You could do away with the Groundskeepers entirely and just bring in a good ol' Crucible of Worlds. Or, maybe, some Rituals of Spring, or Wayfarer's Baubles, or that Kamigawa card that lets you take land cards out of your deck and put one in play and one in your hand...forgot what it was called, but it really pisses me off! If you have any ideas of your own, please look at my decks. Some of the comments are irrelevant, because I recycled some of my slots.
A few words of advice from someone with a slightly different Izzet deck: Curiosity. Ophelion Eye. Invoke the Firemind. Swerve. These are deal clinchers. And if you have any ideas for my Izzet deck, be happy to comment on it (sorry some of the comments don't make sense. I recycled some of my deck slots).
I might add some Pendelhaven Elders to boost your squirrels, and maybe a Crucible of Worlds so your Wranglers' waste doesn't really go to waste, but you've got a deck of a style I've never seen before. It's really cool.
Hmm...a basic black deck with skeletons in it. You might want to stick a few Vampires here and there, because the Skeletal ones pair Skeletons and Vampires nicely. But, other than that possibility of a bridge, it's not a noteworthy deck in any way. No thumbs from me, but if you want some more ideas, I've got a (not quite perfect) black deck. You could check it out.
Really nice, especially the Bolas, if that's just what you have on hand! For more ideas, see my Deck of Power. And please comment, it really helps me make a better deck.
Well, it is a really good Bant deck, if I've ever seen one. Clarion Ultimatums, Bant Charms, Sigils of Distinction and Obelisks of Bant are generally pretty common parts of a classic Bant deck, and certainly more useful than a stupid Borderpost (really, they're not very good). Ziggurats are a very, very nice touch, and after this, I'm gonna add some to my decks. You might want a Bant Panorama or two, but that's totally at your own discretion. Though it's not normally put in a Bant deck (more of a Naya thing), if you're struggling with mana, don't hesitate to stick a Keeper of Progenitus in there, too. Just remember it helps everyone, not just you. Don't really understand the Bubble, but whatever. A Sigil of the Empty Throne wouldn't hurt either. Get in an Elspeth or some such as well. But most importantly of all: Ardent Plea and Dauntless Escort. Classic Bant cards. Take them if you want to, and drop that stupid bubble. But your choice. Check out my decks. Currently, I only have the Eternity and Ambition.
Take out: All Artifacts but Thought Dissector. Screeching Sliver, Cathartic Adept, maybe Entrails Feaster now that you've got new stuff. Your call. Haunting Echoes Put in: Maybe Lilliana Vess, it's also your call.
Finally! A functional ninja deck: something a lot of the people I know think is impossible. Congrats! exactly do you get the Research out, though? Seems like you only have red mana to play a green/blue cost. But, other than that, you're playing around with your enemy's life total. Very empowering.
Especially like the All Hallow's Eve. Maybe get some of those sacrificial Goblins that the Auntie could just bring back, or some things to help the Rogues you'll be making with the Mob. Good luck with this deck, it looks good!
I'd guess so too. And, how are you going to play all those random spells without someone wiping the floor with you? I guess the deck just makes no sense to me. Deck of Growth, Deck of Ambition
Fantastic deck, man! Might of Cedars might be nice, or Spearbreaker Behemoth. But I don't have much experience with Green, much less beasts. This deck could probably kick my decks' ass. Deck of Growth, Deck of Ambition.
There are still just a lot of strong creatures here, but you've got the whole Trample/Flying/Dawn's Reflection going for you. Stone-Seeder Heirophant would go great with an Exploding Borders, and some Bloodbraided Elves wouldn't hurt, 'specially not Kresh. Good luck!
Wow...this is awesome. I don't exactly understand the Biorhythm, but That Which Was Taken is fantastic. Congrats on such an unbeatable deck! did I make two of those? Oh well. Anywho, thanks for taking my advice! IF you've got any to give, my deck's Deck of Ambition.
I have to say, it's a good deck, but only really because of the mass of fantastic cards you have in here. Mineomancer doesn't really make sense to me, but at this point you might as well stick some black in, maybe some Armillary Spheres, and call it a day. Rakka Mar is also a good choice, and with four-fifths of the colors out there, you might as well stick some Planeswalkers in here, too. But, you did find the most powerful token-spawns, and this deck probably utilizes them to a deadly advantage. Too many kinds of tokens for my taste, though.
Forgot to add: My (only) deck is the Deck of Ambition. Sorry for taking up space!
Very nice deck, good central theme with the ability to lose creatures and still remain on top. A Crucible would be nice, though, so you don't really ever have to lose your lands. But a well-centralized deck, especially with the Life/Death versatility/
God, how I hate friend has two decks; an Elf deck and a Control deck. They're both far superior to mine. Fantastic deck, though!
I don't get the theme. Guess it's versatile, though, with flying defense. Eh.
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