
157 Decks, 5,295 Comments, 1,384 Reputation

Not sure where you would put it...but for more speed, maybe add in some sort of mana ramp.

A 3rd turn Seething song would be nice. 5 mana on your third turn, that is a lot of potential damage coming at your opponent quickly.

Or maybe Rite of Flame. 1st turn right of Rite of flame, 2 mana. Could be something like this. Play Land. Tap Land for Rite of Flame. You now have 2 mana. Play Goblin Guide and then Lightning bolt. Opponent just took 5 points of damage your very first turn.

Posted 07 December 2013 at 12:49 as a comment on I love the smell of napalm.


Good call, I am liking your comment on that one. Didn't even, dumb me, think about the idea that my opponent would be a smart douche and not attack me.

What about Thran Foundry? That may be a way for me to win, even if they do not attack me. For 2 colorless mana I remove it from the game and shuffle my graveyard and library together. Basically, even if they do not attack me, they eventually run out of cards as I keep cycling my graveyard back into my library. It keeps my mana base intact.

Posted 07 December 2013 at 12:04 in reply to #418313 on I win with 1 life.


I am so old...every card I suggest to people is too old, as well. :(

Posted 06 December 2013 at 20:10 in reply to #418147 on Total White Shutdown


About 5th-6th turn? That is tasty!

Posted 06 December 2013 at 11:05 in reply to #418153 on Waiting in the Weeds


Yep, it is direct damage. It flies right over the opponent's blockers. It would do good with this deck.
I like Shrapnel Blast/Perilous Myr combo.
And I like the Atog/Fling combo.

Posted 06 December 2013 at 11:01 in reply to #418150 on Challenge: Slag Fiend


Good deal. Always nice to beat someone with a 500 dollar deck with a deck that is cheap but well put together, like the one you built.

At first I was wondering why you were running so many lands (26), then looking at Kami, Rude Awakening, and Khalni Heart Expedition, it made perfect sense.

Posted 06 December 2013 at 10:38 in reply to #418153 on Waiting in the Weeds


Cheap but good.

Posted 06 December 2013 at 10:31 as a comment on Waiting in the Weeds


Down to 6 cards!

Posted 06 December 2013 at 10:21 in reply to #417202 on 1st turn Tendril Win


Compare. I like them both.

Posted 06 December 2013 at 09:28 as a comment on Challenge: Slag Fiend


Like the deck.
Not sure about the Consume Spirit...only because you can only use Black Mana for it's cost.

Posted 06 December 2013 at 09:18 as a comment on Fire Sale


No Orim's Chant or Abeyance? Are those Modern cards?

Posted 06 December 2013 at 09:14 as a comment on Total White Shutdown


Yep, Caress/Dreams/Jar is nice. And using mana can get those cards out pretty quickly.

Posted 06 December 2013 at 09:13 in reply to #418133 on Draw to death and discard


memory jar.

With underworld dreams and megrim out, memory jar causes 21 points of damage for 5 mana. Game over. Turn the lights out, come back tomorrow. Would suggest adding in 3 and taking out Force Fruition.

Not a modern card though, and pretty sure it is banned anyways. Just thought i would point out a good combo.

Posted 06 December 2013 at 06:54 as a comment on Draw to death and discard


I am actually running Angel's Grace in my white deck, posted on this site. Check it out and see what you think. It is the deck that is, "1 life, i win."

Posted 06 December 2013 at 06:13 in reply to #410857 on 1st turn Tendril Win


Nice Idea. Thanks.

Posted 06 December 2013 at 06:11 in reply to #410857 on 1st turn Tendril Win


Needs 4 more cards, friend.

Posted 05 December 2013 at 11:37 as a comment on Necropotence (vintage)


Indeed, in friendly sportsmanship, he is giving me 4 copies of Smelt. :)

Posted 05 December 2013 at 11:32 in reply to #417079 on Goblin Death, 2


More I think about it...this deck definitely needs to consider Bribery.

Or can you say Confiscate? It lets you steal anything!

I prefer something like Boomerang in this deck vs Unsummon. I mean, you have 12 cards/spells that let you steal their best creatures anyways. So something like Boomerang gives you better options. If they have more mana then you, Boomerang one of them. If they have a killer artifact/enchantment then Boomerang it. If they have a combo card out on the board, Boomerang it.

Same reason I like Confiscate/Bribery in this deck vs Mind Control. Bribery lets you search their deck and take their very best creature! Mind Control (an expensive Control Magic, by the way) just lets you take whatever creature (even if it is only a 1/1 puny creature) they have on the board.

Same with Confiscate. It lets you steal anything! ANYTHING! That is insane. Does your opponent have a Jace, the Mind Sculptor with loyalty counters on it? Steal it! It can take their artifacts. Their Enchantments. Their precious Land. Stealing a creature is one thing, stealing a Planeswalker is another. Confiscate wins games.

Posted 05 December 2013 at 10:29 as a comment on Gimme


This deck against a human or goblin deck would be fun.

Posted 05 December 2013 at 10:08 as a comment on Strength in Elves: (Legacy:)


Yep, Control Magic is better than Mind Control. I agree.

Bribery is a very nice card to consider, too.

Posted 05 December 2013 at 09:51 in reply to #417831 on Gimme


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