I like it!
By price I meant mana cost. I don't plan on buying this deck any time soon. I have a total of $0 dollars right now. Anyways, Your combo is reusable. For an extra 5 mana a pop that I'm going to need to be spending on recasting my little guys, not to mention that it would require me to remove 8 cards to get it with any consistency, albeit Karmic Guide is wholly unnecessary unless I have the ten mana to do it twice in a turn, or unless I'd like to do it 1 turn early . And you're right, I probably won't get Oyobi out in most games, which is why there are only two. Arid Mesa's value for this deck is much higher than the dragon, considering that it puts it IN PLAY, untapped, and speed is of the essence. The argument that those last two lands are going to be hard to find is generally invalid, because it would be the same thing if I had just drawn the lands, not to mention the fact the mountains are significantly more valuable than plains. I understand, my little guys are vulnerable, and I probably will sideboard the Mother of Runes, when I decide what to take out.
Your suggestions are nice and all, but they're way too expensive, Mother of Runes aside. The entire point of Arid Mesa isn't necessarily to get the right type of land, that's just a bonus. It's to get lands out of the deck so that I'm more likely to draw other, more important things. The dragon is just impractical for this deck because you will probably never actually be casting it, which means it won't trigger ANY of the effects this deck is built around, Balefire Liege, Door of Destinies, Oyobi. It'll only activate Cloudstone Curio, which I can activate with pretty much anything else.
***UPDATE*** -4 Nobilis or War +2 Grapeshot +2 Haze of Rage
Actually forgot about Storm. Really, where this deck dies down for a moment in my head is turns 3 and four, if I get Cloudstone and Door by then. But, If I have both of those and at least 2 one mana drop spirits, I can get Door up to +4 on turn 5. I'll check out some storm though.
The price estimates on here are a bit wack. I can get most of the rares in here for a dollor at a shop near my house.
Actually I just miss-read the card. XD My bad. XD Keeping the change anyways.
Last changes: -1Cunning Bandit -1 Faithful Squire +2 Cloudstone Curios It has been brought to my attention that I don't have enough removal. So, though it's not real removal, bouncing there stuff every turn seems like it should be satisfactory for this deck's purposes. So I upped the count on my Curios. Didn't even change the mana curve.
Cloudstone Curio makes up for the lack of removal and/or can bounce my other spirits back.
Your calculations greatly underestimate Door of Destinies in this deck. It will more than suffice for buffing. All of the buffs in here at the moment are global, but I lie your ideas. Maybe through them into a separate deck?
If you'd like a different take on infinite turns, check this out: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=186684
Since, ideally, you'll have all the time in the world, maybe add Prototype Portal? It'll speed everything up once you get it out so that you don't mill yourself out bulking up or waiting for the right cards.
Crucible of Worlds keeps it going.
Totally forgot about Crucible. Flagstones are nice, but not really necessary, Planar Rebirth would ruin Raze and Knight of the Reliquary, so not quite right for this deck.
Thanks, man! XD
I'd replace Sungrass Prairie with Wooded Bastion. Otherwise, I'd say good as is!
Gotta add Groundswell and Explore. I'd up the count on Explorer's Scope to four, probably dropping two Visionaries to do so, drop Territorial for more Woodcrashers. Roil Elemental over Shoal Serpent, drop See Beyond for Rampant Growths or ANY other land ramp, drop Divination, maybe add some Hedron Crabs for a bit of extra control, Lotus Cobra could speed things up, Khalni Heart Expidition, Rampaging Baloths, more Preordains, drop Hunter's Feast, Sylvan Ranger isn't really necessary, maybe more deprives, Adventuring Gear, Ponder, drop Viridian Emissary. Those are all the suggestions I have off the top of my head.
So, here's a Chaos version of it. It's probably not particularly good, but it's hilarious. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=228532
I really don't know, but remember, it doesn't have to be all at once. He's mainly in because he's a one mana drop that, as long as you pay into him once, is susceptible to every single buff in the deck. That makes him worth while.
I had actually already liked it before you linked it. XD It looks decent as is, actually. Though I'd toss Stitch in Time, personally.
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