I really don't think you need 4 dismember board. Yeah, they're good, but they're still 4 damage to the dome if you cast them. Honestly, splashing white might just be worth it, if you plan on taking 16 if you want to realistically cast those 4 dismembers. A single hallowed fountain would do. :O
Why thank you :) I try my best, haha! I actually just uploaded a sweeeet list I played against online! It needs a few tweaks, but it's definitely a new type of list, or rather, one I've yet to come across in times previous to today. Andddd on the fetchland note, I know the mathematical probability is low, but I just enjoy them :') But on that note.. why not splash another color, anyways? :O It could give you some serious sideboard tech, with each of the other 4 colors giving solid sb options. Personally, I feel white could be cool. Red could give you some extra reach, green... meh, it's green, you get goyf!! (joke), and in black you get amazing spot removal and hand disruption. Clearly, I am biased, but I think a splash could be worth it, I mean, it's not like it's hard to pull off.. right? Either way, something, again, to tinker with! And I actually remember you talking to me about you 4c when modern first came about... how I miss my luminarch ascension deck. It was so bad.. but when it went off, it went OFF hahaha
Zombies.. kind of ironic in how easy it is. I guess all this time they were hungry for brains because the deck is simply.. brainless. Muahahaha so punny!!!!! Haha, And combo is definitely a hard match up, but mainly only the storm side of that spectrum. I find in comfort in the fact that storm is an excessively hard deck to pilot, so I feel as though 2 thoughtseize are enough, and a surgical. Surgical to hit their ramp when they're trying to go off, or simply getting their kill con. HOPEFULLY, I can race them, but if not.. that's it, really. :/
It looks pretty solid, man. I'd still try for a 21st land with a few fetches, but thats just me :O And awh shux, makin' me blush <3 hahaha, thank you! It's the only format I really play atm, other than standard here and there. And the card out of the ban list I'd reallllly enjoy is probably mental misstep. all of my decks would start with 4x mental misstep, but bitterblossom is still a close second. Punishing fire was sweet, but it was such a pain in the ass oh my god, it needed to go hahaha
I feel like 2 thoughtseize is pretty good, it's needed v.s. combo, I feel. I don't own 3, so maybe 2 thoughtseize and 1 duress could do it? I'd need to test the match, but 2 feels comfortable, honestly. :O And yeah, it's no control deck, but it's still something you need to be half conscious for, as you said.
Oh no, don't drop cursecatcher! He's a definite 4 of, I just meant that with 4 cursecatcher, you don't need as heavy of a counter suite :P And I like the arrangement now, man :) Snag is a ridiculous tempo card, and especially with snapcaster mage. ...don't get me started on the ban list, hahaha, I WANT IS BITTER BLOSSOM, DAMN IT
Hmm.. 19 lands, and 8 are colorless sources? Seems realllllly ballsy, man. I wouldn't drop below 21 if you expect to play snapcaster and condescend realistically. I mean, yes, you have silvergil, and condescend for 1 is still okay, but if you want any serious tempo I think you're going to want to sit comfortably on 4 lands. Yes, yes, you have vial, and I mean, vial at 2 is still pretty sweet, but if I were you, I'd just run 21 lands and pack like 6 fetches. I also wouldn't go above 6 colorless sources, even with the vials, it's just too ballsy when you're depending on double blue on occasion and have close to little filter. You have a lottt of counter magic, how do you find that? I'd honestly consider dropping a little bit. Normally, a counter suite I enjoy is 3 pierce, 2 leak, 2 spellsnare. This way, you can pack some tempo! Vapor snag is honestly so good in modern right now, and into the roil could be really cool in the form of temporary removal. I agree, the swarm plan just gets there half of the time, but if somebody resolves a wurmcoil, you're in rough shape. Out of the board, I definitely think you need some graveyard hate, and some artifact hate, actually. I can't exactly think of the tier decks at the moment, but a trinket mage package could actually be sweet for this deck. 2 mage, 1 needle 1 relic 1 grafdigger's cage- that would be solid, either way it's like you're packing 3 of whatever one you bring it, and running 21 lands would also seriously help that out. on the counter note, again, you run 4 cursecatcher, I'd seriously consider some board-state removal, i.e. into the roil. :O either way, some things to consider! Modern's my pet format at the moment.. :'D
If I were to play legacy burn, it'd definitely be U/R Delver. Hands down. And yeah, pillar is really good, but I think v.s. a finks you just need to accept that that's 4 life and play around it. Instead of burning their finks twice, deal 6 to the dome and hope they don't have a restoration angel. If they do flash her in, just burn the finks, though. Always. And if you have bros down, burnnnn that finks hahaha. Flames is really good, but honestly realllly high on the curve. So 2 is definitely fine. In the side, I honestly think I'm going to wind up cutting eradicates for 2 dismember and something else. I just want to be able to burn them before they untap t5, plus it HURTS off Bob and is wayyyy too high on the curve :/ Some board cards I do want are; 1-2 pillar, 2-3 volcanic fallout, and 1-2 dismembers. Numbers definitely need tweaking, but the main is solid. 2 vexing devil is definitely correct, and ohmygod faithless lootings is an mvp. Where it's only a 2 of, you see it justtt enough to filter your late game. It just makes a 4 land hand with loot, guide and bolt keepable. It's solid. However, the deck's actually a lot harder to play than I had expected. I guess some players consider it auto pilot, but doing the math in your head can be tough at times! Math's not the problem, just considering the odds and whatnot can be a task, and it's usually 50/50. Mess up once, you lose. :/ I love the deck, though. Very much :)
I adore burn. It's weird, it's so mindless, and really only involves counting to 20, but I just love its 'balls-to-the-wall" game plan! I adore Bob. It's weird, I've heard a lot of people who love him, but also a lot of people who hate him. Yes- he doesn't burn their face, and a popular argument is that on turn 2 you could be dealing 6 to the dome, but that's costing you 2 card's (realistically 3, if you count the land drop) and then you're pretty much in top deck mode. I like Bob, because he CAN beat for 2, he's a hugee threat if left unanswered, and while I may have wasted a turn to deal 6 damage, I'm now garaunteed a turn to deal 9, and hopefully beat in for 2. :) I've been toying with the numbers a lot, though, and I feel as though a card I realllly want in the main is pillar of flame. I was thinking about cutting 1 vexing devil and 1 sudden shock for 2 pillar, but I'm not sure how I feel abut not having the two cards I'd cut in the main D: Vexing devil I enjoy seeing in my opening hand, but ONLY in my opening, past that, he's useless. I added in flames of the bloodhand because kitchen finks is lame, and for 3 mana I can deal 6 if that goes down, and also if somebody helixes one of my guys, or my face, I can pay 3 to deal 7. It's pretty sweet atm. Also added 2 faithless lootings to help reduce the flood late-game, and to make sure I don't gas out as easily if Bob just won't do the trick. Sideboard still needs a little work, I believe, but overall I'm enjoying its progress. How does the 75 look to you?
I love this deck. It's just so fast g1, and g2 it has the sideboard to answer everything. If you can't race it, you're not beating it. Eradicate answers a lottt of the format. :) Normal rdw can gas out really fast, but bob helps out a lottt with the draws, and also having bump in the night rather than shock actually makes a big difference.
That's where I come in! :) Hopefully, I'll find an answer somewhere in these colors.
It's not even the fact that it's a transitional period, it's just lately I've noticed an immense change in the website. :( Plus, now there are SO many sets in standard to build with, if there's any innovation at all, it should be now! But on the cawblade topic, I'd have to disagree. t2 stoneforge on the play, t3 leave counter magic open, eot sneak in batterskull, then control the board until turn 6 where you can just drop a jace? Not to mention t4 drop a hawk with mana leak mana back up, it was just too good. It's not even jace I cared about, it was stoneforge mystic. The shell they had, was just overall way too solid. When a standard deck can function with the same stability as a legacy deck, that's a problem, especially when that deck gets converted to a top tier legacy deck! Yes, there was a very high percentage of players playing it, so I can see the argument, but I'd argue back that the main reason so many players played it was similar to the same reason so many people play delver. It's really just the best deck, in the hands of a skilled player, that is.
In a grand prix a month ago, I forget exactly which one, it occupied 4 of the top 8 slots. :/ It's just so resilient. Resto is protection in herself, and then next turn kiki jiki just wins. Plus they can still just beat down, it's a really good list.
I'm actually leaning towards a heavier control list. There are actually a lot of cards I'd rather just do without. I might end up cutting the birds of paradise for more removal, actually. The speed is nice, but I'd forfeit the speed for greater stability. And in regards to redcap, he's not even the main enemy anymore! Restoration angel/Kiki Jiki is :/ That list is definitely enemy number 1 at the moment.
This wasn't even your deck, what are you going on about?
You can be a top player and play a bad deck. The best decks are the best decks, regardless of skill. The better players will play them better, and that's just it. Don't lie to yourself. Look at Caw Blade, Affinity, or any of the decks that got so rampant they required various cards to be banned, you really think those weren't the best decks? Sorry man. Wasn't calling you out, specifically, just in general this site isn't what it used to be.
Blood artist is actually pretty sweet.. never thought about her! And thank you! This list is actually undergoing immense tweaks. With Grand Prix Toronto in decemeber, I'm seriously looking for the best 75 of this style.
Damn, I miss when people made actual decks on this site- when the top decks were the top decks, not a 'popularity contest.'
Hmm.. I think I want some anti pod tech. it's a pretty popular deck, and resto is lameeee. possibly memoricide main? :O That could be really techy, hahaha
Ahh, but you can fury him. When he goes to the graveyard, his shuffle trigger goes on the stack. Where Goryo's vengeance is an instant, in response to the shuffle trigger on the stack, you cast goryo's vengeance. So basically, pitch him, goryo him, then your graveyard will shuffle and you'll have Emrakul until the end of the turn. :)
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