Well that is the win condtion there are other ways to win like gutter snipe and blaze commando who are gonna pack a punch into my enemy or a beat down with nivixs cyclops also wins games.
yes i agree very much so also hek out my new chat deck all the credit goes to you though sir^
yo derago chek out my talk deck
knight of glory?
also where is vensers journal?
yes i agree we three need to start up another chat deck
oh shit thats right damn card finally has a use lol
very cool i dont see guttersnipe in there so what do you think of hypersonic
i really like this it gives a kind of new flair to control
oooh this is nasty dude very nice
great man thanks but how about gutter snipe, goblin eltromancer, and hypersonic?
first off whats up man long time no speak second what about core augur?
ok first of what are you going for inluding colors so i know how to help you
i am just messing man
i know lol and what was that i saw about sisters??? lol
i think it has alot of capabillity to be good
oh beats me lol
for fnm or what?
a sister you say lol
hahaha i know that feelin well i am going to give it my best at my loal shop hahahaha
21-40 of 192 items