Being completely honest with you I have mixed feelings on this deck. Thundermaw is a really good play against most White right now with all the super bamf angels that are normally released being actually playable. He could almost be a win con on his own. Dreadbore is going to be your main power play with Liliana. Also, Radkos Charm will boofoo anyone playing my deck. Definitely not good enough to main board, but if there making tokens then you can beat them in the face with that card. Thragtusk will help keep it from ever being a game winner, but it might as well read, "Target player is at 5 life." Just something for your sideboard.
This is by far the worst Jace yet. I believe it's because they powercreeped Jace over, and over so they are minding there P's and Q's with him giving others a chance to shine. I will say that it would be fun to steal my opponent's Vraska, but I still don't really like him.
I'm still going to play Selesnya with exalted. I doubt I really even add too much of Selesnya to the deck honestly, it'll just be more of the Blink deck that's been going around. It really just depends on what I can find. Precinct Captain I've already ordered. With exalted+ Rancor he will be amazing. I've been thinking of adding blue, but I've seen it a lot, and it's pretty slow for my personal tastes. Normally, I avoid three color decks like the plague, so even considering it raises my interested. Detain is indeed a powerful ability, and will definitely win games. Exalted on top of that could be a crazy combination, but I've already got Rancor so I'll just have to wait for the release I guess, haha. Serenity Angel is another of my concerns. Is it worth it to play one at her mana cost? What do other think about her? She's obviously good, but we do have Oblivion rings in standard. Do we really -need- to pay seven mana for her? I can't search her with Mwonvuli Beast Tracker, and Sublime is just so good I figure I'd probably play a third of her before Serenity. What does everyone else think? Golgari is not as good as people think it is. There is no RFG support for the deck, and most Scavenge plays are very high cost, and would be generally the only thing you do in a single turn. I think the mana ramp Liliana will be a must in it. I feel like it's going to be clunky, slow, and all around a power aggro. People could say the same thing about mine; the two advantages I have on them will be numbers, and I only have to attack with one of my creatures to add massive pressure my opponent leaving myself with a board full of sometimes large blockers (Entreat the Angels). Personally people seem to be underestimating the value of the core set, and Innistrad block cards that are simply ridiculously powerful. One set from the new block will not by any means put ANY of the guilds in a top tier spot in my opinion.
Seems pretty good. Goblins aren't really my thing, but after reading most of yours I might would change numbers around as a personally preference, but whatever works right? Good job.
This is something I'm guilty of, yet I feel my decks are tournament quality seeing as, well, Most tournaments I play and do good. Haha I probably should label my decks more appropriately because the term is very broad. For example, my Sneaky Blinkster deck is primarily token building/aggro. Labeling it as such would be a good description, but often enough I just toss the Tourny tag on muh decks.
Considering there are several Pro players that have written books on the subject of deck construction, yes, that sounds about right. It's a pretty solid argument. Do you want to write a book on how play, and construct magic decks? If that's what you do with your time I don't judge. I post my decks for feedback, and I give feedback on decks. I didn't come to the site to teach. I'd rather just instruct someone, "Your pretty wrong, you should learn to use google more," and be on with my day because that takes less than 10 minutes. I just clicked on this because I always try to learn what I can, and when I can. I saw this topic being offered, and thought maybe it would be informative. I clicked on it, read it, and found it's mainly just crying about people playing over the 60 card minimum. Back during WW I saw a 130 card five color deck stomp the piss out of some really good Titan ramp decks. I'd rather not squash ingenuity just because I don't agree with it. Is this elaborate enough for you, Mr IthinkIcantrollbutnotreally?
This is more of a generalization. You would normally have to have a rare at least to pull off serious power plays at four mana such as recently released Sublime Archangel (Mythic), which is a four mana win condition when used properly.
Include your decks link when you post, and your much more likely to get some feedback. :] You don't seem knew so it might just be something you forgot. haha
First off, consistency is a term used by bad players to describe how a play was suppose to go but didn't. It's a fail safe term, or otherwise, a term poor Magic players use to display that they are a poor deck builder rather than a player, as if there was really a difference in the first place, and as if it made a difference to how one loses a game of magic. It's an almost clever way to pull off the ideological play theory of how any one deck should be played at any one time, but the player themselves making "luck" seem a larger part of the game than it is in an attempt to cover there own butt for lack of being able to adapt to the decks current draws. Secondly, just because a card is good doesn't mean four should be played under any circumstance. This is a generalization that a lot of player I feel make a mistake on often. The biggest factor is casting cost, and how fast your deck covers the mana curve to play it. I don't have time to explain my ideas on this, or delve into examples, though that is a pretty simple enough statement that could be elaborated on.
I forgot this: -2x Commander's Authority +2x Unruly Mob Commander's authority is really high cc, and is far too slow to benefit from. imo.
Really like this deck. There are a few things I'd change, but it's all about personal taste. I probably wouldn't use Thraben Sentry. It's 4cc so I'd probably use Sublime Archangel in it's place, because your making plenty of tokens for Exalted to be a fine win con in here. As far as Skirsdag Flayer Goes, I'd probably play Skirsdag High Priest's instead. Same cc, but no cost for the ability. You don't really need to trade off creature sacs for four mana. In this case, you'd also need your fourth bone splinters. What you can do for that would be removing Village Cannibals. Add one more Unruly Mob, and one Bone Splinter. Final Breakdown: -2x Village Cannibals -2x Thraben Sentry -3x Skirsdag Flayer -2x Exquisite Blood +2x Cathars' Call +1x Bone Splinter +1x Sublime Archangel +2x Mentor of the Meek +3x Skirdag High Priest Good Luck! :]
This is an infinite combo with one of my fav cards : Wurmcoil Engine. I figure it's an engine, so let's make it do what it's suppose to! This is the combo in action with several other combos to produce a REAL horde. Not just one, or two types of tokens either...Tons of zombies, artifacts with lifelink and deathtouch, 5/5 demon fliers, and Ooze toks... Not to mention they will have infinite power and toughness too to render dirty little tricks like batwing brume worthless. :]
Made an adjustment, or two after reading. Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond = Win. I just like Sanguine bond so much, I had to put in EB. I had a more efficient Elf Token, but I went and decided to play like a Timmy/Johnny combo here. This is more fun than mass producing a horde and swinging. It got boring. This rarely takes more than two - three turns to have a win condition set up anyway, and I feel like I have a goal rather than just winning. Most decks I build are really Spike like, and gunning for the throat gets boring unless I'm in a tourny so I got to have some casual stuff around. haha
won't even have mana dorks for mono green past rotation, but GW is a strong combo anyway. :] Gl, doesn't look to bad really.
I support this 100%. Also, read my other comments below the second post. :D
Another thing I'd consider for this is Sublime Archangel. Crazy powerful. Build a small token base with Gather the Townsfolk, Attended Knight, and Hero of Blade Hold. You'll murk 'em hardcore style.
Presence can mean just as much control as power. Control doesn't rely on just the sole ability to maintain your opponents field because if you consistently tapping your stuff to keep the opposition suppressed your setting yourself up for failure. In this case, he has Elesh for his fatty, so all should be good, but I completely agree with two Hero of Bladehold in this deck 100%. I'd take out one Gideon, and one Norn's Annex for them. I'd also play Gather the Townsfolk at two or three. Everyone check out my standard GW Blink deck. :] I need suggestions to keep the deck alive after October when things rotate out.
Not only for people who don't but also those of us that can't. At work I can't use forums. :o
This is good, but to give it MAX TEETH you need some mana ramp some where. Least that's just how I play. Speed, speed, speed, but that's mostly everyone. haha
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