Ummm, didn't he just suggest Exava and cards to make creatures stronger in the very same post he suggested Shadow Slice?
How about a couple Glaring Spotlights. That way you can do one final hexproof unblockable swing. Plus if it gets countered all you payed was one mana.
What about Angel of Serenity? That could be a Blood Baron. Also instead of Duress, maybe you could try Undying Evil or Killing Wave.
Well don't forget life link and protection from white and black. 4 toughness makes him hard to burn and green has no removal( at least until he sprouts his wings). Really the only thing that can stop him is blue.
Please take a look at my extort deck, it may give you some ideas.However, if there is one thing I would like you to take from my deck, it's the use of Skirsdag High Priest instead of High Priest of penance. Believe me I have played with both cards. Just try it, you'll love him.
War Falcon maybe.
Any deck feed back will get liked! I really want this to be my most evil deck. In fact, my enemy is making a life gain life link deck as I type. Any comment that helps me beat the life gain gets extra credit.
I don't know if you would like this idea but when I saw your deck's name it made me think of Undying Evil.
There are plenty of flying blockers, the first that comes to mind is Fog Bank. Plus if that's your strategy, you could do with a few Aven Squire.
Even though this is a cool variation on exalted, it doesn't save you from what all exalted decks fear! Lots of chump blockers.
I question the use of Stab Wound here. A lot of your creatures are going to be attacking a lot. All they'll do is use their now useless creature to chump block. Better than taking two damage every upkeep. Personally I think that should be a Rakdos's Return. Unless your going budget so then put in Massive Raid, Mugging, Bump in the Night, Essence Harvest, maybe Skullcrack.
This is an awesome deck! I prefer Boros Elite to Daring Skyjek though. Some other cards you may be interested in are Thraben Doomsayer, Odric, Master Tactician, and Elite Inquisitor. From the looks of this deck, you've done your homework.
Who else is here because of the name?
And if you want to kill your opponent even quicker, try Stab Wound. :D
Champion of the Parish doesn't want to be here, but Legion Loyalist does.
Also, a nice card similar to madcap skills is Pyreheart Wolf. It's a little slower to use but it's harder to get rid of.
instead of Madcap on your sideboard try Pyreheart Wolf.
Hmm tell me more. What about the Deathrite deck really through off your strategy?
Perhaps you could consider putting it in place of Ethereal Armor. Ethereal Armor isn't a bad card but you already have obscenely powerful creatures provided they attack alone. With Gift of Orzhova your targeted creature would be harder to block with Flying and even if your opponent can block you would still be gaining tons of life. That way when your opponent swings at you next turn you don't even need to block.
I feel like Gift of Orzhova has a place in this deck.
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