Might I recommend some with wither, for that nice -1/-1 count? I understand if you don't want to leave Scars of Mirrodin, but here are some I use: Scar Crumbling Ashes Oona's Gatewarden Kulrath Knight
With all the colorless, you might want to use Cloudpost; if you don't feel you're drawing win schemes quickly enough, Darksteel Forge and Darksteel Reactor are always fun.
Playing a Mistmeadow Witch to bounce your Venerated Teacher forever is a game-winner. Much better than the crappy Ice Shard, considering you can do it to your enemies and they can't just pay to cancel the effect.
Generally speaking, you want more than 2 cards for your win condition in a deck. Get a Test of Endurance, and an Ajani Goldmane. While the Ajani might not say "win the game" anywhere on it, the X/X Avatar it creates will easily crush anything your enemy might have. Comment on my decks!
And cards which lower costs... But good idea. Gonna add more of a centralized approach to it, too.
What are you Rite of Replicating? What are you Rising from the Grave? There're a lot of midrange creatures here, but nothing big enough to warrant Rising or Replicating. Just a though. I don't really roll a Zombie deck, though I might try one out (splash some red for Thraximundar).
I like my mono-black, because you get cards that are much more effective for world-wide wither, like Midnight Banshee and Caustic Crawler. Also, they give your enemy fewer choices (block? not block?), though they do cost more mana. Really, the difference isn't all that much. You're still withering pretty much anything that you see. I don't use Soul Snuffers because playing a Kulrath Knight means that all of my creatures are incapacitated. Blowfly Infestation has the same effect when playing decks that aren't heavy on creatures (it will come back to bite you). If you have time, please comment on my decks. They need it.
Here's a combo I used to use before I broke my Elspeth deck apart: Knight-Captain of Eos+Stormfront Riders Here are some other good soldier cards: Raise the Alarm Ranger of Eos Rhox Pikemaster Coat of Arms Then there are just generally good white cards that happen to help Soldier decks, such as: Safe Passage Harm's Way Anyway, feel free to comment on my decks, too. And if you're looking for someone to trade with, leave me a note on one of my decks. You have a few cards I would like for my decks.
Yeah, Snap's a bitch. Especially with dual lands like the Aqueduct. What kind of Sphinxes do you roll? I normally use beaters like Goliath Sphinx, but most of my friends like more subtle, "blue" ones like Jwar Isle and Magister. If you want to splash white, you can also roll with a Sphinx Sovereign and a Sphinx Herald. I used to do that, but I counldn't stand my Esper deck. So I broke it apart.
I threw in Contaminated Ground because I had to have the black mana on hand in case I needed to use it, but I wanted to use the mana. Plus, any extra damage I can throw in this deck is a plus. Nighthawks are too much black mana for me. Bounce is good. I have scry and draw in this deck. Why a Sphinx? Sphinxes are enders, but you already have an ender in your Kraken. Use to roll with discard. Found the main bonus was seeing the hand and got that with telepathy. Got counterspells for sorceries/instants, free boomerang and land return.
Holy crap...except for those Moxen decks, this is probably the most expensive deck I've ever seen (and the only one that might actually be played). Sorry I can't be of service. I think this is a little bit above me.
I like the idea of a free creature that can attack early on and then be replaced by a ninja. However, it would help if your ninjas were a bit stronger. Replacing Sightbenders with cards that gave flying, shadow, etc. might not be completely unblockable, but they'll suffice against most decks. And, they're far cheaper. Or you could just grab some already-unblockables like Inkfathom Infiltrator. Just make sure your creatures can kill the enemy once they're done drawing you cards/bouncing or killing creatures/etc. Good luck. Comment on my decks, if you have the time.
Get rid of white. Just go for a much more offensive red- and white-based deck. Lightning Talons, Incinerate, all manner of Avens, etc. Comment on my decks. P.S. Trade me your Jace, the Mind Sculptor for one of my Planeswalkers. Or your Walls; I've been looking for those, but no one I know who plays Magic has any :*(
I would say that Crypt Angel doesn't work as well if you don't have any red creatures except Sootwalkers to return to your hand. You could splash red and do some Goblin Outlanders. That would be cool.
Plated Geopede is made for battle. That's why it has First Strike. And you can't win with Zektar unless you manage to activate three of them. I would recommend big Elementals, like Hell's Thunder, Spark Elemental, Sparkspitter, etc. Or you could just go a normal aggro/burn red deck and stick in Shocks, Flame Slashes and Lightning Bolts and use fast, annoying goblins to beat the enemy down quickly.
ur lands are $100 on their own wow
Infamous combo: Time Sieve, Sword of the Meek, Thopter Foundry
Damn... I roll with a B/R discard deck (Blood), that has a Malfegor, Putrid Imps, Dreams, etc. Never really seen a good Madness deck with green in it. This was surprising.
Yeah, he's pretty cool...the combo here is Curiosity+Niv-Mizzet. However, you have a great idea-more drawing cards cards. They will certainly be added.
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