Checkea el mio! Azorio:
Comments. Te vi usarlo en Il Ovalo y la verdad me gusto poco. Entiendo que tu idea es hacer tiempo, pero le falta ofensiva y algo para aprovechar ese tappeo excesivo que tiene el mazo. Ademas, como es caracteristico en vos, tiene DEMASIADOS DRAWS. Esto no es un mazo Izzet, 8 draws es una locura y en muchos casos te quita opciones para otras cosas mejores. Y no, no siempre menos es mas (que ya conozco la frase). Cambios que haria? -4 Preordains: Para draws estan los inaction -2 Azorius Keyrune: Tu mana lo vas a usar en convertir a las Celestial. 3 mana para una 2/2 que vuela no rinde -1 Planar Cleansing: Mata muchas cosas que te sirven, como las keyrunes o los encantamientos de detain. De hecho te perjudica, porque el devuelve al otro las cosas. -1 Wash Out: Sin sentido aca. Cosas a agregar: +2 Supreme Veredict (esos son mass removals) + Varios cosas que se aprovechen del tappeo, como los Gideon Avenger, que para mi son un obligado en este mazo con tanto tappeo +2? Cosas que le giren todo al otro (sleep y cambiar de posicion -UND-), para aprovechar mas tu estrategia. Finalmente, reemplazaria la esfinge por el Sunblast Angel que sale lo mismo en CMC y en este mazo hace D-E-S-A-S-T-R-E Un abrazo Joko (Anonimo jajaj) PD: Ahora te pego esto en tu MTG Vault, mira mi mazo azorio de paso
I would not use the Coastal Towers as they come tapped. Alto mazo loco!
Nice budget deck man. I don't like the Angelic Benediction that much on this deck, as you have lots of creatures with evade already. I would remove those and add more knights or oblivions. If you can check my W/B Exalted deck, it is not in such a budget as you:
Loooots of control over here. I see your main idea is to detain/exile/kill things till you get isperia out (or entreat the angels with some mana). The only problem I see is that you are very vulnerable to the removals of those tanks. I would also use something to reuse my Azorius Justiciar, when the match is advanced. If you can check my Azorius deck, I am in need of advice:
Tks for commenting in my deck ^^. With respect yo this deck, I can't seem to see a very well directed tactic. For example, the Azorius part of the deck seems little out of place. If you go for creature offensive go for Selensya and its creatures, but something in the middle doesn't seem good to me. Hope it works!
Tks for the help. With respect to Liliana, I was planning to use it for reducing my deck and to pump my Tormented Souls. We agree on Angelic Benedictions, but I could not find anything worth with exalted. I am going yo check the Essence Harvest, I don't know that card. Finally I am not sure if I understand what you say of the Vamipire Mark jajaja.
I forgot! Reduce your deck to 60 cards please.
Nice Soldier deck! I would try to add more soldier pumpers besides the Captain of the Watch. Altough, I am not very sure if you have more in a standard format (as this deck seems to be). I am not that much convinced wit the safe passage, but that is personal taste, because that can save you in many matches. Here you can check my soldier deck, maybe you can find something of use:
Total Detention, Azorius deck. All comments are welcomed!
Nice Gobo deck. As others said I would add the Shrine of Burning Rage and try to find place for the Arsionist (as it combos with the granade). Finally I would remove the Brute Forces as they do not fit the deck very good to what i see. If you can check my decks: Soldier: Not Flyers nightmare:
I was really thinking to add that card as a sideboard! Among crowd control Espeth Tirel really works for this deck. Tks for the comment ^^
Tks for the space! Still in need for counsil, specially in my 2nd deck: Soldier deck: Earthshathering deck:
Tks. The earthquakes works as removals for big things, the rest works fine with smaller spells. Remember that the temblor can be recicled. ALthough I've been thinking in removing one Circle of flame for something else.
Tks for the comment! I've considered the Mobilization, but the Capitain pumps and also gives me the tokens at the same time. I considered the mana curve issue, but the Daru warchief really helps with that. This deck can also work good at the beggining, just that it becomes really something else in the late game.
Nice deck man. I don't get the particular use you give to the restoration angel, as you don't have creatures that do any particular effect when they enter the battlefield. Haven't you thought about adding something like a mass removal? As you use lots of creatures that are not there at some point of the game (Angel tomb and the Archwing). If you have time and could check my decks I would appreciate it: Soldier deck: Flying UR deck:
Haven't you thought about adding some white in here. I think that things like Puresteel Paladin and Leonin Abjuras (or how it is written, 3W, 2/4 all your artifacts gain shroud) might be a cool add to this deck. You might even replace the Llanowars for Birds of Paradise. But I know that adding a splash is always annoying. Also is the Venser Jounal usefull? Bit pricy for me. Besides that nice deck =D If you have time please check my decks, comments are wellcome: Soldier deck RU ground killer
My bad, the celestial colonades...sorry for noobing
Nice lockdown deck, must be really anoying. My only doubt is how do you plan to defeat your oponent after you set everything. I don't see much offensive things around. Maybe it me. If you have time please check my decks, specially the 2nd as it is also a pseudo control/lock deck: Soldier deck RU ground killer
Jajaja I love old cards, unlike you. Haven't you considered Benalish Hero instead of the Odric Crusader. For me its better, as with the suspend it costs 3, comes with haste and adds a soldier token. If you have any comments on my own soldier deck, feel free to make them, we can get synergy among soldiers jajaj
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