I'd remove Apex for another Aven, Sage, and/or Augury.
Remove Lord and Xenograft, replace with Adaptive and Dovescape. More birds. Even some robot birds. All to back up your Storm Crow commandos.
Oh, how I would love to see Cloudstone Curio in here.
I'm sure it works just fine, but really? No offense, but this far from an original idea, and infect isn't exactly hard to make successful, but, for once, I'm not going to rant about hating infect, as someone has already beaten me to the punch. ;) I agree with Skittles over Black Sun. But also, I'd say mainboard Go for the Throat over Doom Blade, as I imagine there are more black decks than there are artifact decks out there. Or go two and two.
That is BEAutiful. XD Might I suggest Training Grounds to get Viral Drake down to a potential 1 mana Proliferate?
I see that this isn't serious. But it really isn't very funny. It's wishful thinking at best. It's one of those ideas that, even if it were possible, would get really old. Really fast. Personal I like joke decks that are . . . well . . . clever, or actually funny. This is honestly just spamming an op card. Meh, whatever. Though I have to question your groups processing power if they ban Nissa but not Black Lotus, as Nissa is very easy to get rid of. Black Lotus is not. And it's free. Soooooo . . .
Might I suggest Requiem Angel?
They, for all intents and purposes, are Swamps AND Mountains, they just aren't Basic. They work exactly the same as, for instance, Blood Crypt. They're just really old. If they were, or ever will be, reprinted, the two land types will actually be in the card type. There's a similar situation with an older legendary creature, as when it was originally printed, Legendary Creatures were all Legends with no other creature type, but in the text, it said that it counts as that creature type. I can't recall the card, though.
That's an interesting idea. I'll put those in the sideboard along with a Viral Drake for cheap Proliferate.
Boomerang is Permanents. And what's more fun than bouncing there lands every upkeep with Isochron?
Oh, that price is straight up the mana. XD The only really expensive card that can't properly be replaced is Doubling Season. XD Budget version would be: -3 Mox Emrald -3 Mox Pearl -4 Savannah -4 Windswept Heath -4 Temple Gardens +4 Sunpetal Grove +4 Razorverge Thicket +6 Forest +6 Plains Or you could go all basic lands.
With as much draw as you have, I'm tempted to suggest Niv Mizzet, but he might be a bit costly for this deck. I concur with Ethan about the Jitte being a bit off in here.
Id rather see Caravan Vigils than Cultivates in here. Maybe a Disciple of Gristlebrand, too, so that you can sac more things, get life, then get them back.
And you REALLY don't need Springjack Pasture. XD It's a nice card, but it costs too much to get what you need out of it.
And I think, as long as you have Mikaeus out, you really won't need Merila for anyone but Wild Cantor, as the counters will just cancel each other out. Maybe consider Heartmender instead?
No Cauldron Haze?
Austere Command is in here twice. Interesting deck, though.
I . . . I think I love you. I want your bebes.
16? a 76 card deck? That seems a bit excessive for this deck. XD What would you suggest?
I'd rather see Chandra's Pheonix than Spitfire for some more sustainability.
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