Thinking about cutting 1 lingering souls for 1 Baneslayer Angel, or a Wurmcoil Engine. Possibly a kitchen finks?
I knew that, but this deck is meant for standard, where ponder is legal.
....since when? I think you're mistaken.
nope. re-read mang. says this is the best deck atm in standard. further on he says lists vary, which is fair, but was just saying. :O I'm honestly not butthurt over any of this, was legit just stating wanatabe's list is the bee's knee's on standard u/w delver.
false. Not the best deck. wanatabe's delver list is by far the most powerful. :O sorry mang.
This site has basically just gone to the dogs. All the 'former' posters on this site are slightly annoyed with the mass amounts of 'lesser decks' swarming the front page, coupled with spam and trolling, while the few players who actually are just trying to improve are cast astray. It's a shame, this site used to be beautiful.
why so obsessed with kotr? :O Look up legacy stoneblade decks. I'd explain all the choices but honestly that's a lot of explaning. basically, follow their lists. they've pretty much got the best lists, currently, so all my suggestions are geared that way haha
Sooooooooooooo why puresteel?
griselbrand is the only card you want, to be completely honest. t1 loot, pitch grisely and something else. t2, goryo's vengeance him, draw 14, draw fury of the horde, deal 14 (two combat phases), draw up to another 14, find another fury, swing, deal 21. :) the squee's are for zombie infestation tech/any discard, really, and for fury (needs a red card). Jin is for eot vengeance, making them ditch their hand (just a nice idea), and emrakul is just incase we're swarmed haha.
I'm not trolling, I'm being 100% serious haha. basically what you're doing is taking storm from a new standpoint, but you lack a lot of the elements that make storm so powerful. I'll hand it to you, it's a neat approach, and kudos on the creativity, but in terms of tournament strength (which I missed... now noting the casual hehe) it just seems too 'fluke-y' for my tastes. I'd offer suggestions, but most of my suggestions would just be geared towards storm deck-builds. D:
meh, seems way too inconsistent.
moorland haunt
Deck's junk, haha. It was a nice idea, but sadly rock is just better
Not sure how I feel about this just yet, so, we'll see.
gahhh :/ now I'm tempted to make it work.... hahaha, ohwell. lately I find modern is my domain. In December I'm flying across the country to attend a modern gp, so I'm kind of just going all out. :) So if you ever see a modern deck of mine posted, all feedback is encouraged!
Hehe, so many people ask me that, but, it's just like an extra draw spell, without taking up a spell slot. Kind of like extra reach, you know? But thank you! I'm glad you like it :)
Yeah, I can see arguments for both sides of the table in regards to Jin v.s. Grisly. Personally, I'd rather a grisly, but I can see both sides. The vault's gone to the dogs lately, man. It's upsetting :(
Also, in terms of creatures, I honestly think sphinx of the steel wind is better than archangel atm. In the maverick, most their dudes that will pack a punch are green anyways, and RUG delver is still a thing. Mind you they can still stp it, but if you're really that concerned with removal, you have inkwell (: also, have you tried griselbrand over jin? I can't remember who it was, I think Reid Duke, just placed 1st at an scg open with reanimator. He used 4 griselbrand, so maybe he's onto something, haha. Grisly just helps in terms of life gain, and card advantage, both of which are amazing right now. Plus he's well out of burn range, and if they do go to path, take 7, draw 7. It's really broken in reanimator, hahaha.
with the red splash, why not try faithless looting over careful study? It might take a bit of a mana base touch-up, but in those moments where you're getting flooded (a.k.a having 3 lands in play, with reanimator) it could really make a difference. P.s. glad to see some valued deck builders still kickin' it on the ole vault. (:
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