I'd drop Arbor and Eternal Witness for 3 more Mindslavers and another Blue Sun, or 2 more of each, whichever you preffer, to increase draw chance and consistency. With all the potential draw you have, maybe toss in an extra 3 Academy Ruins on top of your 60. Because 1 of anything i a very small chance, no matter how many draws you have. Treasure Mage would also be nice to directly tudor up your Mindslaver, maybe replacing 2-4 Wall of Roots. I know, you're probably going to tell me you need the mana for Mindslaver, but chances are, you'll have more than enough.
Breeding Pool can also be a reference to the fact that Astartes are vat-grown.
Again, Fists of Ironwood is always nice, 2 mana for Trample on Verdant and 2 Saps. Another one that is always useful in a Sap deck is Sprout Swarm. Since most of your spawning is free, it'll leave you with plenty of mana to spend on the buy back if you're currently lacking in your army size. When your army is bigger, you tapp all untapped creatures at your opponents end step to get as many Saps a possible without actually losing anything, presumably.
That, my friend, is beautiful.
I like these decks, though when I clicked, I was expecting an actual Transmute deck.
Cool deck, maybe sideboard Talus Pali?
Why you got no Doubling Season?!? Or Fists of Ironwoon?!?
Reckless Scholar, Wistful Thinking, and Bloodchief Ascension would work well.
I like this idea.
But Cribswap is so . . . bad. And that would loose me my removal/buffage.
Kinda mana intensive, don't you think? Might want to look into Lullmage Mentor and Merfolk Tribals.
No Paradox Haze?
Doesn't quite fit? Mot really a lie gain deck.
You need a Skeletal Vampire. It gets fun with Teysa.
I don't know if the Kraken is really necessary.
Which one? I'm pretty sure there's about 5 ways to twist it. XD
Got a problem with it?!? >n<
Um, you gave it the wrong color, geez it's colorless! XD
Mimic Vat won't do you any good. It's non-token creature.
Maybe Mirror Gallery and then refine a bit?
241-260 of 413 items