I politely disagree. If I were to capitalise on Renounce, I would bump Barren Glory to 4 as well, because this is my main win-con (barring the opponent giving up in rage with exausted resources. By the way, what do you think about the latest addition, a one-of Phyrexian Rebirth? A similar effect with an upside; that's card advantage right there. I am only unsure whether it fits the theme well or not, since it's a different twist on the same tale - but just as cruel and final, if not more.
Well, I'll be damned. This would be sooo good in Pauper. And I don't even play Pauper yet ^_^
A useful and flexible card is Bonds of Faith, that either gives a Human +2/+2, or a non-Human can not attack or block (like Pacifism); it combos very well with Fencing Ace. Also, are you sure you need the max 4 Sphere of Safety? Why not leave them at 3, since too many copies could cramp your hand with Spheres you can not or do not, or will be too late to cast.
Archon of Justice, never thought about it. I tried to gather the deck around the theme and flavor. As for False Shepard, he is supposed to be sacrificed with renounce anyway (although renounce is mainly for the combo with barren glory), or get blocked, or anything really. More of a mind game and flavor card than anything :) And hey, look, this is my comment 100. Yay.
Yeah, I get what you mean, and I'm familiar with all those cards; however, I don't strive to pump all my Vampires with lords or have many of them out on the board, I rely on removals, Bloodthrone Vampire saccing, Blade of the Bloodchief and Essence Harverst. The Captivating, I already had him anyway and could not find anyway to sell it to (foil too), so I put him in as a more of an alt-con. Someone I know has a black vampire deck with lots of powerful cards (some you mentionend already), "sacrifice a creature" effects for the opponent, Damnation, Mutilate, etc.; I still kicked his ass with those weak-ass vampires of mine, pun intended. Maybe I will upgrade and change the deck in the future, after I play with it some more; so far though it has worked wonders with even less than all cards listed here :P And seriously, the Blood Artists are still sideboard because I haven't found any real copies yet :D
I don't know, the Flayers are very costly for you to have 4 of them, also I don't think Disciple of Griselbrand does much for you, you could reduce or overall remove them. Also, if you sideboard any more of the Ash Zealots, you might have trouble casting them when you need to. You also have waaay too few lands for this mana curve, get them to 23 or 24 to make sure you can cast your stuff reliably. There is potencial here though.
I don't think you really need Battlegrace Angel, no matter how much we might like the art, I'd drop it if I were you. Reduce the Cathedrals to 3, add 2 more lands - how about duals? - unless they are too expensive for you, that is :) For enchantments you could also consider Spirit Mantle for protection from creatures (unblockable!) and Predator's Gambit instead of Dark Favor (works better if your board gets wiped or something and you only have a single creature). Murder might be a little cumbersome for you to play when you need it, but I guess you should test it out first. Good luck :)
I think for this deck I have to agree, Fiend Hunter works just fine as tempo buyer here, he exiles instead of sending to the graveyard too. I would not reduce the number of knights, but that's because I have a strong "like very much" attitude towards them. Remember that Knight of Glory can not be enchanted by Skeletal Grimace, too.
I don't think the Rootborn Defences, or Lingering Souls is really necessary here. Just bump your removals to 12 in total instead (still only 2 Murder, they are costly for (1BB)), or something. Also, you could consider Tormented soul instead of Invisible Stalker, although Soul does not have hexproof - but is in color, and only (B). Also, keep in mind that Cathedral of War comes into play tapped, so maybe you should just take one of them out of the deck (leaving you with 3) and add 2 more colored lands for balance. Overall, solid work. Come check out my B/W Humans, as recently I added exalted in:www.mtgvault.com/dualprinciple/decks/human-deck-rises/
A nice take on the Ravenous Demon's power, you should probably switch the Increasing Devotions with one more Knight of Infamy and one more Knight of Glory (though the combo between the Demon and the Devotion ensures in almost all cases you will hardly run out of tokens, haha). I love it. Come and check out my B/W Humans:www.mtgvault.com/dualprinciple/decks/human-deck-rises/and my Ravenous Demon/Demonmail Hauberk/Thraben Militia sacrifice deck:www.mtgvault.com/dualprinciple/decks/dark-sacrifice/
Hahaha, oh, Human sacrifice decks are so much fun. I am still sorry I did not make a Deranged Outcast sacrifice deck :P Anyway, there are some things you could tweak to make it run more smoothly. For example, you should first reduce it to 60 cards only; probably you could get away with 24 or 25 lands; also maybe adding a few dual lands instead of the basic ones would be good, unless you are on a tight budget :) Woodland Sleuth is a bad card, no matter how much I would like it to be otherwise, remove it and get one more Deranged Outcast. As a contrast, Champion of the Parish is a very powerful one, and even if you use your graveyard digger cards to get him back repeatedly, he will still be cheap, you would do best to get 3 more of him. Maybe add Altar's Reap to draw 2 cards, trigger morbid and flip Thraben Sentry instant speed while he is attacking with vigilance (still attacks untapped, but flipped with trample ^_^), etc. The idea is very fun to play around; come by my decks to take a look, especially my Dark Sacrifice (experimental and not very optimized, but fun; although not quite as flavorful as this deck, sadly) as well as my W/B Humans :P
I am not sure at all how this would work out, but I sure as hell would love to see :P
I think the deck is fine as for now, just test it with the simulator or with the real cards, or with proxies and see how it works, then build on the results you got from there. Once I let a Fencing Ace unblocked in a W/G deck... boy did it hurt when he got pumped by Gigantic Growth :X I am only unsure how well the Angelic Overseers will work out, although they are cool and strong and all. Anyway, good luck :)
While there are many interesting possibilities, there are probably too many ideas so the deck feels somewhat scattered. You need more focus on cards, or some way to make even singles work. Birthing Pod x 3/4 maybe?
If you are running W/G/B reanimate, you should probably consider adding Griselbrand and Lingering Souls. To do this you could Remove Arbor Elf, add 3 more lands (basically get to 26 of them). Well, Craterhoof is a powerful (although dull) beater/finisher too. There is a guy who basically always kick my ass with his reanimator that runs only Angel of Serenity, Thragtusk, Griselbrand, Deathrite as reanimation targets (with Lingering Souls); you should max Unburial Rites, this is the main card of the deck! Good luck with your work.
Huh, lots of questions unanswered. Well, ok then. First of all, if you find yourself needing the support of the Veteran Armorer more often, then he is indeed better in your deck. But since the idea of the deck is to be aggro, it makes more sense to do more damage, hence have the accorder paladins in and the armorers in sideboard. The Stromkirk Nobles are much faster then the Blademaster. You can attack with MB on turn 4, unless you have some way to ramp your mana and get them out earlier and/or give them haste (Lightning Mauler?). The Nobles are much cheaper, can attack turn 2 on already, also grow in size, and are unblockable vs. humans (more of a factor in standart though). This is the more aggro creature overall. Also, about the Blademasters and Curse, it should be exactly the way you expect it to work. However, if I were I would try to find some errata on how it works online, or better yet, ask a judge. When I go to FNM tomorrow, I will ask around to see how it works after all, and then write again (if I remember, lol).Being able to attack aggresively means want to have as many creatures out as possible, and them being able to deal as much damage as early as possible (for example, Elite Vanguard is a 2/1 for (W)). Then you either increase all their damage together (the usual case), or use Hellrider (hehehe :)), or make them able to grow by using the curse and the vampire's inbuild counter gain. Don't have stuff like Fiend Hunter main board if you want to be aggressive, instead get fast, damaging creatures in; Fiend Hunter is a tempo creature, meant to buy you time (exiles another creature and is tough to take down by early aggro creatures usually). Focus on controlling creatures like Master Decoy/Blinding Mage/Rathi Trapper/Gideon's Lawkeeper is better if the enemy has fewer creatures of his own, or if you have many of them. Also, if you want to have unblockable creatures, why not give them flying, or unblockable instead? Cobblewings or something like that is equipment from the recent Innistrad block that gives flying; also Spirit Mantle gives a creature "protection from creatures" - so basically way better than unblockable. However, what you want to do is very important here - you should either go for more controlish build with fewer creatures with more potential diving unblocked (aka Whispersilk Cloak, Niblis of the Urn/Mist, Master Decoy + attackers), OR attack with many cheap creatures that get their Power and/or Toughness boosted (aka Accorder Paladin + Doomsayer tokens + Nobles); Hellrider works with both; Victory's Herald as well, though better with the second one; and Instigator Gang works better with the second senario. Also, try to limit your late game spells that cost 4 mana to around 3-4 and have more cheaper stuff - since else you should be more controllish... not very aggro. Overall, decide on what you really want to do with the deck, and do it. Specialization is better :)Against board wipes: Be faster! End games very quickly! Alternatively, go more controlling to try and outplay the opponent (not viable here since you need to have a developed board). Or attack with one or two creatures so as to undermine the effect of the sweep while still remaining relatively ahead; then reinstore board superirity.Finally, for your sideboard, it should have the total 3 Leonin Relic Warders, the Fiend Hunters, and the second Herald if you decide to run them at all. The other cards in the sideboard are useless, ok, to be more gentle, not necessary for this deck. If you keep the Instigator Gangs (a really good card indead, but not very fast or cheap), reduce them to 3. And so on, and so forth. Experiment! And good luck (Bleh, I rattled too much :/).
Yeah, I mean, no, I don't know how to do it, it should change automatically; but yeah, I did notice that it shows mono-white, while it is W/U instead. Lol. Anyway, someone had to make a fine miracles deck. Nice :P
If you are playing vampires with Sanquine Bond, make the combo complete with Exquisite Blood... :P Oh, and you would still do well do cut the cards down to 60 :)
Getting the opponent swarmed in rats. Ugh. Well, no idea how this would work out, but it does not mean you necessarily have to start the way you suggested, you could discard relentless for pack rat, or just summon one rat at a time as a chump blocker. To keep it modern, instead of Muck Rats get the rats that let you pay (B) when they die and make the opponent discard a card (Innistrad or M13, can't remember_.
If you are using Angel of Glory's Rise, you should run a ton more humans. Since you have green, you could use Deranged Outcast as a sacrifice outlet instead of BT Vampire: Put +2/+2 on another creature you control by saccing a Human. Also I would swap Diregraf with another human, if you want a black creature, perhaps Knight of Infamy? Even with Farseek you have too few lands, get them to 22 at least, given your curve. The idea is interesting though, good luck developing the deck. Also, come by my profile to see my Stadanrt deck, I incorporate a little bit of Glory's Rise in the sideboard (too slow for my aggro game usually):www.mtgvault.com/dualprinciple/decks/human-deck-rises/
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