A link would be nice. :]
-wrath of god +Day of Judgment There are other numerous things I'd change. Can't really say I like this build a whole lot. I'd post all my changes but I might as well make the deck and link you if I were to do that. :o
Obviously it matters if they are indestructible. Which they are. This is a fine deck. Personally, this deck needs mana ramp of some sort. I think it goes without me saying exactly what counters could be add since it's a vintage deck, but I'd add an inf mana combo or two as well. Could make a fun challenge to win with kaldra directly.
Yeah, took about two weeks to convince my wife to let me buy the swords.... haha... xD
Check out: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=350391 It's what I run atm.
Ponder is rotated now. :[ The next best thing is Index, which I recommend adding. Looks good.
That depends on your point of view. I make about 1 deck a month that is a quarter of the price of this one. I doubt I'll have another deck this nice for a while, haha.
Yeah, I was thinking about it. During m12 I was using spirit mantle for him. Sooooo goooood.
I like it. Seems pretty legit, but I would indeed replace the rats for black cat. Mainly just because real men love cats. XD
I'll be running uw soldier control. I'm liking it a lot. Didn't lose a match last friday, and very seldomly a game. I think two-three game loss out of about 12 matches is pretty good. :] http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=350391
Seems a little pkain to me. I'm one to mix things up and be complicated for no reason though. Haha The below is a uw soldier control. :3 http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=350391
Play mimic vat for the wurmcoil. With parallel lives it's crazy fast token production.
If you care to look: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=283878 I passed over screams from within. Really cool stuff. I haven't really changed my deck hardly any since I made it. I need to revise it probably, but it is atill running ok. :]
You get a like because, I have to say, I forgot about Oracle of Nectars, which was my first rare ever in magic from shadowmoor in it's prime. Though, all of your mana production elves are in no way necessary. But I'm also not playing Nectars.... Yet. :D Thanks for the bro tip! Also, I don't think my deck is quite as broken as yours is. Mine is built for a few tokens to last a while rather than continually having to make them every single turn. I just tap out imperious perfect's for how ever many I have on the field and leave it at that normally, and always play the first promenade I get to my hand as soon as I have over 6 - 7 elves in play. From that point on I mostly have 3/3 or higher tokens that can eat. Coat of Arms is just a dead draw to me because it's a cheap way to win imo. If your going to do that just put in Epic Struggle, and then you don't even have to attack. xD
thewuest has already mentioned this, but you REALLY need 4x mind funerals. I can't tell you how great it is to pay three mana and watch half your opponents deck fall into the graveyard.... Also, Twincast with ANY mill spell is absolutely FANTASTIC. I've took game off of Mind Funeral + Twincast I can't tell you how many times. Also, though this is a very slow card, if you think on ways to utilize it quickly it could be interesting: Cast through Time. As noted it's a really high cost, but maybe something can come of it. ~ Enjoy.
Guul Draz Vampire is a far better one drop than Vampire lacerator. I don't see why people use that useless 2/2 over a 1/1 with intimidate, that is a 3/2 with intimidate late game. Otherwise, your mana curve with your spells is two high to be attempting two things at once. Remove the dismember entirely, and use 4x Go for the throat. Remove grizzled outcasts and add in two more Daybreak Rangers. Remove the Memoricide and add in 2x Gestaf Shepard, and two more bloodghast. I could say more but I really don't feel like it and honestly, the deck is slowly not evening being your creation.
Yeah, Ik what you mean. Play testing doesn't like it much honestly. I'll probably put the Black sun on side seeing as it's really not nearly as playable as I originally thought it'd be. I wasn't sure of a replacement so I just threw in another lightning bolt and another Terminate. I'll stick by my Green Sun's though. Got to love fetching birds straight from the deck. :D
At first look I saw about a million things that could be improved upon, then realized this seems to be a strictly T2 deck. I'm not super familiar with some of the most recent sets yet, I don't see how you call this control. As many have said control is based off either counters, removal, or a mixture of the two.
I like this old combo. The only thing I have a problem with is probably the lack of Ajani Goldmane. If your going to bring your opponent to a virtual standstill you can't exactly call the Goldmane + Wall of Reverence life combo broken, and I just don't see a point in Frost Titan. For what you get it's just not good enough for me to justify it's use. Ever, lol. Besides all of this, I think your main win condition is Felidar. Another good combo for white is Pariah + Cho-Mano, Revolutionary. ~Enjoy
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