps for maybe Livewire Lash or some kind of cheap equipment i.e. Swords of Body and Mind or Feast and Famine.
The only thing that I'm iffy about is the Prince.. I don't think he fits. He's good and has helped, but I feel there's better options. What do you think?
Hah, so I tested this against a couple friends last night with B. Archon.. Turn 1: Swamp, Dark Ritual, Buried Alive (Iona, Reya, Blazing Archon) Turn 2: Swamp, Exhume (Reya) From there.. nothing really stands a chance. And to top it off.. I went first..
Yeah, Blazing Archon shuts down anything.. pretty awesome. Put it in with Iona and Reya.. basically unbeatable.
Lawl.. Land Aid '04
Ghost Quarter is really fun to combo with Archive Trap, check it out. How about Sword of Body and Mind or Telemin Performance instead of Traumatize? Or even Memory Erosion? They're gonna be playing lots of spells in 2hg.
This is a 2 headed giant deck.. 2 on 2 .. he has a teammate who mills.
Get some Verdant Catacombs to fuel the groundswells.
I see your point. Changed
Yeah Blazing Archon is super nice. I might replace either Reya or Charnelhoard with it.. it was those 3 in a race when I made this.
Yeah Exhuming Iona turn two against a monocolored deck is usually an early scoop
Also, try testing with Unnatural Predation.. it does great things with Phyrexian Hydra and might let you get through with some of your other dudes as well.
I would run only 3.. I mean you can always kill them off by making chump blockers or using his ultimate if you have more than one in hand so 4 isnt too much either.. I just personally think 4 of any planeswalker is too much.
Threw some stuff out and added a few other things i.e. Exhume, Zombify, Phyrexian Arena
Just casual or I wouldn't have 4 demonic tutors :P
Looks good and now you can choose to kill things when you attack :P
Haha, thanks for the comment and the like anyways.
The only thing I use them (fetches) for usually is the shuffle.. if I'm having bad luck on the drawing which is usually kaput when I get an infiltration lens on an Angler, if we get that far into a game anyway. I've been meaning to get my hands on more Inkmoths, but no one likes to trade 'em >.< I'd like not to have to buy them, as they're expensive now. How about Ichorclaw instead of a couple Anglers?
I would replace 2 Giant Growths with 2 more VoV. It's protection and pump.. more important. Try cutting 2 of each basic land and adding 4 Verdant Catacombs And the only thing making this nonstandard is the Fireshrieker and, while I agree, it is a great card for this deck, I would replace them with 2 Grappling Hook, another Garruk, and either another pump card or another Crusader
And one more thing: the only flying I've ever had trouble with is Sphinx of Jwar Isle.. and Pistus Strikes doesn't work on him. Try Gravity Well, works a lot better. That's if you get rid of Skittles of course.
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