
157 Decks, 5,295 Comments, 1,384 Reputation

What is a CD? See...I made a joke there. :)

Posted 18 December 2013 at 08:20 as a comment on Burn This CD


Wait...wait...wait, this deck is called "Lightning Deck" but you are not running 4 copies of Lightning Bolt...probably the best card for this deck? Ugh.

Add 4 lighting bolts. Take out the 3 Fling and 1 Stone Idol Trap for them.

Like the elemental theme, by the way, they are nice!

Posted 18 December 2013 at 08:18 as a comment on lightning


4 Sol RIngs? That is unfair! I like this deck. Giving it a like. Maybe consider Urza's Incubator. It would make all of your Myrs even cheaper.

I like Skullclamp for this deck. I run a deck very similar to it. It helps you draw cards.

Check out Slagfiend too. It's power and toughness is equal to the number of artifacts in the graveyards. So you sac all of your artifacts to Atog and both Atog and Slagfiend get powered up.

Posted 18 December 2013 at 08:15 as a comment on Bad Myrs, Bad Bad!


Where are all of the Elementals? Are none of them Modern?

You need Browbeat, in my opinion. Drawing extra cards rock.

Spark Elemental is good choice. 3 damage first turn. Also, Ball Lightning.

Posted 18 December 2013 at 08:08 as a comment on Best haste deck!


You, my friend, have some killer cards in that deck! Never played with Delver...a question, if you reveal a instant or sorcery, do you get to keep it in your hand? I mean, where does it go?

Force of will
Sylvan Library
Hymn to Tourach
Dual Lands

I would be ashamed if i lost with this deck, lol.

Posted 18 December 2013 at 08:03 as a comment on Team America


You have some killer cards in that deck, there, young man.

Posted 18 December 2013 at 07:58 as a comment on Team America


You ever find that black artifact card that i could use Donate on, for my deck?

Posted 18 December 2013 at 07:53 in reply to #420317 on Sharing is Caring


What could hurt this deck is another control deck. It would be an interesting battle! They would of course try to bounce your stuff. Counter your spells. They would bring stuff like Quash to play against you. You play Donate and they Quash it, removing all copies of Donate from the game, and leaving you with a crappy card in play on your side (like Grandeur) that you now need to get rid of.

Another deck that could hurt this deck would be a black discard/control deck. First turn, swamp into a dark ritual, into a duress discarding your Donate, into a Surgical Extraction picking Donate. Their very first turn they would have all of your Donate cards removed from the game.

With all of that said, you have to love Soldier333s deck. It would be just extremely fun to play.

Final advice, my friend, run 4 Donate. And would think of cards that could return your Donate, from the graveyard, back to your hand. Idea would be, Donate, return to hand, Donate, return to hand, Donate. lol.

Archaeomancer maybe. Or Anarchist. Call to Mind is nice. Deja Vu.

Posted 18 December 2013 at 07:34 in reply to #420813 on Sharing is Caring


Tell me how it goes.

Posted 17 December 2013 at 19:28 in reply to #420655 on The Fires of Eternity


I can help. First, take out Ancestral Knowledge. It's upkeep sucks. Take out Cloven Casting. Just cost too much mana. Now take out Archive Trap. Take out Arc Trail. Take out Burst lightning.

Now, here is what you add.

3 Brainstorm. It is very fast in this deck. For one mana you get to look at the next 3 cards, put one in your hand, and the other two on top of your library in any order. It is a very good card. Pretty much you pay one mana it sets your next 2 or 3 turns up. Don't underestimate how awesome that is.

Add in 3 Pyroclasm...this is going to kill your brother's deck. It is way better than Arc Trail. Pyroclasm deals 2 damage tp every creature he owns! That is going to slow him way down!!!

Not sure how expensive they are now, but Add in 4 Lightning Bolts and take out Burst Lighting. Lightning bolt is probably the best one mana red card in Magic. Only flaw I see with this deck is that it needs faster/more consistent burn spells. Lightning Bolt gives you that.

Posted 17 December 2013 at 11:57 in reply to #420655 on The Fires of Eternity


How is this deck doing against your brother's Vampire deck?

Posted 17 December 2013 at 11:34 as a comment on The Fires of Eternity


Yep, good stuff!

Posted 17 December 2013 at 11:26 in reply to #420343 on Elvish Piper - Manacost?No thx


Yeah...umm...where is Memory Jar?

Still liking the deck...but where is the Jar? Way better than the Crawler! I know you want to win on Turn 3...even so, in this deck, the turn you play Memory Jar the game is over for your opponent. If you have a Caress out and cast Jar, it is 14 damage for your opponent. If you have Underworld Dreams out, it is 7 damage for your opponent. With both of those cards out, the Jar causes 21 damage.

Posted 17 December 2013 at 11:19 as a comment on Discard / Draw - 56 dmg T3


Eternal Witness maybe could work. She is a 2/1 creature that has Wildwood Rebirth built in. She might be better than Wildwood Rebirth. Your call on that one.

Posted 17 December 2013 at 11:15 as a comment on Elvish Piper - Manacost?No thx


I think, I could be wrong, but let's say you pay 1 green mana and tap Fauna Shaman and discard Worldspine Wurm to search for Elvish Piper, I am pretty sure the Wurm gets gets shuffled right back into your library. That is neat! You really aren't losing a creature to search for the Piper!

Posted 17 December 2013 at 11:14 in reply to #420343 on Elvish Piper - Manacost?No thx


Wait...tentacruel...the artwork of my friend are a genius! lmao.

Posted 17 December 2013 at 10:51 in reply to #420409 on Elvish Piper - Manacost?No thx


Example. You play Draco using a swamp, forest, mountain, island, and plains. You use all 5 land colors to cast him. He now cost 10 less mana to cast. He started out costing 16 mana. When you used a swamp it made him 14 mana. When you used a forest he cost 12 mana to play. When you added the mountain he cost two 10 mana to play. When you used the island he became 8 mana to cast. And finally, when you used a plains he became 6 mana to cast. You used 5 mana already, just add 1 more mana and you just paid for him.

If you only use one mana color to cast him (Islands in your example) he cost 14 mana!

Same with Solarion. If you use 5 different mana colors when you cast him into play, he comes into play with 5/5 counters. Next turn tap him to make him a 10/10.

However, if you only use blue mana to cast him (even if it is 7 of them) he only comes into play with 1/1 counter. Tap him next turn to make him a 2/2 (much weaker than a 10/10).

To answer you question, yes, it needs to be different color lands.

Posted 17 December 2013 at 10:44 in reply to #418860 on Artifact Creatures


Awesome, just freaking awesome deck name!

Posted 17 December 2013 at 09:04 as a comment on ObamaCare (Modern)


Tell me how it goes with the new cards!!

Posted 16 December 2013 at 21:16 in reply to #420343 on Elvish Piper - Manacost?No thx


Land and mana base looks nice!

Posted 16 December 2013 at 21:14 in reply to #420332 on Sharing is Caring


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