Aegis of the gods might fit instead of Street wraith in my opinion. The cycling ability just isn't worth the cost of the card at 5 mana. But here is my question. What is your Win condition? you have a plethora of cards to prevent damage but your opponent will still have a battlefield full of creatures. So how do you win the game? I feel like you could just stalemate the game for a very long time and make the opponent want to quit. But it's just a matter of time until he is one step ahead of you or you are 1 card off.
I'd also suggest substituting 4 of your mountains for Rootbound Crag. you only have 8 cards that require a mountain and your lands are split 50/50
I tried to make an Extort deck last year. I love the idea of it but honestly it's not a strong enough mechanic to base a deck around. because you have to think every spell is going to cost at least one more mana or more to cause damage to your opponent and W/B doesn't really have mana ramp to help you out. You can add Sanguine Bond to kind of give you a 2 for one. which would help. Or Exquisite blood. I think adding both to a deck is cheating. Or add both and do the infinite loop.
You could run 4 hand of emrakul. Awakening zone, Spawning bed, cut back Ulamog down to two. and you might be able to cut Expore or Arbor Elf. you don't need so much mana ramp with the perc of Eldrazi spawn. because you have a ton of mana ramp and really the only thing you really have to spend it on it Ulamog. Hand of Emrakul can be cast with 4 spawns sac'd
If you are trying to get as many creatures out as fast as possible you need to change your mana curve. You have no 1 drops, 6 two drops 13-three drops. you want to be able to drop a creature turn one,r&cexclude=true&mco=%3d&mc=1&t=Creature&l=Standard&ps=20If your set on keeping it standard take a look at that.
This is a big price tag and huge CMC cards that can be wiped with a deck 1/4 of the price. Soulbright Flamekin isn't going to save the huge CMC of this deck. I guarantee you will more than likely get wiped before you can play a creature. but I don't want to bring you down too much. But my biggest advice is start a new deck. This is a $200 deck that you will not have fun playing. Pick a color you like or play style you like. These are just examples and brief synopsis. Red: direct damage and goblins. White: lifegain and many different tribal themes you can run. Blue: Control, Green. Big creatures that stomp on everything and a ton of mana Black. Lifesteal, lifeloss, -1/-1 counters, sacrificing creatures. Death and decay. I personally don't like playing blue or green, and prefer White. I like agro fast style decks.Take a look at he is pretty popular on here and is all about making fun decks. His decks will give you an idea of what to look at and damn near all of his are budget minded. if you have no pricetag on your deck, there are tons of other fantastic decks. just cruise the Hot tab for example is a KILLER deck. I love everything about it. but remember always take advice with a grain of salt, But if you build a deck around Hardcasting Emrukal, Kozilek, or Ulamog you are gonna have a bad time
Soldiers and mono white decks are my usual forte when I play Magic. With Soldiers you want to come out fast and strong. You have too many big drop cards in this deck. My current soldier deck is R/W and the most expensive card is 2 Assemble the Legions, 2 spark troopers and a combined total of twenty five 1 and 2 drops and six 3 drops. My human deck has 2 Ranger of Eos and the twenty eight combined 1 and 2 drops and ten 3 drops. I'd drop Daru Warchief and run maybe Field Marhall so you are Modern Legal. Also I see that you have lot of Heroic cards but not a lot of spells to trigger heroic. Creature abilities do not trigger Heroic so these cards are wasted. Some cards I would recommend are Boros Elite. It's a great 1 drop and I run 4 of them in both my Human and Soldier deck. Mentor of the Meek. Ranger of Eos is fantastic in cheap CMC decks. Field Marshall, Mentor of the Meek is also great in cheap decks. Preeminent captain is a must if you want to keep your more expensive cards but remember it won't trigger abilities like Captain of the Watch. Which honestly is just too expensive for what you get. Precinct Captain and you gotta have some Honor of the Pure in there. Last but not least you are running mono white so you NEED a full set of Brave the Elements. Without Question
Advice on here always take with a grain of salt. You build the deck the way you want to. You have to play cards you are comfortable with and something that appeases to you. With saying that. I think you have enough life gain in this deck to play 4 Ajani's Pridesmate and drop the 2 sunstrikers. Nyx-Fleeced Ram may be a better addition than Pride Guardian. You have a lot of really expensive cards. Do you own this deck currently or saving up to build it? because there are a lot of reasonably priced cards you can substitute in the deck until you gain enough cash for the pricey ones. Divinity of Pride would be good to drop 2 of in here. I'm running them in a lifegain deck I have in place of Serra's ascendant since they are 13 bucks a piece.I don't like Heliod at all. I think he is the worst of all the Theros Gods. He's expensive to cast and he produced a 2/1 cleric that cost 4 mana. that's stupid expensive. If you were running a full set of Soul Sisters( Soul Warden and Soul's Ascendant) I could see paying that mana cost and gaining 3-4 life each time a creature comes out. But other than that I would possibly drop it completely. I think Ordeal of Heliod, Sunbound, and Wall of Reverence might work in your sideboard.If your meta has a lot of token decks or decks that produce a lot of creatures you could swap in Suture Priest. And I don't know if Leyline of Sanctity is worth the $75 dollars in your deck. Aegis of the Gods is a 2 drop that makes you Hexproof and he cost like. $0.40. He's not as effective as an enchantment and can be killed easily against a Burn deck. Mask of Avacyn or Lightning greaves solves that problem. Grand Abolisher is another control card that might help. But then you are moving towards White Control instead of White Life gain.You just have to justify that those 3 cards are contributing to almost half the cost of your deck.
^^ This^^ It doesn't tap for 2 mana. You are tapping the forest to activate the enchanted ability, you can't tap it to add mana AND the activated ability. If it worked the way you are implying there would be a set in every single Modern deck.
I think your just missing the point that this deck is built around Sigil Captain. As has been stated many times before. That's why there are no blanket buff in this deck. Now Rally the Peasants might work as somewhere in there as it's a fair bit cheaper than Overrun. If you want Vigilance add Brave the Sands and keep the Synergy the deck has built. A battlefield wipe is something that you just have to think about. Control the Wipe and Add Martial Coup if you have the budget for it. It will wipe all your Sigil Captains out but you will still get 5 1/1 creatures after the fact. My non budget version can win by dropping Martial Coup. If you have Murder investigation on a morphed Hooded hydra and Wipe with Coup you are getting 15 1/1 tokens on the board after the wipe. You yourself said it. Captain of the Watch Doesn't fit.
Suture Priest and Ordeal of Heliod might be good in sideboard. I personally didn't know he had emergency surgery and I must go watch him play Five Nights at Freddy's!!!
This is an awesome budget minded version of the deck I built. Kudo's Kudo's Kudo's here's a link to the original if anyone else is interested. Sundering Growth might be a better choice than reclamation sage. you could populate a 1/1 and get more benefit from Sigil Captain. Other than that. you always out do yourself.
Streetninja, I see where you coming from with Silence. it would definitely make me very aggravated. But overall I like this deck. I run a mono white Human deck as well. It's more geared as an agro deck though. This is it
I don't see the benefit of Mastery of the Unseen. I really didn't give advice to add more creatures.
IDK. I feel like the title of each pretty much sums it up. B/W Tokens has some control measures in there while still being pretty straight forward with the agro. and this deck has no control elements and is more geared towards constant pressure. I personally like agro decks and as rudimentary as it may seem I try to break down decks into 2 categories. Problems and answers. I like to cause problems more than I like to solve them So I'd have to say I like this deck better. That's not saying the other deck is bad. As similar as the decks are they function in two different ways.
I'd use Honor of the Pure instead of Obelisk. For the lower CMC and for the fact that if I have 1 Honor of the Pure on the board Mentor will still proc. If you get 1 Obelisk, Mentor is useless as every 1/1 will come into the field as a 3/3 It's up to you if it's a fair trade off. Honestly for me I'd much rather have one Honor on the Field. Burn through my deck a little with Mentor and then if I were to attack Drop another Honor or a Rally the Peasants. I like Mentor of the Meek so much I bought a set of foils so I could run two in Human deck and 2 in my Soldier deck. I'd also run 4 gather the Townsfolk instead of 2 Gathers and 2 Raise the Alarms just for the fact that you have no blanket spells that target just soldiers and you could be using even more humans from gather to Proc Champion of the Parish. Also Martial Coup is far better than Mass Calcify. Same CMC and you get creatures after the wipe. Lastly I feel Brave the Elements would benefit you far more than Silence. especially with Grand Abolisher sharing some of the job of Silence.
I see that this is essentially the same as your B/W token plus or minus a few cards. I think that's a good move. If you want to move towards humans a little more maybe put a 1 drop of Increasing Devotion somewhere. Yes it's expensive but it's a good expensive in late game. I would consider this deck late game. Stop the initial swarm until you can get enough blanket buffs that your flying, lifelink, deathtouch tokens wreak havoc. I approve.
I would suggest adding tags, deck descriptions and how to plays to the decks you want help on. Just so we can get an understanding on your mechanic with the deck. Is it an agro deck? Midrange? control?. Give us an ideal hand and a turn by turn until your killshot. is it a turn 4 win? a turn 5 win? in my opinion an agro deck should have a kill turn 4-5. If it's more than that it needs reworked. Modern agro decks can kill by turn 2-3. It's all about getting monsters out there as fast as possible. I had to click on 4 decks to find your standard deck. I'm assuming you are talking about "Just Plain Nasty".
True you can use skarrg to pay for the 1 CMC of crucible, but you can also use either a Forest or Mountain.You don't want too many colorless land on the field if you have to play a creature spell. It's my personal opinion. I wouldn't run more than 4 collectively. 2 Skarrg and 2 Crucible. or just 4 Crucible.
I agree. I wouldn't put more than two in since you are already running colorless mana with skarrg though.
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