I usually stay away from playing decks other people have thought out, but I'd still play this deck anyway if I could. Fun fact: The three copies of Thoughtseize probably cost about as much as all other 57 cards in the deck.
My pleasure :)
So this is the infamous Legacy Tendrils Storm deck? I'm no pro, but this looks damn good. And complicated, yet fun to play, too.
First and foremost thing to improve: Focus. This decks lacks focus. It NEEDS focus. Give it some focus and it will give you a reward. What I mean is instead of singletons from many different cards you could include more copies of the better cards from the ones that fit your strategy and make the deck more consistent this way. Also, Murder is Murder. However, it is difficult to cast, so try not to put in too many copies.
A nice selection of Defenders and the like, I see you included the Chariot and the Gargoyle so I guess you do know what you are doing. However, the assassins are a little out of place here, use them in a deck that supports more creatures dying/has tappers, etc. Also, you should bring the card count down to 60 and reduce your lands accordingly to 24 or so, to make your draws more reliable.
It's definitely Modern, you could probably include Spirit Mantle for protection from creatures = unblockable with benefits (be careful not to get 2-for-1-ed though), the black 1-drop spirit from M13 Core Set with unblockable/can not block, etc. Increase your lands total by for more balance, try to add dual lands if possible (even two or three Guild Gates, if the other dual lands are too expensive for you) and reduce the total number of lands that produce colorless mana, Vault of the Archangel for example is something that I am uncertain you will be able to benefit much from, so maybe remove it completely? Anyway, thematically solid, for this you get a like anyway :)
Sorry, but aggro in more than two colors is rarely any good (in my experience). You will hardly be able to play CotP as often as you need him on turn 1, especially given your lands; actually, more than half the time you will hardly play anything on the first turn. My advice, either limit the deck to two colors, or change the deck somewhat. Aurelia for example is expensive, non-human (as are Firemane and Rampager) and is hardly aggro, if you are this far in the game you should have either build up a massive presence and won the game or been stunted in your development - thus already be losing. Well, I could be wrong about the purpose of the deck of course, but please concider the synergy between the cards. If this is really aggro, I would include a red one drop, either a human from Innistrad or the Gatecrash goblin; for a green one-drop, Avacyn's Pilgrim could help you get you otherwise unlikely ramp to stronger creatures, especially Silverblade with his hard casting cost. Instead of the dual lands you have here maybe include some shock lands from Return to Ravnica and Gatecrash (if you can afford it, they are rather expensive, I know... I don't have the money to spend on them, haha). In any case, good luck.Oh, and one last thing. HUMANITY. WILL. PREVAIL! Peace now :D :P
Well, you do fall to exile and lifedrain while waiting to draw all you need. Well, I might be wrong. Anyway, neat deck. And dolls are damned creepy here, lol :)
Liked. Twice, if I could. :P
Obzedat really is the Orzhov guildmaster in Gatecrash as well, however Vizkopa -Guildmage- is the one that can make the infinite combo (because there is Vizkopa Confessor too, which is fine for the prerelease, but not quite so in Standard). Anyway, before anything else, the number of your lands is abysmally low, put some more of them in, to go -at least- to 22, maybe more. Also, you hardly have a target to ramp for with Crypt Ghast - either drop him or get it stuff like Lord of the Void (that new mythic demon) and Griselbrand, etc. One Thousand Lashes is definately beast in Limited, but I'm not sure about constructed, and with Resto Angels running around no less. Also, I wonder if Contaminated Ground is any good. Maybe you should lower your mana curve, put some one drops in the deck to have some board presence for extort (Thrull Parasite) or a regenation blocker (Dutiful Thrull), dunno. Anyway, good luck.
I second what Archaneus and marco_guethoff said, Archon really is too slow and detention sphere is better then the O-ring. Delver however would struggle to flip here as you don't play quite as many sorceries and instants in the deck.
This looks appropriately evil. Props for that. You have too few lands though, make sure to fix this by adding about two more.
I like it overall, though there is room for improvement. Play around, see how it works out. Maybe use Delver of Secrets (even though I personally hate him, caused me so many troubles before, haha) as a good blue 1-drop. No, actually, you don't have quite as many instants and sorceries in your deck to play him. Oh well, doesn't matter. Have fun :)
Simply effective and beautifully composed. As always, W/B is one helluva combo.
Hohoho, wonderful! A more creative take on exalted. And it's dirt cheap to boot. I hope you net yourself a great many wins with that deck.
A nice thematic deck, though I wonder if it is viable to play. Anyway, love the flavor :P
How about infinite reflection? Also, there are more shapeshifter cards in standard right now. What's more, I wonder if adding some counterspells would be good, as it offers you more protection against the crucial spells for your opponent. Just some thoughts :)
Probably because Faith's Fetters isn't Standard legal, and this whole deck is.
This deck could work with blood artist but it isn't quite a good fit, as the idea here is to control and extort to death, hopefully with the instant-win combo; having Blood Artist could speed up this deck/give more leverage vs. aggro though.
Actually, countering spells doesn't stop extort either; you may pay W/B for each instance of extort you have on the field and each one puts a trigger on the stack. It's a separate ability from the card that you are playing/spell that you are casting, so even if that gets countered, the extort can still trigger regardless (unless you are dead as in at 0 life or below without you can not lose the game or similar effects- in which case as a state-based effect you automatically lose and the extort does not trigger and life drain/net you life). This is the power of extort! Really rocked at my prerelease.
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