good hope your deck will succeed
I'm a Zombie fanatik so i know Steady Progress is good and the new counter that will prolifirate are going to be awesome in this deck Steel Overseer could be good in this deck or what do you say?
to bad darksteel Colossus is in Extended :/ Prototype Portal maybe? Every turn a new Wurmcoil ^^
maybe less archbound. I know that they are good but are not going to need that many ?
nice. could u link that deck would be awesome to see
this is a Zombie deck? here is a Zombie Deck that is based on some enchantmenst hope u will find this deck i will link useful
yes he would didn't think of him myself. so stupid of me. Suggesting it for you but not using him myself XD
Living Death and Phyrexian Tower is also some Nice Cards I'm using in my Sac deck with cards Exile it is pretty funny when everything goes round and round ^^
glad i could help. One of my favorit monster card ^^
I think Traximundar would be a good card for this deck not only will he get stronger for each attack if an opponent has a creature but Blade of the Bloodchief will be more OP ^^ IMO
so would Mortivore be a good card in this deck?
indeed Invigorate is the most OP card for infect IMO who cares if he gets life 10 poison counter and he is dead ^^
question. What is this deck suppose to do ?
ok i put in ratchet Bomb instead and i can always put it out for some cards in my sideboard
forgot check my U/B/W deck
easy mistake ^^ here is some tips Iona's Judgment out with it. Most sucking exile card IMO in with 4 Journey to Nowhere out with all enchantment and in with Journey there 4 Mana Leak is very good in a controll deck and more Silence couse u want to have a chance to draw it out with many one:ers try to have more 4 of a card then 1-2 even if u like it 24 land is a must in a controll deck 2 Halimar Depths 5 Island 8 Plains 2 Misty Rainforest 2 Marsh Flats 3 Glacial Fortress That is a good Land setup good creatures in this deck if u want to make it U/W Frost Titan Æther Adept Wall of Omens Wall of Frost Baneslayer Angel Guard Gomazoa Here is some good none creature spell for control Mana Leak Silence Journey to Nowhere Into the Roil Cancel Condemn Deprive Day of Judgment Preordain See Beyond
it depends of what u mean couse many cards have rotated in and out from standard and extended so ma by it was standard/extended decks u were looking at ^^
well fieldcontroll is good right? Couse u are the one in controll of what will come out to the field
it is a good idea to do if u are using them have max of them take out negate for that. Then take out Condemn and have Cancel or Oblivion ring that something you could do Silence for 4 turns and you can do almost everything or imprint it and do it every turn XD nothing he can do but it all depends of how u want to play controll. let him/her play her monster and then attack so u can stop it or never to let your opponent to have anything on your battlefield
a good idea is to take out 2 Island and put in 2 Halimar depths with that u know what to get for 3 turns and can arrange them in any order that suits the situation you can also use Wall of Denial it will stop your opponent for a while and you can play in your speed without worrying to much. Howling mine is also good if always want cards in your hand.
141-160 of 177 items