yeah, i accidentally clicked blue instead of black, and when I corrected it i didn't click 'save deck' lol. And honestly this is just something off of the top of my head. I need to get back into competitive magic. it's meant to beat aggro. (:
Yeah tech is another good one. I just bought my Playset of cows and entombed off of SCG :D
Try star city games or eBay if you're serious about getting a set! Could be a little pricey but if you really want them they shouldn't be that hard to find (:
there are 4 metalworker already in the deck, he makes this deck :O thanks though! I appreciate it. (:
I like trinisphere, but found this deck was more about faster turns, than anything. Slowing down a tutor or a lightning greaves could hurt me more than help me in the long run. I do plan on making a prison deck soon, and the sphere might find a place there :) For reanimated I just side in ensnaring bridges, crypts and oblivion rings and hope for the best lol. I've never really tested this deck, so I can't really give you an accurate way to go about it. In all honesty my board in would probably be small, hoping to outrace them, but again I'm not sure lol
ohhhyeahhhhh that guy. Hahaha I think I feel safer with this over that :P
Hahaha god love canonist. but stifle as well, really hurts the deck. it's a neat little deck, I love it to bits, but as far as competitve legacy goes, I'm not sure this deck has what it takes. I'm going to try my luck with Pox, as well as possibly stax. :) Also, whats belcher? :S
nts; in the eye of chaos
Why thank you! And Merry Christmas to you, as well. (:
hahahaha that poem is so key, good job man!
Haha I'll take a look at the christmas deck now, but I'm pretty tired so remind me of the twin deck later on (:
Well the reason I like sphere is because he comes down turn 2, doesn't die to board sweepers, and can provide red mana. (: I really want another white sun's zenith in here... eff. This will definitely be tweaked.
Yeah thrun's a boss, except we can green sun for him :'D The board's not up, but there is going to be a 2nd thrun. He's just not the best in a lot of matchups.
Alright, so right off the bat the undead alchemist and stitchers aprentice can go. good in draft, not so good in constructed (p.s. this keyboard is awful so expect lot of typos.) a card i think is almot vital in any tokens deck now is honor of the pure. most your tokens are white anyways, so imagine a midnight hauntings pumping out 2 2/2s, for 3 mana. AND THEY FLY! how sick i that, haha. trust me, it's good. (: I know this is tokens, but that doen't necesarily mean everything in the deck needs to be token oriented. like mirran crusader is an amazing card to use right now, he just laughs at wolf run, olivia voldaren, and removal spells. as well as thrun. and with honor out, he swing for 6. (: I don't think you need timely mainboard. i know i said life was really relevant now, but in aggro you should be able to race them. I'd take out the timelys. shrine of loyal legions i good, but i'm really not sure how i feel about it here. how do you find it works? also intangible virtue could be brought down to a 3 of if you include honor of the pure. cards to look at; elspeth tirel dismember gut shot and oblivion ring. sorry my advice is rather spacey at the moment, but thi keyboard is driving me nuts, haha. so when i'm on my own computer ill return. hope I helped. (:
life gain is really important in this meta. with illusions, wolf run, tokens, and delver burn all being top tier, life is really a key player now, more so than before where control was really the only thing kickin' around. Talisman gains you life alongside ramping up to a faster elesh norn or frost titan. mind you you need to play conservatively, but even 1 extra cat on a white suns zenith could make the difference in winning or losing a game. and yeah sure man, |i'll take a looksy. (:
Haha yes I love dismember. But sadly right now gutshot is just better. With illusions being huge, alongside inkmoth nexus being an mvp gutsot just gets the job one. the dismembers are mainly for the heroes going around lately. (: And I'll always try my best to explain my choices thoroughly. No sense in choosing one card over another if you yourself can't explain as to why you did it. (:
Haha I try my best. I find FOW hurts this deck so bad though. I hate playing slow... I like explosive turns (:
completely forgot about board sweepers... updated haha. and irootbounds won't always come into play untapped. neither will copperlines. thats why I went with a 2/2 split. green mana turn 1 is sometimes needed, so yeah. lol. it's a preference thing, I guess. also htis is only a rough draft, during xmas break me and my friend plan on grinding this list down a lot. we do that with every deck (:
haha well if its just for casual, its perfect! I'm glad you have fun with it, man. thats what magic's all about (: No problem, man. if you ever wanna take a deck idea, go for it! thats why i put these decks up, for suggestions and hopeful help to someone else. (:
prob. not with the lim-dul's vaults... but either way, it could easily be turned into modern :O
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