Yeah, I agree with the above. Also, while Aristocrat is boss (or bosses? w/e) as a cheap and perfectly human sacrifice outlet you could also use Cartel Aristocrat from Gatecrash; one more reanimation target for you, and she also gets protection from colors, not just indestructible (with the drawback of not getting counters, and without the flying and haste though; comparing here to a mythic isn't really fair, lol).
Extort really worked wonders at the prerelease, I love the mechanic. ANyway, building around it is nice and all, but one more thing: Crypt Ghast can't support your mana needs with only two copies, and is better for casting big guys when you have "~ Swamp" Shock Dual lands out I believe; so maybe add a land in the deck to smooth it up. Other than that, experiment and find out how it works out for you, good luck.
Very flavorful. No idea how it would play out. Maybe add Debtor's Knell, so you are even more on-spot with the flavor. Haha.
Predator's Gambit. If you intend to use black and white enchantments, why not use it? It's 2/1 without the drawback of Dark Favor (which isn't a big deal, though) - but if you have only one creature on the field, Gambit gives you an upside to work with. Also, for white, how about Ethereal Armor? Stack the enchants on the exalted attacker, dive in with first strike and more +1/+1 on it. Just be careful about removal though, or you could get 2(or more)-for-1-ed. As Gatecrash is about to crash in, you could add couple Orzhov Charm in sideboard if you have trouble with your enchanted creatures dying to removal, while giving you access to one yourself AND a way to bring back your one drop exalted targets - better done at the end of the opponent's turn.
It's nice. Actually, it's so good, it would become even better with Champion of the Parish and maybe Daring Skyjek as far as creatures are concerned; Captain of the Watch is too slow and expensive for this deck it seems, or else it would fit with all the soldiers and with Assemble the Legion. Searing Spear is a nice burn spell (dunno if it would work for you). Also, and more importanly, Boros Charm! :P Oh, and having one land more wouldn't hurt, I reckon.
I like the idea, but you might find yourself missing a land drop quite often with only so few lands with your mana curve; I'd put a couple more lands in the deck, if not three. Other than that, keep on working and good luck :)
It doesn't seem to be pauper, given that War Zone and Argentum Armor for example are rare. That being said, seeing as how there are quite a few cheap artifact creatures here, how about adding Tempered Steel? It really is amazing in artifact-based decks.
Yes, you do have walls and regenerative creatures to absorb damage, but you also have problem focusing your deck. This isn't made for the singleton format, is it? If not (judging by the odd two copies of a card) try to think of a more focused strategy, figure out which cards are good overall, and good for your strategy overall, then get more copies of them (and cut down the rest from the deck). Well, unless you like playing like this, with very random chance of draws (which I have, and is admittedly quite fun, haha). Also, I don't play infect, but I'm pretty sure you are supposed to give them the 10 poison counters like there's no tomorrow, lightning fast. Your are using green; a 1/1 infect with a Giant Grown deals 4 poison counters. Do the math :P I hope you don't take offense, I'm just trying to be helpful, but too tired to be more polite, sorry :)
Pretty straightforward and on-spot. I like that.
Is cute. Low curve white weenie :P Maybe you could try Accorder Paladins, to pump your little guys on offense.
Wow, this deck is really neat. I am starting to entertain the idea of playing Pauper :P
Imagine playing against him, he has Curse of Echoes on the battlefield and tries to cast a creature. You decide to play a counterspell; then the Curse lets him copy it and put it on the stack. Now -his copy- resolves first, counters the counter, and renders it useless, as is said here. However, this works only on non-creature-specific counterspells, if I am correct.
Seeing the premise of the deck and so on... why not make it EDH? :P Just make all cards singles, add more lands, slap a five-color Commander on it and you are good to go, lol. So many delicious combos here, it's yummy. Btw, it's not "infinate", it's "infinite" (I'm a grammer Nazi, I've been told).Anyway, how do you follow someone? Can't seem to find the Follow button :P
I disagree, because while Commander's Authority has potential, the enchanted creature can be removed, and you lose two-for-one, maybe before even mileauge out of it. It also competes with other 5-mana drops, and there are enough of those here.Maybe, just maybe, although you would have to test it, you could take out a single Plains without it hurting your build. Also, I always wanted to make a token deck with Cathar's Crusade and never thought of a viable way to do it. I love it. Though, I wonder if x4 is not too much. Well, anyway, the deck has been improved, so kudos :)
Haha, yeah, I was intending it to work well for free-for-all. I guess all that is left is to get the cards. ...Oh shit. The moneyz. Well, far from the price of most Legacy-packing decks.Anyway, thanks for all your comments so far. They have been really helpful in giving me ideas and confidence about the deck. I also could find nothing, nothing at all I could take out so as the have x4 Shepard and Glory... One last thing, where is the follow button? I want to be able to follow your Soldier Spawn and Pre-Orzhov Exalted decks.
As much as I dislike blue, I've been itching to make some Azorius-style detain deck, and this really puts my gears in motion :) However, you would do well to add some counter spells, another one of blue's trademark abilities, in addition to all the detain . I have no idea whether the Spheres will work, though I've been tempted to make an enchantment deck to see just that; how about Arrest? Maybe get rid of Tricks of the Trade, since many of your creatures have evasion in addition to all your detain effects. Add 2-3 lands to make this more stable, especially seeing as you don't lean on draw (unusual for blue?).
"Cost a little"!? This is a small fortune you have there, Strands or not. I'm no good as far as Legacy is concerned, but this looks really good. Good luck.
So many cards I hate in here (because they always pop out on the opponent's side). Grrrr. This is the only reason I can not like the deck though, it's really solid and will carry you far and long.
You are right, Intangible Virtue is nowhere to be found. Why? It's simple, this deck is made out of cards I don't use in the my main standart one, so I am not particularly looking to improve it. Also, I was going to put the Bone Splinters main instead of Mind Rot maybe, not to mention remove Elgaud and get ?? in, but ended up not having time to think about it. Still, thanks, that was some useful input :)
Similar to my previos concept for my standart B/W Humans. There I still had all 3 Ravenous Demons, 2 Increasing Devotion and 4 Bone Splinters, just like you. In casual comboing the first two meant certain death for the opponent. In my FNM's meta though things are very different, either the game is increadibly fast and aggro can usually win by turn 4; or control is so damn annoying that they drag the game forever, counter all my spelss etc.; or midrage is so pumped with Thragtusk (I hate even the name of it, grrr :D) and Angel of Serenity and Griselbrand that I have lots of trouble against them. I had the option to increase my control elements or try and be more aggro. I went the second route, but with more control options in sideboard. I am still tweaking it, though, there is still a lot of work to be done.Anyway, let's talk about your build. First of all, let's talk about lands. Everything starts with the lands, no matter how lame they can be. You could increase your land count to 24 and still be happy-go-lucky with this mana curve - or at least I think so. Also, as you say, you need dual lands; I am not sure whether Godless Shrine will be a good addition for you when Gatecrash comes out due to the -2 life shock or enters tapped condition. Do you have trouble with aggro often? Anyway, I'd prefer to go with it rather then without it. It is very good that you have Cavern of Souls, I can't afford to get any so I often have trouble getting my creatures countered. Bleh.if you are using Cathedral Sanctifier to put off aggro and pump Champion, you need more copies, a one-of does not need to be here (it's not a bomb). Probably you will switch it with the last CotP when you get it.What's more, you have way too many cards competing for the 3-drop slot. Decide what to concentrate on, Doomsayers or Silverblades (as the SBP really shines when paired with Ravenous)? This is a choice that would be tough for me to make though, haha. The single Fiend Hunter is also like stranded on an uninhibited island, although the card is a great tempo buyer. Is this what you will substitute for a second Silverblade Paladin? As for Village Cannibals, they are rarely relevant any more as your opponents will be playing Humans less often now; overall, the card is just not very good, even though it has amazing flavor. You could just remove it from the sideboard and be done with it. Instead you could use Unruly Mob, it costs (1W), it feeds off -all- -your- creatures that die instead, also helps you get some mileage out of Bone Splinters, which is otherwise often a rather bad trade (without many tokens to sacrifice).Please keep in mind that Skirsdag High Priest needs you to have a board to be able to get your demons out reliably. So for this reason you need to ensure that either you can quickly get him and at least 2 more creatures on the board by turn 3 AND have something die, or play more tempo-control to gain time. There are many things to consider here; board wipes, burn, etc.Finally, take a look at my own demon-toting decks: keep working on them as they are yet unfinished, unrefined and blah-blah; however, I hope you come by to get some ideas, like them and comment to give me ideas as well. I hope I was helpful, have fun and good luck :)
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