=O Now that you say it I realize it. Altough to be honest, the bladehold is not having such a high impact on the deck as the oxid ridge. I have 4 loyalists ^^Tks for the comments. If you have further ideas of how to improve it, I am all hears!
As far as I know the Recuit has first strike, or am I wrong? Yes I have very few haste (in fact I am even thinking on replacing Firemanes for Spark Troopers), but I sacrificed the haste for the battlecry.
No! Use clifftop retreat and more sacred foundrys and that will solve the issue. More expensive $$$ but more efficent. If you want check my decks (I have 2 boros).
60 cardz man please!I would also try to avoid single cards, specially when you are above 60 cards. Also guildgates come into play tapped which really slow you down and speed is crucial in boros decks.
Tks very much!
Nice deck man! Although I am not as convinced about the number of creatures that you include that benefit from your auras (just the Gnarlid and the Spiritdancer), then the most are mana generators. How does that work?I would really like your opinion about a deck I have that is also an Aura Deck. Just click my name and check for W/G Auras.
Easy, both Simther and Cavaliers benefit from the Shield of the Oversoul fully. And that makes a big difference.Yavimaya lets you draw lots of cards but as null offensive uses. Evershire, tought it but is is to expensive in CMC. Uril needs red >_<
Nobody commented anyhing on age, or I will compromised to. Not playing since that long though (just along the Urza's or Rath Cicle ^^).Finally the medic is not that an inversion, considering you are running two Ajanis. Although the deck seems to go really good as it is =D.
It is not tested (physically yet!), that's why I wanted the community's opinion. I think I can always modify it, into adding some (2) R/B Shocklands, or just removing the Aristocrat and the Thatcher and replace them (and make it just a red deck).Tks!
Nice White Winnie, almost old style ^^.I would drop -1 Silverblade for +1 Frontline. Really makes a difference to keep the pressure steady on winnie decks. Also I would replace the flail for Silver-inlaid Daggers, as you have lots of hummans =P.
NIce Idea! I've thinking something similar, but more legacy/modern oriented. I would include more stuff that let you steal your opponent creatures. That is to say more Marks of Mutiny, more Act of Treasons and stuff like that. The deck is like a mixture between that and an Orzov reviver (with the charms and the servitude). As I always say, go for the idea, but don't do things in between. I think your deck can improve a lot more in this concept ^^
I would definitely replace those giants by Hell Riders and the Imps for Zelatous Conscripts. Hell Rider bypasses enemies defenses as direct damage and has haste, really valuable in a red deck; and the Conscripts have haste and let you clean the defending creature and attack with it. Also de Loyalist is easily killed.Finally I am not a bug fan of Mugging, as I prefer the spears for 1 more mana. Although they fit into theme of your deck.BEsides that, nice deck man.
Tks man! Now going to check your deck.
The Boros deck can be better (replace the Elites for Champions of Parrish for example and Blind Obedience is more for sideboard). If you have time check my own Boros standard deck.Also consider some haste in both decks (like including some Lightning Maulers).
No if you link it with the CoP! By that turn is a 3/3. So CoP deals 6, Silverblade 4 and Lightning Mauler 2. Grand Total of 12 ^^
Made some changes on the lands (replaced the Slayers for the Cave of Souls as I have 20 of 26 creatures that are hummans).
Nice deck, but I tink you are missing lots of Soldier pumpers like Daru Warchief or the field Marshalls. I would remove the Phantom General for those. Also the Captain Call is to expensive, I would prefer Timely Reinforcements. Finally, Darien is to defensive, but you might find it useful as you are running a control deck.Also, try to use more removals on a control deck (like path to exile or sword to plowshares).Check my own soldier deck if you can (human soldier deck), mostly based on soldier swarms:http://www.mtgvault.com/kajuata/decks/soldier-avalanche-20/
Nice for commenting in my deck man! Nice deck you got here, really like aggressive ones. How does your deck work against control decks?I would like you to see my other standard deck (that I like the most, a Boros one):http://www.mtgvault.com/kajuata/decks/standard-batallion-rw/
Nice deck man. I would make some changes to it: 1) Consider in dropping the Boros Elites and replacing them with Champions of the Parrish (I had the same doubt); 2) Why Blind Obedience? It sounds great card for sideboard against other aggro decks, or for a control deck, not for your deck; 3) Assemble the Legion is way to slow; 4) Why Martial Glory?If you have the chance check my own Boros Standard deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/kajuata/decks/standard-batallion-rw/
Thank you very much. I've thought about the Mortars as it can be used both ways (paying or not the Overload cost), so it can be used a both a single kill or a sweeper. I might be changing the Bonfire though.Also thanks for the sideboard help!
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