In that case, take a look at Paladin en-Vec. He's trying to be a Mirran Crusader.
This is really not that big of a deal, but with Ghoulcaller's Chant you could possibly bring back two Black Cats instead of one! You never know. :-) Also you should put in Frightful Delusions. Also, Soul Ransom is really amazing.
Pretty cool deck! Maybe you should try Altar's Reap instead of Sign in Blood.
I believe you are referring to "Inquisitor of Kozilek"
I don't like alms beast. I think more Desecration Demons would do better. Also Vampire Nighthawk can be a very useful card in a deck like this. Also you should check out Tithe Drinker.
OK, I'm going to try him and see how it turns out.
Oh and you may like Ghoulcallers Chant more than Undying Evil. Most of your creatures are low cost so it wouldn't be too hard to reacast them. Plus it would give any of your undying creatures 2 extra lives.
I really like your deck. The only I wouldn't make this a tricolored deck is because I constantly feel I won't get the right land at the right time. But that's just my preference. I also made a mono black undying deck. Maybe you could check it out and tell me what you think.
This deck isn't to bad against control decks due to the many aggressive cards. Usually it's not too hard to sacrifice creatures. For one thing, Rapid Hybridization is instant speed and can be used not only to get a 3/3 token, but if you play it on an undying creature before it can be targeted by your opponent ( on the stack) , then you can technically make them waste a card. Unfortunately this is not my deck. This is a touch up for someone else, so I can't really give very accurate info.
I like it but you should add some instants that cause you to sacrifice a creature and have some benefit like Altar's Reap. That way if they target one of your creatures with say Oblivion Ring, you can sacrifice a creature, make it come back stronger, draw two cards, and make your opponent waste a card all at the same time :D.
OK, just finished redoing the original deck. Feel free to check it out, it might give you some ideas.
Geralf's Messenger is a great card that's fun to sacrifice!
Hmm... good call. I think I'll try that.
Provided you have the infinite mana going and a bunch of defenders the only thing that can stop you is a counter spell. That's why I will suggest Overmaster. Banefire too but that has already been suggested. But with Overmaster, you can keep your ultimate win card and still keep it from being countered. I also like Hired Torturer.
Oh, one good card that helps against burn and mill is Elixir of Immortality.
OK, that's understandable. This deck actually looks pretty fun to play. I'm really interested in how you keep winning. If you lose, please tell me what deck it was and why you felt you lost. But not if it was because of too much land or too little.
Actually, Blood Scrivener is a recent change that I have yet to test. Until recently it was Sign in Blood. As for Killing Wave and Immortal servitude, those can be devastating!
I actually run a very similar setup to what you have here, why don't you take a look at my extort deck. Maybe it will give you some ideas :-)
Alright, I see changes. This raises a question. What are you going for? What is the strategy?
Paladin en-vec is similar to Mirran Crusader.
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