i like the idea maybe boros rekoner?
thanks thats a big help
i think you need more lands
this is nice man i think it will work very well.
this is so good dude
you need shierking aflliction for the win
drop bountiful harvest for sure and mabey fauna shaman also more ranor and drop yeva.
this is great and yes undercity informer or the vampire rouge that mills on enter
drop act of treason for a reckoner as well as the warclamps for 2 more. next get more guild gates and foundrys also slayers fourtress would be good.
i agree or something else to make them discard like drain pipe vermin
this is nasty good
keep the eltromaners add street spasm and menecular chemist and drop the mizzum skin and artful doges also craklers are good.
181-192 of 192 items