forgot. if you have to few cards in this deck if and I'm saying If you are following my tips. Fill out the rest with some low mana cost vampires
Here is some tips. out with Grave Titans Completly it is a vampire controll so in with Anowon instead out with 2 Duress and 1 Inquisition of Kozilek to much of those IMO in with 2 Nirkana Revenant instead. it is going to boost your mana Sadistic Sacrament is good but it is to slow IMO put in either 2 Grasp of Darkness or 2 Guul draz Assassin out with 1 Memoricide and out with Kalastria and in with 2 Diabolic tutor you are not going to need 25 swamps. 2 is good for this deck 20 Swamps and 4 Verdant Catacombs my ideas. Hope it will help
saw consume the meek in your sideboard :P my bad ^^
I would suggest 2 Diabolic Tutor instead of having 4 Sign in blood Sure it is bigger chance u draw them but u have many life loss in this deck and against an aggro deck i think u will die pretty hard :P thats just my thoughts tho Mimic Vat is good but i think Consuming Vapors is better then Mimic vat Here is some cards that is awesome in mono B control deck Standard Disfigure Grasp of Darkness Contaminated Ground Consume the Meek otherwise it is an awesome Mono B controll Deck Hope some of my suggestion was helping and good luck with your deck
ok here is some tips and i guess u want it to be in standard format 2 duress is enought trust me u are not going to need 4 couse to many times a player will sit with many creatures or land and 2 Inquestion of Kozilek(spelling XD?) are going to be really power full in this deck with 2 duress Mind sludge is a good card but 2 slow i sugest that u put in 2 Diabolic Tutor in your deck instead so you can serch your library You are not going to need Arrogant bloodlord. Sure he is a strong creature but u are going to need that space to get ride of your opponents cards in his/her hand and on the field put in 4 Contaminated Ground instead. it wil cut of his mana a little and give u a big advantage when u are meeting decks with 2 or more color Malakir Bloodwitch is not a good card in a mono B controll IMO take them out and put in 3 Consumin Vapors instead it will help you clear the field for your attack Guul Draz Specter is a good card but couse you are using alot of big monster i think you are going to need Nirkana Revenant instead. It will give u a great mana boost when she is out and Drana will be even more powerfull take out 2-4 swamps and put in some Verdant Catacombs it will fetch you some lands and u will have lesser chance to draw land cards when u don't need them That my opinion I hope it will help
well some fetch lands would be good like Misty Rainforest and Marsh Flats so u have a little bigger chans to not draw a land card when u need something else
i think 2 Frost titan and 2 Sun titan is better in creature way and i like Jacklq4 idea with Venser
Just so u know. i was just teasing you. ^^. It is easy to think that blue is equal to B in magic i have done that to alot of times
Well Lux cannon is in there couse i would like to use some artifacts that could remove cards on the field if i didn't succeeded with taking care of what is dangerous plus it can remove Abyssal XD I know Lux is really slow. 4 mana to put it out on the battlefield then + 3 turn to destroy a permanent but i kind of like it.
Were is grasp of Darkness? BB Target Creature get -4/4
Were is the black it is a B/W black and white controll- Can't see anything that is black in this :P Did u mean U/W controll?
Myr Reservoir is a good card if u want your Myrs back
i decreased phyrexian ghoul from 4 to 2. And now it is 2 Demon of death's gate I'm also using fewer raise card and using enchantment Oath of ghouls instead
then i know :D
Why not using Grindclock ? just wondering otherwise this deck looks like somethin i like to play with or against :D
where is invigorate? awesome card imo
like the mana curve 1 mana = 16 cards 2 mana = 24 i was wondering, does it have to be standard deck? if not then i think Invigorate is a good card but if it is standard or extended then i will have to accept it :D
161-177 of 177 items