I'm really liking this deck. maybe mainboard 2x Fecundity. I feel it could really help this deck. you could easily burn through your deck effectively. Also Magewright's Stone could get dangerous with Krenko. BUT he's a one drop in this deck. So it's so so.
Doubling season is $25 a card. this whole deck cost is under $10. not very budget
Uh...... No?
This^^^ Biggest piece of advice i'd give to this deck as well as adding at LEAST 1 plains. Personally i don't like to run less than 21 even in fast aggro decks. I'd also add some Boros Elite(2-3) in there. as well as Banisher Priests(2-3) and Accorder Paladin's(2-3). Call me crazy but I would sideboard Path to Exile. I hate to classify decks into two categories. But there are Problem decks and answer decks. With a white weenie deck you want to create problems. I'm also a fan of Thraben Doomsayer.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't we come to the conclusion that this deck isn't turn 1 anymore? it requires 8 cards so it's essentially only a turn 1 win if you go second and your opponent doesn't play a creature.
I just said that..... 1v1 = 2 player game... 1v1v1 = 3 player.
yes. and if it's a two player game and you go first you don't draw so you are stuck at 7 cards.
I don't see a way of doing this turn 1. you need 8 cards to pull it off with Infernal plunge. I've calculated it a few ways and to land 10 poison counters you need 8 cards. I just wasn't braining earlier when I looked at it.
I agree with you as well. these simulated shuffles only go so far. I had two hands in a row with no land, 1 with a simian spirit guide and infernal plunge. then the next hand I had 4 land and a manamorphose.
I'm in the same boat here. Out of 10 hands the best I could do was a turn 2 swing with Swiftspear for 14 and a turn 2 swing with a Chancellor Goblin for 10. Besides that it a lot of mulligans and no creatures.
I JUST took out 2 Assemble the Legions and 3 Chained to the Rocks to put the 4 Champion of the Parish and another Brave the Elements. Just when i posted that comment above. I really like the card but i thought directing the mana curve down downwards would be more beneficial.It's even where i got part of the name of the deck. I'm even still iffy on Champion of the Parish in the deck. It's a love hate relationship.
Alright So I think I have the deck to the point that, for what it is as B/R Soldiers, I can't make it any better. I know a lot of people don't like Spark Trooper but I really like the card and it plays into my turn 4 win with this deck. I think the numbers of certain cards Could be tweaked. I just Added Champion of the Parish as another 1 drop. There are 18 total Humans in the deck so for a one drop I see him getting at least 3-4 +1/+1 counters.
Cut gorgon Flail. Add 2 honor of the pure, and 1 spear of heliod. Cut lonbow archer and add 4 Boros Elite. This will also benefit Champion of the Parish. Find a way to work in 2 mentor of the meek to add the draw if you need it. Also since you are running 4 preeminent captain I'd recommend running Captain of the Watch. And lastly the Cheap Elspeth, Elspeth Tirel would work well since you are very creature heavy. her +2 and -2 ability will work well with this. But at the same time, Elspeth and CotW will both be above your mana curve. But Preeminent Captain will make it all worth it. a turn 4 Captain of the Watch will always make this difficult for your opponent.
Oh I'm right there with you. I made a "Throwback Thursday" Deck on here that's a replica of the Soldier deck I used to play before I quit. Which was right around mirrodin Cycle. As soon as I got back into magic and knew I really wanted to start playing again, did some research on all the stuff I missed I build an updated Soldier Deck. and It is by far my favorite. I'm always tweaking it, But I have it to a point where I'm really enjoying it and can pull off a turn 4 kill. it's called Honor of the Legion. Soldiers are just so versatile, one of the most vertatile Tribal in my opinion. Granted they are mostly white but you can splash any color into them. Mine is W/R with Assemble the Legion and Spark Trooper. but you could go B/W human soldiers and throw in Xathrid Necromancer for fun. You can go W/G tokens with Sigil Captain. Something like this http://www.mtgvault.com/horizonblue/decks/gw-swarn-2/ . It's not Soldiers solely but it looks damn fun. I think you personally could make that deck cheaper and just as fun. cut the expensive dual land, Hornets nest, Push hooded Hydra back to two. cut Launch the Fleet. and you could get it under $20. Anywho. I'm ranting. time to get back to work.
You're the boss man. I'm just trying to help out. Soldiers are the best!! lol
I would Cut Spawn of Thraxes and maybe add Voracious Dragon, or cut it completely because 20 land isn't a lot for a 5 or 7 drop. Run 4 Raging Goblins. You need a lot more 1 drops like Foundry Street Denizen, Frenzied Goblin, or Goblin Bushwacker. I'd cut Reckless one down to 2. Those are all great cards and will reduce your CMC., Work in either a set of Krenko's Command or Dragon's Fodder. Goblin Wardriver would also be a good choice instead of Mogg Maniac. And last but not least, cut all direct damage. Instead add 4 Goblin Grenades, 4 Lighting bolts and since you aren't shooting for Modern legal add 4 Goblin War strike's. Overall though this deck could be fun. It needs the Fat trimmed per say, but Honestly Goblin Chieftain and Krenko make for a nasty combo. My Wife has a goblin deck that does upwards of 70+ damage on turn 5.
Paragon of New Dawns is a little expensive cmc wise but it would fit well here, you could swap out Rhox Pikemaster for Archetype of Courage. Aegis of the Gods might be a cheaper alternative for Aven Fleetwing if you are pushing to teach the fundamentals of Hexproof. The deck cost on this deck is pretty low so you have a lot of room to work. I think this deck could be a lot of fun. I'd also recommend Sejiri Merfolk. I would try to fit at least 3 in this deck. Plus I love Soldiers. they are my favorite tribal. If you weren't pushing for certain abilities I would say that ANY Soldier deck needs to be running a set of Boros Elite. they are insurmountable in a Soldier Deck But I can see the premise of this deck and I think it's great. None the less. Kudo's on a fun deck.
yea i'm realy surprised they are selling for 1.25 at my local card shop.
No Worries Northy!! i'll look at em now!!! Thank you so much!!!
I've never used him in a deck. At the absolute earliest he doesn't "activate" until turn 4. Assuming no creatures die. I just really like the concept of him.
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