Texas? Florida?
any body else here about the izzet plainswalker?
serra avenger?
lol awesome man i am never quitting also. did you see the stuff for theros?
yeah that would be cool but anyway i will ttyl man i am hitting the hay
whoah holy shit that would be awesome! get like hades zeus and posidian ( i know there gods not taitans)
that would be great accept green is like illeagel lol
yeah it is i am forseeing something like kamigawa in the way that it is built atleast
amazing! so hype
my computers being stupid whats the link?
i will!!!!!
for real???
same man so puzzeled like what is niv-misset planing and why are the dimir so secret? i might just skip ahead and read them lol
yeah i know but like for the dragons maze part
hahaha yeah i hope theyb make a book or two for this block it would be epic with the whole maze thing (also i ordered arena)
yeah me to its gonna be epic man did you see the stuff for the izzet plainswalker?
last time i checked there wasnt anything in philly for the forseable future so you win lol
hahaha sucks but phillys nice but there are no big magic events though
lol once in a blue moon they have a grand prix...
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