For such a fantastic card, I've never heard of the Doll before. Train of Thought would be good for my deck, as would the Looter. My Red/Blue deck: Deck of Ambition
The Icefall would go better with some more creatures like the Barbarian Riftcutter, though I guess I haven't checked so I can't say there are any more. But a very nice deck, very centralized but with some elbow room for versatility.
This deck is fantastic! You try to blitz the enemy with Ball Lightning, Hell's Thunder, Hellspark Elemental, Lightning Bolt, etc., you Wither his/her creatures with Sickle Ripper, Everlasting Torment, etc., and you control them with Necroskitter! More necroskitters certainly wouldn't hurt, though, and, even with all the Terminates, you kinda leave yourself wide open (your strongest creatures are sacrificed at the end of the turn). But a very offensive deck, certainly able to take out any of mine. P.S. Chandra would still work well if you had a Lilliana Vess, too!
Good cards, no central theme. I don't get what exactly this deck is supposed to do.
Wonderful with Guile! Makes about half of your spells free to play. In a deck filled with creatures already having flash and instants, I don't understand Teferi's imminent role. Or the role of Venser, Ancestral Vision and Ponder. But they are generally versatile cards, and a counter deck is one of the strongest ones out there. Nice job.
I like the whole work-off-the-swamp idea. However, it would be nice if you put a few more swamps, or some more cards that could get swamps out faster, into this deck. And your Infest can pretty easily take out your Hypnotic Specter and your goblin (though I understand why you'd want the Goblin dead). Terror and Slaughter Pact seem to overlap a little, but Tendrils of Corruption, four Korlashes, and the Consume Spirits, fantastic. Beware of Quash, however! (Had to learn that one the hard way).
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