Black Sun's Zenith is better then Consume the Meek
Inquisition of Kozilek works better then duress in standard. Trust me i play U/B and u want to take out there Mana Leak and Squadron Hawk fast before u use up your Go for the Throat if u want to use Sorin Markov or Liliana Vess wich I use some time in my deck i have Everflowing CHalice to dodge Mana Leak and save loads of land mana
ehhh. have u seen that i have Gideon and Grave Titan + Bonehoard. it would hurt alot with that. and u don't need life gain. I Have tested the deck with a lot of different slightly Modification and it works
I would take out Sorin Markov and Haunting Echoes and Put in 3 Dark Tutelage instead. And change Duress to Inquisition of Kozilek so u can grab Squandron Hawk. Stoneforge, Signal Pest or other creature with Low CmC
i know it is terrifying
HMMM I'm going to configure my U/B Deck for this XD How good is this deck against Kudlotha. My friend Plays a Kuldotha and swings for 22 damage on second round :/
in sweden this would cost me 70 Dollar it is around 560-600 Swedish Kronor. It is not that much in Sweden :P
yes it is. With Ratchet Bomb and Day of Judgment u will Clear the fields so u can attack with no problems. and one of the best part is that todays Standard doesn't have land destruction
Sign in Blood
well i have run many testes and i always get 2-3 Man lands turn 2-3 Day of Judgment and Amulet of Vigor. I don't really trust Mtgvaults "Draw Sample hands" Couse it uses a bad random code. I have tested "Draw sample hands" on other sites to and it work really good. Even IRL i draw cards that i want
ok here is some tips. out with terra stomper and in with Wolfbriar Elemental instead. Good for Eldrazi Monument Why Overwhelming Stampede? U have Garruk and Ezuri for that out with it and in with 4 Lead the Stampede out with 2 Stregth of the Tajuru and in with 1 Copperhorn Scout and 1 Genesis Wave Hope u find some useful tips
u are not coming far with this deck. U have no aggro. When u get out a Vampire it will die really quick to many vampires that has to high mana cost Try to use more vampires that cost 1 mana they are one of the best.
Seriously? u need Draw mechanic and Mimic Vat is one of the Best card for Allies u are not focusing anything.
Dark Tutelage is one of the best card for a vampire deck but u miss the vampires that are really good like Pulse tracker, Vampire Lacerator(spelling?) Consuming Vapors isn't that good in a vampire deck
i would go with 2 Ascetism and 2 Leyline instead ^^ Troll Shroud is really good:P
RAGING GOBLIN He raged at the World, at his Family, at his life. But mostly he just raged
Question. How will you draw all the cards. U are going to need cards that makes u draw cards. Like Dark tutelage or Sign in Blood. Otherwise use Mimic Vat and u will make sure that u always have creatures to play ^^
and out with deprive and max out Mana Leak Deprive is only good late or in Landfall and u want to finnish fast right?
but if u want to kill fast then u have to take out the more expansive cards right?
u can take out 2 Mountains and 2 Plains and add 4 Arid Mesa to fetch u some lands to mana balans. and out with another 2 lands to add 2 more Contested War Zone That what i would do tho. Nice deck otherwise
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