
8 Decks, 132 Comments, 45 Reputation

Instead of Serra Ascendants or Figure of Destiny, how about some Student of Warfare? The best white level-up + it is a 1-drop as well. However, this is probably not so necessary - the deck looks quite fine as is (+1 from me).

Posted 27 May 2014 at 11:12 in reply to #466779 on White 1's (no racism!)


Yes, you would be able to trigger as many of your heroic creatures, so long as you decide to target them with Cauldron Haze (amazing card btw :) )

Posted 10 March 2014 at 01:49 in reply to #410167 on Heroes of Blood and Honor


Well, the two cards are both similar and quite different at the same time. While Young Pyromancer costs one more mana, does not require to be targeted by your spells - meaning that instead of heroic enablers (buffs) you can play with burn and, say, counterspells and still go to town. I have been thinking about including him in the deck to test out how it all works out. I was hesitating because it slows down the deck, but at the same time with him instead of Crusader I wouldn't have to worry about having red mana out on turn 1 for Crusader and so I could run 4x Temple of Triumph, just like you.
Ultimately, I think that I just might put both in - I quite like growing armies of weenie tokens anyways :P When I am done testing with them both, I will make sure to share the results :)
Oh, by the way, you could do me the favor to tell your friends to visit my deck and like it, I could use some more attention :D

Posted 02 October 2013 at 08:43 in reply to #400742 on Heroes of Blood and Honor


This is my deck idea, so far the synergy between the cards has been lovely:
I have also playtested with Soldier of the Pantheon and Wojek Halberdiers, they are great in the deck as well. I proxied Coordinated Assault with Titan's Strength because I only have 1... lol. I prefer having more creatures so as to swarm the board even if one or two get removed - not to mention the more, the merrier Anax and Cymede, Phalanx Leader and Boros Elite become. Ultimately, the mix of quick and agressive formations, evasion and combat tricks adds up quite nicely.

Posted 30 September 2013 at 15:36 in reply to #400078 on R/W Heoric


Quite similar to the standard deck I'm building, except I am still in the testing stage for how a number of cards would work in the deck. So far I have been testing with Titan's Strength for the scry and aggressive pump, but since I tried out Coordinated Assault I find it much better :P Also how including Brave the Elements in a mostly white deck eluded my mind is beyond me :D

I believe that 4 copies of Temple of Triumph is a little too much, as ideally you would like to start doing things as fast as possible and only occasionally will you have the luxury of time to put a tapped land into play (even though scry is magnificent). Another thing I would change is add another, -white- 1 drop - so that you start your engine running earlier on. Consider Favored Hoplite for heroic, and even Boros Elite and Soldier of the Pantheon - universally powerful aggro 1 drops. This way you will never have like me where on turn three you have a hand full of buffs and nothing to put them on -_- Oh, and Madcap Skills may not always the thing you are looking for - but quite often allows you to manipulate the opponents' blocks to your advantage, so that you can play your heroic pumps for maximum carnage. Hehe.

Hope that helps,

Posted 29 September 2013 at 17:20 as a comment on R/W Heoric


No problem, I wish you good luck finding a Vault or two :) Oh, btw, you could drop by my decks; I'm currently playing around with some deck ideas that I've had for quite a while now but didn't have the time to sit down and run them through the simulator :P

Posted 26 August 2013 at 23:48 in reply to #391964 on Skirso daggins (Modern)


Oh, yeah, Sorin; why didn't I think of him? He can be quite powerful in almost any W/B deck :P

Posted 26 August 2013 at 23:43 in reply to #391990 on Skirso daggins (Modern)


Take out one land and put a fourth Doomed Traveler, they are really efficient and go very with Cartel Aristocrats and Blood Artists. You have mana fixing so you can afford it. Also, if you could get your hands on a Vault of the Archangel or two, you will notice how your drastically improves. It was this way for me, at least. What's more, add 3 Duress instead of 2 Erase + 1 Griselbrand in the sideboard. Grizzly is far too costly to get out with hardcasting, while Erase only hits enchants -after- the are into play, Duress hits more things before they even come into play. Just keep in mind that more than half of the cards rotate out of Standard after September, if that's what you are aiming for. Anyway, test the deck at the simulator here or even with proxies, it should be real fun :P

Posted 26 August 2013 at 21:10 in reply to #391964 on Skirso daggins (Modern)


Commander's Authority is too slow, I've tried it. Up the Cartel Aristocrats and Lingering Souls by 1 instead? Bone Splinters is devastating indeed, but only in a heavy tokens/sacrifice deck, hehehe :) Duress is a strictly sideboard card, you need more focus on your creatures and removal to trigger morbid and, more importantly, achieve a better board position. Overall, I like it, it's pretty similar to a deck I had made some time ago.

Posted 26 August 2013 at 20:45 as a comment on Skirso daggins (Modern)


Actually, Vampire Nocturnus gives +2/+1, not +3/+3, that would be crazy strong, lol :) (Though the new sliver lord in M14 does that I believe... talk about crazy strong) Also, I do have Corrupt in the deck - and even Quag Sickness as well! In fact, I have found the latter to be more efficient removal in most cases despite aura type, higher mana cost and the lack of instant speed simply because it goes around indestructible and even if it does not kill, it most certainly slows down any fatties - which is what is intended here, slowly take over control while draining your opponents resources to grow stronger yourself :P Watch the opponent flinch and twist as the swamp you will play on the next turn becomes the final nail in his Baneslayer Angel's coffin ^_^

Posted 12 June 2013 at 08:54 in reply to #313549 on Vampiric Thirst


I am one as well, it's just that no matter awesome that gal is, the card itself is hardly cheap and a full playset of Students would cost me as much as 2/3 of the other cards here cost together. For casual play the deck is pretty much alright the way it is :)

Posted 13 May 2013 at 08:51 in reply to #310482 on Knight Ascention


I... am confused. The deck contains a great number of singles, so there isn't much consistency. Yet you say you went 7-6 at the first FNM try? Well, maybe I am missing something, but overall (and seeing as how this is an "unloved" deck, so you are asking for help) the advice I would give you is to start with deciding on the goal and type of the deck; decide which cards help you achieve that by playing/testing (the "trial and error" method); finally get more copies of those as necessary and fix your mana base accordingly. Sorry if this sounded too high and mighty, I just can't see the relation between some of the cards (becides their colors). Also, you are damn right, you need 4x Champion of the Parish in the deck if this to be is Human Aggro (and I say it again, -human- -aggro-). Having some bad-ass finishers high up the mana curve is great actually, and definately keep the 'walkers in (especially Sorin and Ajani, they are beastly in this combination).

Posted 14 March 2013 at 22:40 as a comment on B/W Humans



Posted 14 March 2013 at 22:31 as a comment on this is blasphemous


This is the second flavor-based deck of your making that I looked at in the last 5 mins and I give you props for creative flavorism. Not sure how viable those would be but, hey, it's all about the flavor, right?

Posted 22 February 2013 at 13:13 as a comment on Ominous Fate Befalls upon thee


The idea of the deck is messy, the mana base is quite unstable, also correct me if I'm wrong, but this is hardly a real combo deck. By no means am I saying this to insult you, I just wrote my first thoughts. I mean, what is your plan here? If you wanted to focus on hand/library manipulation, you have way more useful cards for this in B and W/B colors; usually Slaughter Games is a sideboard material card. Faithless Looting is a discrad outlet for reanimator techs. Tidehollow Sculler stands out too much as hard to cast and thus unreliable. The other guys might be a rather good fit together, though; maybe work on that to make the aim of the deck clearer? Hopefully I am not missing some crucial hidden tech here :P And hopefully still, what I wrote was helpful.

Posted 19 February 2013 at 23:20 as a comment on Combo R/W/B


Accorder Paladin works best with swarms of small creatures, while equipments require you to focus on a single one. If you count on making many tokens with Murder Investigation for the AP, better give it up as the combo can fall to way too many tricks and you also have no way to sac the creature yourself and trigger the token production. AP could still work together with the Aurioks and some 0 and 1 CMC artifact creatures (Memnite, Signal Pest, Ornitopter to name a few), while you could still benefit from metalcraft (while on the other hand the small artifact creatures don't benefit from Honor of the Pure as they are colorless). Otherwise, put in place of AP 3, better yet 4 Mirran Crusader, this dude's an even better beast ^_^ Way too many lands for a mono white deck, cut them down to 20 or 21. I'd say Revoke Existence and Shattering Blow are sideboard material, as they are rather situational (you don't encounter quite artifacts/enchantments in every deck). Instead put in Dispatch, it's like a Path to Exile in a metalcraft deck minus the drawback (if you have metalcraft on, of course). After that you will probably still have some more space left in the deck, so you can get inventive as well, especially if you like to experiment. Hope this helps, good luck :)

Posted 19 February 2013 at 23:12 as a comment on white


Well built, except that maybe you could struggle to play a one-drop if you have only so many colored lands, maybe up their number by 1 or 2. You could swap sublime for the enchantment that gives all creatures exalted (in addition to the one they already have, in this case). I don't remember the name and how must it costs, though. Also, maybe reduce the number of three-drops a little in favor of two- and one-drops (to lower your mana curve).

Posted 19 February 2013 at 12:55 as a comment on Monochromatic Exaltedness


Look ma, it's Thrulls!

Thrulls are evil. Kekeke.

Posted 14 February 2013 at 10:42 as a comment on New Old Thrulls


A very nice deck as far as themes are concerned, I'm not sure how well it would play though (I'm Leviathan-challanged, mind you). Maybe reduce your lands to 24-25 or so, add some dual lands for more flexibility and mana consistency (at least Simic Guildgates as they are cheap); this way you can remove your snake shamans as you won't need quite as much mana fixing. Normally, in a green deck you would have ramp spells next to mana dorks, and singles of whatever pwnsome creatures you have in the deck; also, normally, a blue deck would have a liiitle more card draw, maybe some powerful spells like Rite of Replication and stuff too. Just some ideas, good luck :)

Posted 13 February 2013 at 13:27 as a comment on Leviathan Rising


Boros pauper is Boros. Ought to be fun :) Also, unless you care much about the options that Dynacharge gives, you should better stick with Rally the Peasants, since you can flashback the boost to your troops.

Posted 13 February 2013 at 10:32 as a comment on Angry Mob


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