Take a look at the Dissension set in the Ravnica block for some good B/W.
I'd love to see nicol's face looking through my deck list. XD Priceless.
Plague Myr is always nice, 2 mana, 1/1 infect and tap for mana. Necropede certainly isn't bad, Ironclaw, etc.
Rather than Chained, I'd go for some little infect Artifact Creatures that you can buff with Tezzi once you have 2 Time Vaults out.
No problem.
Veil of Secrecy isn't really necessary. Check out Morningtide for more Shami focus.
I'd tos Arcanic for Gilt-Leaf Archdruid.
I appreciate the tips. Vendilion would be nice . . . if I intended on winning. Not to say it CAN'T win, but it's not made to win. it's my griefing deck. Only there to annoy you, especially in Multiplayer.
And, no offense, i'm only liking it because of the name.
Corpse Cur is expensive for this kind of deck. You'll want to have one by turn 4. I'd take out Cur for a Plague Myr and Vector Asp for Necropede. Glistener should be your 1 mana drop. I'd also toss Blightwidow for Livewire Lash. Now, I know these changes would make it even MORE like EVERY OTHER B/G Infect Deck, but they would make the deck much more effective and much faster on a regular basis.
replaicing soul warden
Cascade bluffs would also be nice here
Just in case you didn't know, caged sun will not buff Monstrosity unless you find a way to put some color in those cheeks.
I would rather see Steam Vents than or in addition to Boilerworks.
My biggest suggestion is pick enchants or equips. It doesn't mean you can't have the other, just that you need to cut it down in favor of the other. If you take Enchants, then take out Armament Master and the equip focus creatures. Sideboard Lightcaster unless you're actually going against black. Aeronaught is mediocre compared to Skyfisher considering that you will probably have flying either way you go, enchant or equip. Trust is better than Warlord's unless you get Brass Squire out, which should be gotten rid of in lieu of Puresteel Paladin. With Puresteel or Brass, you can use Argentum very well. A lot you can change on the Equipment side. More Duelists and some Kitesail Apprentices. Just browse through some of the newer equipment for some ideas.
Mainly for draw chance, but also to be able to get my biggest things out for two mana if I'm lucky, hopefully Exiling Darksteel Relic.
I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who uses the term. XD Just referring to a deck that can do/is prepared for EVERYTHING. Doesn't mean it necessarilly does any of those things WELL, but at least well enough to be useful in the presented situation, similar to an actual swiss army knife, has a tool for everything.
I'm still not really liking Razorswine, broseph. Don't ask me why, but I don't. I think I have an aversion to 2/1s, especially when they're made for combat.
So . . . are either of you seeing the turn 2 win(s)? There are several ways to do it, depending on wht you have in your hand. Livewire is more of the back up plan, if I'm not mistaken. Am I right, Corpse?
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