Tks. I was thinking on the Champion. The Hellrider didn't want to use it (mostly for theme), but I think I'll add it.
Thalia moved to side now xD
Jajaja, I forgot it was not officially realeased.Because I thought I could get most profit out of it, and to bother those control decks that can be very annoying when you are playing aggro decks. But as you read I am really thinking of removing her for some precinct captain or ash zealots.Thanks for the comments! Any further ideas?
You posted on my dragon deck. Yours is completely focused on playing those dragons faster, mine is focused on getting my lands faster and take advantage of that. Also I play more tokens and counters than you.I would not use the Slumbering in this deck, this would save you the space for other cards, as you are not focused in adding counters besides having four copies of the blessing of nature.
No problem. I think it can be made even faster adding some mana generating creatures, but it will lose some of the benefits of the mana ramping.
Nice deck! I would make some minor changes, specially on the lands. You should definitely remove those gates and add hallowed fountains and glacial fortresses. Having the Soulsworns and the Lyevs I don't see the point of the tricks of the trade. I would also remove 1 sphere of safety, but that's personal. Finally, you don't seem to have a deck based on the Ezor Elecutors, so having a single copy is not funtional to what I see.I would add some Supreme Veredicts (for control decks when things go out of control it is nice to have some sort of reset), +1 Lyev, and also consider using the Azourius charms.If you like you could check my own Azourius deck based on detention also, comments appreciated ^^
Tks for the comment in my Boros Battlecry. Really like the theme ^^. I completely ignored the goblin bushwacker, that can be a great add to my own deck =D. I am not convinced of the not Memnites, but that personal I think.
Love Boros =D I would reduce de Brion to 2 as it si legendary. I don't like the Duergar that much also but is up to you. THen try to use the deck to 60 cards please. i have also a Boros, but it is more like a Mirran version xD, built arround Battlecry, check if you can:
NIce deck, always love to see soldier decks arround ^^. As for suggestions: 1) I would increase my land total, arround 22, specially if you are using the ruins (after you sacrifice them is a real pain!); 2) Most soldiers you are running are humans, so Champion of Parrish might be a good add instead of the Vanguard; 3) I don't like the Enlistment Officer that much, I would replace it for a Premminents, because it might "kill" removals or lands if you need them 4) With that many creatures you should really think about Elspeth Tirel (puts lots of soldiers and gives you lots of life ^^) I have a soldier deck that as received some attention, I made some changes since them, if you want check it and you might find something usefull there (mostly based on tokens also and Cathars): Hope to see how it works =D
Very similar to my deck jaja. Drops de Guildgates and I would use 4 detention spheres. After some testint I do not like the Martial Law, I prefer the Justiciar, specially with the flickering.
Tks for the comment man
Guys I said "I am not very fond to the Tusk witout some flickering to get the most out of it". I've never said it is not a great card. Nice the good results you got out of it man.
I also feel that there is need of some Wolfir SIlverheart in here. In fact I am not very fond to the Tusk witout some flickering to get the most out of it. Also I am not a fan of the hound, I prefer the werewolf with double strike (I can't remember the name now sorry!). Besides those minor things nice deck. I would appreciate if you could take a look on my R/G dragon ramp deck:
The best options for exalted, to me. Comments: 1) Drop the Sigiled Knights, add knights of glory, more mana efficient and have protection from black; 2) Sublime angel is a must; 3) try yo drop also the court archers and the guardians of arkasa, thera are things better; 4) No knighthood, that gives all your creatures and you only care about the atacking ones; 5) Avoid guildgates, they come in taped! If you want check my exalted deck, maybe you can get some ideas!
Nice deck, great idea. Do you really need that great amount of mana to add the cobra? There are cards that can be far more interesting considering your deck, like the Vinelasher Kudzu, that can grow monstrously on this deck. If you have the time I would appreciate if you could see my deck, also a G/W mana ramp based, although the strategy is different:
Tks! It is not tought for a competitive enviroment though. Any help appreciated!
Hi man, I don't know if you are aiming for standard o some particular format. I have a Legacy soldier/human deck, were you can get some ideas: Quick comments, add more lands, you'll need them to keep playing soldiers. Add more soldier buffers (as the Daru Warchief or others). I woudl stick it to soldiers, so I would also remove the angels. Finally, consider some global buff enchants, like the honor of the pure.
Nice deck man. I think somebody suggested this before, but I am not sure of the Skymark Roc. It can be quite anoying tough. I would also remove the Gates for regular lands, as you have alrready fixed the bicolor mana because of you dual lands. If you have time I would appreciate if you could looke my Azorious deck, thanks!
Try not to mix creatures with and without exalted. Go for all or just ignore it. Most of you creatures are soldiers, so also consider buffing them. If you can check my Human soldier deck, you might find something usefull (or some intresting critic to it), although I am not using Odric:
Love Boros ^^. I am not such a fan of Agrus Kor, I would prefer something else (let's say hero of bladehold or of Oxid Ridge). If you can chek my Boros deck (altough it has some devils...let's say I am corrupted xD):
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