Seems odd to me. Why not four Rampager? I like the theme, but I think the numbers are entirely wrong.
I know, I play it for the lulz. I take it out most of the time, but there are a few people in my play group that have seriously op decks because of the price point. They spend thousands on there decks that have just as broken combos as anything you can do with banned cards, and I just can't afford to do that.
Militants is honestly the only reason I could see that you'd win against the frites I've got half way together. That militant really knows how to piss in a man's cornflakes, and trust me... that's a weird way to eat cornflakes. Honestly if you didn't have it out by turn 5-6 it might even be game that way. Game two with these decks going toe to toe would be intense. Frites I'll be playing soon. Also, for some reason, I thought Geist-Honored was Dearly departed, but either way, it's not necessary. My frites deck I'll be playing soon.
Domri Rade is probably going to be around $50 ea if I were to guess. Better get your pre-order ready because everyone is going to suck his d*ck harder than a $5 dollar hooker for coke off the stomach.
Religiously dropping them or not, if it's not dropping them on turn four, your doing it wrong. xD
You need two more Serenity, four Thragtusk, and doomed traveler should be Arbor Elf. Replace the reg lands with shockland, and checkland as you see fit, but basic land doesn't cut it on mana base this format in my opinion, especially with other lands that are also viable to play like Cavern of Souls which lets you hard cast without having your turn wasted. Gnaw to Bone does seem like really nice lifegain, but I feel with such a ridiculously simple flashback, you could easily run two, or maybe even one. I know your not running Thragtusk, and if you just don't want to that's fine, but four of this card isn't worth it with the test draws I got on here. Two of them could easily serve as Clifftop Retreats to further ensure your mana when you get Faithless.
While I did the same as the above poster, I don't find it to be quite as inconsistent as he wants to make it sound. Even though, it's still not a competitive deck. Your playing cantrips like [card]Zealous Conscripts[/card], and that is a no-no worse than a double negative. There is no reason for the card to be active unless you know you have a target. Playing a five mana card that trolls a creature (I know it says perm, but let's be realistic here) against a control deck will do nothing. Hell, against mid-range control it could HELP them by giving them a reason to cast Resto on the target while your stuck with a 3/3 and minus one rites, or god frobid you hard cast it. It's just not as good as it was against Elesh, when you could steal one creature and instantly skew the opponents field. I'm not saying it shouldn't be played, but it doesn't deserve mainboard in current standard. Personally, if I were to go the human route, I'd be playing Champion of the Parish, Champion of Lambholt, Ulvenwald Trackers', Archeomancer, four supreme verdicts, and four angel of glories rise. W/G/B/U. Cut red entirely. You do lose faithless lootings, which is a suggested issue of consistency, but I don't think it's such a huge issue that it is a must, especially if you play control like Azorius Charm, and Supreme Verdict that can be replayed after rites-ing your Angel of Glory's Rise. Also, when Rise hits the field and stacks all your humans entering play, you simply put your lambholt's and Parish's in play first maxing out their p/t, not having to waste slots on Dearly Departed. Also, where are your Falkenrath Aristocrats? She wins the game any time you can birth angel of glory's rise and hit Fiend hunter. If you don't know, Falkenrath in play -> Rites Glory's Rise -> Summon Fiend hunter -> target Glory's Rise -> Falkenrath eats Fiend Hunter -> Glory's Rise retruns, and subsequently returns Fiend Hunter for repeat plus +1/+1. She already has haste. Only issue there is they are around $20 ea, but that shouldn't bother you with the list you have up already. Good Luck, and hope I helped.
Gitaxian Probe is far from legal. This deck was facemurdered by Delver with 3/2 Fliers, gut shot, and probes. Really... I mean it was bad, I played it for a little while at the end right before the rotation, and had two Sigarda, Two Ajani, and practically everything on your list, and still got owned every game. I'm really glad to see your happy with it because I wanted to punch everyone in my meta constantly for saying the words "gut shot". What I'd like to say is Ajani is far too slow to help any damn thing. Two Silverblade Paladin was always enough for me. I mained two Ajani though, and I ended up taking him out entirely. Just wasn't worth it in the least. 90% of the time, I found O-Ring to be a far better play just to hate crime on a Stromkirk Noble, or something other fly that was on my damned nerves. I will say that when I did when, it was about 60% ish of the time Sigarda. The card is just bamf. I'd play the damn thing in Mono black. Because he's just that good, son! Don't question me! ;] Your consistently having to play to win because Parish and Lambholt require a lot of plays to increase. Good Midrange could have you soon as turn four hits with Geist + Spectral Flight if your not careful. If you went up against heavy board wipe, it'd be over from turn five on because your can't afford conservation. Maybe it's a local meta thing for me at the moment, but a lot of peopel are playing bant midrange, and playing shit loads of monstrous board wipe. Maining Sigarda, and playing him conservatively keeps this from being an issue. It's ok if you just hold onto him two turns after you can play him even if he was in your opening hand. That's what he is there for. Bruna does it for me all the time in token control. I use a lot of auras, and control with a few token gens. Bruna hits the field turn 8-9 and she's instantly a Vigilance, Trample, Flying, First Strike 10/10, and that's being modest on her p/t.
He's playing four terminus and three thragtusk, and four feeling of dread. I think it can handle a few stealing creatures, but this goes back to what I'm saying to PoetMaster-X.... He needs Geist in that main deck, and he wouldn't lose game one to decks like these.
Also, I'd take out Sphinx's Revelation, and two terminus. I'd just forget about Cyclonic Rift in your SB all together. It's a cute idea, but I just don't like those high casts, and two mana to return a single creature is very under powered for a rare. Maybe I'm just hatin' though, haha. Another thing about the terminus is with eight to twelve draw spells that will be played probably midgame (turn four-six) I just don't see you needing board wipe that bad, but it could be a meta choice. Furthermore, the point is this deck NEEDS Geist of Saint Traft, and that's what I'd do to squeeze in two of them. After that, I can't see anything being a really beast against this deck. Just watch those Selesnya Charms hitting your Armada and Thragtusk.
How is this not control Midrange? If it's not then what would he call it? lol, people are so picky with labeling anymore as if it really mattered what you called your deck.
Not too bad. I like it, but I'd play green with it. Three color decks are soooo easy to pull off as long as at least one of the three colors is green, and there will be R/G shocks in standard soon, and there already is G/B shocks. Could be nice to add some Deathrite Shaman, and slitherhead for a turn three 4/4 or ideally a 5/5 Stromkirk Noble, and a 4/3 Lotleth Troll with trample, eh? Zombies and Vampires... together? :[]
Looks good, I like it, but I'd play search warrant over Dramatic rescue. Put Dramatic on side board. Search warrant in your opening hand is boss life gain, and it let's you play around your opponent. I'd also play 1 rewind, and a third essence scatter. Have fun. :] +1
It's some neat shananigans but in the end that is all it is. Would work better in EDH, and have a much higher win rate with similar combos such as the "pay x color: gets +1/+0", or firebreathing, cards out there. It's unfortunate, but this is definitely casual play based. What the guy above me said. is cheaper I think.
Thanks guys! Too bad I didn't see this sooner!
Swap Cabal coffers with Urborg. 4 Cabal - 2 Urborg. I can't see keeping Urborg that precious when the only synergy is with cabal coffers, and if you don't play four coffers then it's not nearly as good. Just how I would do things. Otherwise, fantastic deck. Might try and make something like it. Forgot to mention my G/W for others to check out! :D
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