
29 Decks, 205 Comments, 42 Reputation

you mean the flashback?

Posted 17 January 2015 at 20:46 in reply to #528263 on Blasphemous Tri-color Goblins!


I just think it may be a better fit since I would get a flashback out of each one.

Posted 17 January 2015 at 20:32 in reply to #528263 on Blasphemous Tri-color Goblins!


I could play rally the peasants since I have a splash of white though.

Posted 17 January 2015 at 20:26 in reply to #528263 on Blasphemous Tri-color Goblins!


true but it's only one creature vs. trumpet blast giving every creature +2/+0

Posted 17 January 2015 at 20:25 in reply to #528263 on Blasphemous Tri-color Goblins!


Updated my Deck Description and tweaked some small things.

Posted 17 January 2015 at 16:38 as a comment on Lifepain


After some toying around and talking with my wife this is where we are. I think the biggest problem plaiyng against this deck with be the mid-range swarm. If you get Krenko out on turn 4 with goblin chieftain on the board. and a trumpet blast in your hand the game can be yours. and if they get rid of krenko bring him back with birth rite. I Built all my decks to 61 cards. I know this one is at 62, But i just don't know what to cut at the moment.
Turn 1: Legion Loyalist- 1 total goblins
Turn 2: Krenko's command- 3 total goblins
Turn 3: Goblin Cheiftan-4 total goblins
Turn 4: Krenko, Mob Boss- 10 total goblins. Play Obelisk according to how the board looks and if you have one in your hand . If you can take the damage i'd do so.
Turn 5 Trumpet Blast- 20 total goblins(19 eligible attackers since Krenko is tapped) with haste, all tokens are 4/2 without Obelisk, 6/4 with Obelisk, Have first strike and Trample.

Posted 17 January 2015 at 15:49 in reply to #528263 on Blasphemous Tri-color Goblins!


Alright so i've toyed around with it and i like where it's sitting. My wife likes it. It took her some convincing but i managed to replace crackling doom with dreadbore, I also cut Kathari Bomber which she was very fond of. I actually like the card as well but something had to be cut. it has definitely moved more towards red than black or white.

Posted 17 January 2015 at 15:26 in reply to #528263 on Blasphemous Tri-color Goblins!


I saw that as well just didn't see the purpose in a monowhite deck. Reading kills me. Didn't see the tap creature part.I guess I didn't understand the concept of the card but now that I read the whole thing it makes sense

Posted 17 January 2015 at 03:30 in reply to #529476 on Mono white


With trying to keep 1 cmc, Scout's Warning, Prophecy, Festival of the Guildpact, Defiant Strike, Bandage. Those are the only decent 1 cmc cards with a draw ability. I think Festival of the Guildpact is probably the better of them.

Posted 17 January 2015 at 03:10 in reply to #529476 on Mono white


Wish there was a way to integrate more drawing in this deck because it looks like a blast but you're going to be sitting there with an empty hand after turn 4. Maybe rally the troops sideboarded to give you an extra +1/+1 from mikaeus? it was the only 1 cost I could find with an untap ability

Posted 17 January 2015 at 03:01 as a comment on Mono white


This deck has a good premise but has WAAAAYYYY to many really expensive creatures and no mana ramp. BUT It's nice to see someone else besides me like Spike Jester. Ans Nykthos is only going to do so much until you get creatures on the board.

Posted 17 January 2015 at 02:57 as a comment on Slaughter


I like the idea of this deck but there are so many tap lands I feel you could get 1 or 2 turns behind easily. 12 out of 20 tap lands.

Posted 16 January 2015 at 17:13 as a comment on Temureskai


You could do goblins vs. Soldiers. I have a deck called swarm and overcome you should look at. I haven't built but yet it's just an idea. Minus the cliff top retreats.

Posted 16 January 2015 at 14:54 in reply to #528887 on Budget Decks: Stompy Temur!


I take that back. Forget everything I said about black tokens. Budget duels! My wife likes aggressive decks and has goblins now. And I like whatever. Just something you think would be balanced against a fast aggro deck.

Posted 15 January 2015 at 16:37 in reply to #528887 on Budget Decks: Stompy Temur!


I know this deck is rough, no one has anything for it?

Posted 15 January 2015 at 04:21 as a comment on Swarm and Overcome


yea it's going to be different. that's for sure. But hey North, i've got a Challenge for you. Modern Black Tokens. I'm scrolling through some cards and I don't even know where to start. I feel Waste Not, and Endless Ranks of the Dead could be pretty fun in it. But besides that I've never seen a mainly Black Tokens

Posted 15 January 2015 at 00:22 in reply to #528887 on Budget Decks: Stompy Temur!


blue white green control seems like a messy hodge podge. A standard control deck can(and in my opinion should be) built without Sage of hours. You can sideboard it, But just thinking theory in my head. you put it down turn 2 and if you save spells that proc Heroic you will get an extra turn what maybe turn 4-5 depending. And what are you going to do with that extra turn? you have to use your cheap targeting spells to proc Sage which could have been used on a Favored Hoplite. IF I were to use Sage of hours I would probably work him into a W/U casual Modern Heroic deck. where you could use blanket spells that will proc all creatures on the field. Roar of the Kha on Isochron Scepter is the first thing that comes to mind(don't ask why, I like Mirrodin). Brave the Elements. uh... there are a lot more. BUT that's just me.... But now that I say that would Icochron proc heroic? technically it's an activated ability of the scepter so now I don't know. Anywho. I would still do the same concept with or without the scepter.

Posted 14 January 2015 at 18:37 in reply to #528887 on Budget Decks: Stompy Temur!


Instead of Anax and Cymede I would rather run Brave the elements, choose the color of your opponents creatures, then all your creatures are unblockable by creatures of that color. And even so you are gaining trample from Legion Loyalist at a far less cmc. So because of that I would cut Both Anax and Cymede, both Glory of Warfare, and all four coordinated assault. Run 4 brave the elements and 4 boros Elite. Just because you want to keep your CMC down as much as possible. you have a lot of creatures with a cmc of 4 or higher and you wouldn't want your hand to fill with those waiting for a preeminent captain that could possibly be destroyed before you get to use his ability. Paragon of the New Dawn is also better than captain of the watch In my opinion. Don't get me wrong. I love the idea of the card because it's 4 creatures for 6 cmc and you gain a +1 +1 ability, But it's just expensive. Soldiers are in my opinion a mid to fast speed agro deck.I think Goblins are by far faster, But with a soldier deck it's all about speed and pressure. attack fast, get creatures out fast. They aren't a deck that you are able to bide your time and plan your big finale attack. Building your own deck from scratch is trial and error. I am constantly changing two or three cards in my Soldier deck almost weekly to fine tune it. find certain combo's that work. I would maybe cut Preeminent captain to 2, or 3 then Find maybe 4 cards that really work well with his ability. Heck, you could run a full set of Spark troopers. I think that would be awesome as everytime you put one down your going to gain 6 life if it's attack lands. In this deck that might work better than Foundry Champion. Heck I might change out Foundry Champion and work 3 Shock Troopers in my deck. The more I look at them the more I like them. and if you have spear or honor of the pure out, that lifelink is going to gain you more life.

Posted 13 January 2015 at 19:18 in reply to #528763 on Help with soldiers


alright it stopped be from editing this so imma post it again here goes


that's my red/white soldiers. It's a little more over your budget but it might give you ideas for cards. Just remember with preeminemt captain that any ability like Tajic, or wojek do not trigger when they enter the battlefield. I think your mana curve is pretty high. It may be because you are counting on Preeminent captain to get soldiers out for cheap, but if that's the case you might want to add 4 of them. you don't want to have a hand full of 4-6 CMC cards in your hand and no land to play them. I kind of like the idea of running a set of Spark troopers with a few preeminent captains but personally I chose Fondry Champion because if you have 6 soldiers on the field, Drop Foundry. now you have 7. deal 7 damage to the player and they have an extra 4/4 to deal with. you can always add Boros Battleshaper but keep in mind you will just be bringing him into play for no mana. His ability will only proc the next time he attacks.

Blaze commando is wasted as boros charm in the only damage spell you have. Some people might overlook it but I think Brave the Sands is a pretty underrated card. Vigilance and you are better able to block tokens or whatever your enemy throws at you. you could maybe swap it out for Blind Obedience. it's up to you. I would drop the Heroic soldiers and procs for something that would benefit all your soldiers. Honor of the Pure, Spear of Heloid, Field Marshall(expensive), Paragon of the New Dawn(cheaper version for 1 more cmc) I personally like Mentor of the Meed a lot because in a semi-agro deck like soldiers can be your hand runs out quick and you are left playing card to card. so if you drop Raise the Alarm or have Assemble the Legion you can pay 1 each time a creatures comes into play and draw a card for it. It's fantastic. I'm telling you. Soldiers are definitely not Competitive modern but in casual you can have a lot of fun playing them. if you wanted to keep this pretty darn budget I'd start with
4x Boros Elite
4x Precinct Captain
2x Honor of the Pure
2x Spear of Heloid *or 3 honor of the pure and 1 spear, it won't affect your mana curve too much*
4x Raise the Alarm
2x Assemble the Legion
2x Mentor of the Meek
4x Clifftop Retreat * my favorite style of Dual land and it's cheaper than shock land* I'd say this is semi-required as you don't want to use lands that come into play tapped. it will slow the deck down
Then fill in the blanks with whatever your playstyle likes.

that's 20 spells and 4 lands. now I build all my decks to 61 cards just to be different so that would leave you room for about 18 other cards that suit what you want to do with the deck. Without Clifftop retreat it comes to around $7. With clifftop it's right at $20 but I'm telling you. even though they are $3.50 a piece they are worth it. In my opinion if you can't run those or a shock land. run basic land.

Red/White soldiers is my favorite so if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Posted 13 January 2015 at 13:56 in reply to #528763 on Help with soldiers



that's my red/white soldiers. It's a little more over your budget but it might give you ideas for cards. Just remember with preeminemt captain that any ability like Tajic, or wojek do not trigger when they enter the battlefield.

blaze commando is wasted as boros charm in the only damage spell you have.

Red/White soldiers is my favorite so if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Posted 13 January 2015 at 13:16 as a comment on Help with soldiers


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