oh i just noticed onemore thing try to put skirsdag in main deck he is really good
dang lol atleast your near seatle (maybe) i am in philadelphia
very good then i have no further comments lol
alright now that thats done were are yall from (no creeper shit lol)
ok very well then if it works then keep going lol how is blind obiedence doing?
yeah man i am loving it the way mine is built it goes on a control asspect as well as aggro making it very hard to beat
why ghost council? (i know he is really good but he doesnt creat tokens) and if you wanna drop the price drop a sorin maybe put in elguard inquisiter or mentor of the meek check out my soldier deck (again lol) for ideas
sure man
yo flamereaper you there?
nice i run about 8 decks but i mostly use an exalted, boros, and gruul
what kind of decks to people run? (for real not online)
yo everybody sup i have been playing for over a year
need help?
i dont like the fact that your buring yourself but thats me i am more of a kill them before i loose a life kinda guy lol
very nice dude
yeah you need quicksilver amulet for sure
i just cried this is so good!
nice you have the ant quenn weres the hornet queen lol
promote your deck much bro lol
you cant loose literly
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