You need 3 more Primal Beyonds if you can get 'em. Elvish is unnecessary and personally, I think you should toss the changelings , except for maybe berserker. I'd like to see more Soulstokes. With more of them, it would probably be an amzing swiss army knife deck, which are, btw, hilarious to play.
They don't fit. In a vamp deck, you shouldn't be playing long enough for there to be that many dead things. Bloodhusk is nice . . . in a mono black discard deck. It's basically going to end up being a 2/2 for three, worse than Baronry. It's not a bad card but not worth putting in this deck. Also, I'd sideboard Bloodseeker in lieu of 2 more pulstrackers or bloodghasts, then switch 'em in if you're going against a creature intensive/swarm deck.
Momir Vig makes it so amazing. In the actual one I have, I threw in Sages of the Anima, which basicly, with Vig, ends up pulling ALL of your creatures out of the deck.
Brink is wholly unnecessary. as are Bonehoard, Bloodhusk, and Baronry.(hmmm . . . illiteration). Beyond that, it just seems a bit spead out. Maybe reduce the number of different cards and distil it a bit, then get more of the cards you're keeping.
Only thing I can suggest would be Sign in Blood, but since your win condition probably won't be mill, it wouldn't be as effective.
lol! Have you seen my first version of this?
I don't think you really need the Annex. Maybe take it out for another puresteel and another mystic
A bit of a different focus than mine, but you may want to compare.
Personally, I'd forgo the Wrap for 2 more Leylines, so you can increase your chance to start with it.
Also, Vulshock Sorcerer, Blood Cultist, and Rakdos Ickspitter might be nice.
Interesting. Check Cinder Pyromancer and Gelectrode. I'd go with a total of 8 counters and sideboard the rest to make room for mor little pingers. Also look into Brimstone Mage and Cunning Sparkmage. Not sure that Mindslaver is necessary. And, like vines said, Basilisk Collow would be nice for deathtouch, as well as the lifelink.
Hmmm . . . me thinks you need a few Stoneforge Mystics.
zthe buff won't increase, but it'll still buff 'em without buffing opponents
Personally, I'd go G/B or G/U with this. Harrows, Battlements, etc. either way, Treespeaker is always nice. For Blue, mana leaks, disperse, sideboard situational counters to be used as necessary against the appropriate opponent, maybe do some prolif, to keep Karn up in case of attacks and/or to speed up the Restart Button.. For Black, replace all the counters with removal(kinda obvious I guess) and maybe a Diabolic Totur(that is still standard, isn't it?). Also, go for 4 Karns and like several others have said, go for the fetch land lands, just to thin out the deck to get Karn.
Dimir. I agree with you, too a point there's been good and bad. The cost efficiency is ridiculous, though New Phyrexia does have some less cost effective cards. the Chancellor's are interesting. Lorowyn may have been where the cost efficiency thing started, but Lorowyn was still good. Infect is unbalanced and should never have been made the way it was. Maybe if they had made it more like the original Poison mechanic but with creature deterioration, it would have been better. I have no problem with the Planeswalker mechanic, nor with Karn in particular, as Planeswalkers are relatively vulnerable, other than the ones like Mind Sculptor, where it has an instantaneous win. Magic is a mutable, changing game. It's better that way. If you just got more of the same, it would be boring. They just need to stop trying to speed up the game to where every deck either has a third turn win or completely shuts down the opponent by then. Also, there have always been oddball cards with bizarre abilities akin to starting over, not just Karn and Lich's Mirror, as well as alternate win conditions, that hasn't changed much.
Big enough to look ridiculous with Bladed Pinions?
I think the addition of Harrow might help on the off chance that the game lasts longer than tun three.
Mana is now accounted for. PAY NO ATTENTION TO MOX LOTUS.
Thanks for the advice, I miss read fling as the creature dealing damage. My mistake. Not sure what I'd replace Ezuri with, he's there to Overrun/Regen the Glistners.
Maybe toss some prolif. in? Not sure what you'd take out, but it'll help ramp up Tezzi and would work great with Steel Overseer. Specifically, Inexorable would be nice with all of your little spells to keep you going if it lasts that long.
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