Bery bery delicious Boros Shenanigans, no?
Permalink Here's a fun deck I made a while back using that combo.
Sadly, my funds are lacking at the moment, so no, I haven't. =(
Well, I sideboarded Sun Titan, Warstorm Surge, and Scrambleverse for big multiplayer fights where late game would be a strong possibility, and also where they would all be much more effective. My creatures are more likely to die in multiplayer(Sun Titan), I need to do more damage to more targets(Warstorm), and I'd have more stuff to steal and mess up with Scrambleverse.
For Jor I'm going to have to say no. I have enough other buffs that don't require me to have 3 of my artifacts out.
I certainly hope you don't plan on having the game go on long enough for you to have the mana to use Rite of Replication, seeing as there are only 2 Creatures you can use it on without sacrificing the original. The Umbra is only really good on the Trickster, Which you should really get rid of in lieu of . . . more automatons? Another bear? I've found that I never use Summoner's Bane in these decks. I alaways end up spending the bulk of my mana putting down more illusions or on Elixir of Immortality or some kind of draw engine. Maybe and Grand Architect instead of Rite and Summoner's. He'll buff your Lord's and provide that little bit of extra mana for Automatons if you need it.
I'd toss the boots, especially if you listen to Sora. If you get rid of the white creatures, you'll only have 2 creatures that can equip it, do to Equip being a targeted ability. I'd also bump it to 4 Phantasmal Images, as they can copy Lord of the /unreal and buff not nly all of your other Illusions, but themselves as well. Without White, I'd also get rid of Xenograft. A 5 mana Enchant to help 1 creature is not worth it. Otherwise, maybe more counters and something to bounce dangerous opposing creatures.
Here's my first attempt.
I'll see what I can come up with!
Play a spell. I dare you. XD
I honestly didn't look at the deck. XD But I like your gusto and enthusiasm for them undead buddies.
Wrong color, mate. XD
Well, if you guys WOULD like to see this on the front page, tell your friends, or anybody. Or just throw more ideas at me. XD
Hmm, I'll sideboard Captive Flame. It is a very nice card. Not too keen on the Equipments for this deck, though I can see the advantage.
I didn't really see anything really worth throwing in for red and/or white spirit 1 drops. Figure may not trigger the casting and coming into abilities, but he does gain ALL of the potential buffs for 1 extra mana, red or white. He's a handy little tool to spend my spare mana on.
Maybe, but I'm not sure that I'd every really find time to play it, considering that I'll be replaying my one mana drops all over the place, every turn.
Front page would be fantastic! Thank you! I threw it together for fun, but I suppose it does have some nice potential.
I'm really liking the Cloudstone! Very nice suggestion!
I'd side-board Levitation. Replace with 2 more Ghastlords. t really won't do you any good unless your opponent has flying.
Well then! Didn't see that. XD In that case, maybe Dampen Thought?
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