I like the deck. except for the lands, it looks like a block deck that was played not to long ago. I think that you can take out 2 Devastation Tide and put in 2 Oblivon Ring atlest. thats my opinion. hope it will help
And were i Live Naya-pod and Esper control is the best deck.
to many GoST 2 or 3 in my opinion and 1-2 Phantasmal Image is a card that is played alot in Delver pike decks for copy Delver or Snapcaster Mage.
congratulation to the front page
Why not 4 Champion of the Parish and 4 gather the townsfolk Cathars' Crusade is to slow for these kind of decks. Meentor of the Meek is better. He will let you draw cards everytime a creature you play comes to the battlefield Hero of Bladehold is also better. it will give your creatures a powerboost when attacking and doesn't die on whipeflare and slagstorm check my deck plz http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=328884
how are you going to survive board whipe like Day of Judgment or Black Sun's Zenith. you would need like Planeswalkers, they are good in these kind of decks couse the help you get back on your feet again. plz check my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=328884
Have u read what it says on Rune Snag, you need 4 of those to be effectvie and they are better then Hindering Lights. Use Dissipate or Cryptic Command instead of Hindering Light couse if the player use Wrath of God, Black Sun's Zenith or Slagstorm you can't do shit with Hindering Light
How are you supposed to get out your 6-7 mana cost creatures with only 19 lands.
What if Oblivion Ring isn't going to get reprinted in M13?
Lashwrithe is the most useless Living Weapon couse you don't have any Swamp in this deck so it does nothing.
Sol Ring and Solemn Simulacrum is really cheap cards to get nowadays and Darksteel Ingot is just a common cards that people would and could give away
I still don't get it. first you have 3 Planeswalker in the deck that do absolut nothing. then you have planeswalkers like Tibalt that do something but do bad stuff for you couse he can't be played like that. and your mana base is screwed
cards that i think is a must in EDH deck is following Sol Ring, Solemn Simulacrum. Darksteel Ingot, and creatures with value that do more stuff then just attack.
and what is the point of this deck?
How are you going to survive until you get out a creature that can keep you alive and win. First your mana base is not good. dual lands shall always be top priority in my opinion. you don't have any Eye of Ugin. That is a must in decks that runs alot of Eldrazi. You don't have any Counterspells in the deck except for 1 and that is a bad one. think agains. Not to be rude but it has to many flaws this deck chck my deck and give yout thoughts http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=328884
It would be better to take out Reverberate and put in another 2 Pyromancer Ascension you are so going to need some mana acc to keep you alive. How are you going to win against Weenie decks? Check my deck plz http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=328884
3 totalt with 2 solemn Simulacrum.
out with Hindering Light and in with 4 Rune Snag. it is a good card to counter with and it will only be stronger the more Rune Snag that is in the graveyard. out with 1 Rest of the Weary and in with 1 more Ghostly Flicker thats what i Think. plz check my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=328884
No Lingering Souls? it is a really strong card that gives you 4 tokens for 1 card and you play around counterspells and discard cards with it. plz check my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=328884 ^^
Firebreathing is not good in this deck. and it will never be a good enchantment take them out and put in some good removals check my deck plz http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=328884
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